Forumuser's (formerly Mleirbag) magic/psionic journey

I think experimenting with the different Intention Repeater tools may be interesting.


A bit advanced but hey…doesn’t hurt to know. Dunno how he would do it these days.


You know… you have to let yourself get possessed by the energy of the thing for it to be truly potent.

Let it work through you, so to speak - take a back seat.

Meditation, fasting, spiritual learning, compassion, etc. All of this things will help you hear the whispers of the upper realms more easily.

You want confidence? experience what it’s like to be a tiger or a lion, and then, if your brain waves are low enough - conceptualize pulling the thing and anchoring it into the image or audio - or whatever.

It’s really simple, and if you’re in-tune enough - some things will even call to you, like the time with Phanuel, Splendor Solis, Potion of the 3 Magi, etc. (for me it was a buzzing in the ear that I had to meditate on and execute)

That’s as far as energy goes.

Morphic Fields are more like backward engineering something - so they require studying and analysis - a lot of information gathering goes into it - it has to have a quantum subfield of support to work.

So you can’t make a morphic field for “Confidence” per se - it has to be a chemical like Androstadienone or Androstenol with a deep understanding of what they bind to and what they release. You’ll have to have a lot of data and leave no loop holes - and you will also be exploring that space to see if there is any information that you’ve missed. It is a lot more detailed than energetic programming - as the latter is far more intuitive, while the former is significantly more “taxing” and “time-consuming”.

The core principles are the same, but there’s a huge divergence in execution.


Thanks for advice man! right now, Im not trying to create fields, but I start small with thoughtforms

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I will let You know in few days how it works.
I use it as screesaver and i left it lturned on for an hour today as i was working on my laptop.
I was little more confident during face time with my boss. He reacted with some kind of ave lol to my idea. Also he was more focused while talking to me.

It was pretty mild but noticable.

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I would suggest caution, especially if using some of the tools created and discussed on intention repeater threads/forums. I absolutely do not like the energy from the holo-something tool.

Do NOT give your power to psychic vampires trying to consciously/unconsciously siphon off life force. Be very cautious uploading your picture to machines/angels/servitors/manifestation tools advertised here or elsewhere. Energetic purity and quality are reflected in how someone behaves in day-to-day life. Someone with little to no emotional stability and maturity is a red flag :slight_smile: And I am not saying this about Intention Repeater’s creator specifically (I don’t know this person), but those who get it, get it. :sweat_smile:


I think this person is/was on this forum.
I used intention repeater for a while back in the day, but it wasn’t my thing.
For magic/energy related stuff I use mainly Dream’s and Blaze’s stuff.
And Psychic Universiy since recently! Amazing stuff

Being aware of what could be done with just a picture, I dont even have any photo on social medias

Awesome! do keep me updated please. I charged it again yesterday for a bit, but tommorow or day after tommorow I plan to spend 1h+ on this mandala.


hey man this is very interesting but I don’t understand what you call thoughtform? Since a mandala and a thoughform are different, is thoughform the same as tulpa according to my limited knowledge or is it not? Are you trying to create a tulpa?

I’m just asking to learn, I don’t have much knowledge on this but I would like to know more.


Thoughtforms are basically just clumps of psychic energy.

We create them all the time by thinking about anything, but those thoughtforms that we create all the time tend dissipate quickly, because we aren’t focused on those thoughts, we aren’t thinking them while in the deep state, they aren’t clear and we are only thinking them for a short periods of time.

I don’t know if you ever used “subliminals”, but if you did, and they were good, then maybe you noticed that sometimes you were able to influence outside world.
But how is that possible if those subliminals are only meant to produce change in your mind?
Thoughtforms were at play too. If subliminal is well made it will put you in a deep state of mind and sort of “think thoughts for you”. So by using it you would be creating thoughform too.

That’s big part of why mastering meditation is so important for anything psychic related.
The more time you are able to think about one thing, visualize etc. with clarity and deeper the focus, the more powerful your psychic influence will be.

That’s the best way I can explain it


Thank you, very well explained :pray:t3:


Love the reminder and perspective 🩷 thanks


It feels like a crown and then a limiter or target for something potentially negative if taken too far… power? pride?

Edit: read further down, gotta say, that was a moment for me. I’ve been trying to learn how to get out of my own way with my intuition for years now.

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Perhaps have u considered Tower of Power?


I will research more about it, thank you!

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Lately I have been confused and worried, because for some reason various kinds of troubles and bad habits began to enter and re-enter my life.
On top of that, I became less and less resilient and disciplined, my motivation and happines would go down gradually.
I tried to change my playlist, take a break from fields, meditating more often, but something was wrong.
I felt like my life was getting out of my control and I had no idea why.

It all became clear since I started taking cold showers again.
I realized that my willpower, motivation and happiness levels slowly began to drop the moment I took a “short” break from cold showers during winter Holidays.
When I stopped doing cold showers, suddenly I wanted to take a break from working-out too.
Then diet. Then sobriety. Then non-smoking. And short break turned into a months break

As I re-introduced cold shower practice to my daily life, suddenly all other challenges that require motivation and discipline are easier too, natural even!
And my levels of happines and contentment are all time high too.
Im never going to stop cold showers/immersion again.
Its ok to eat fastfood or skip a workout sometimes, but skipping cold shower is a no-no for me!
It feels great to be on track again!
I recommend everyone to try, but be carefull if you have heart/blood pressure problems!

Just googilng about benefits of cold showers will give you a ton of results.
Here is also a great podcast about cold exposure if anyone reading is interested:


Didn’t know if you were aware but:

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Yeah, I was but I don’t think I need this, I don’t have any health issues that would prevent me from cold immersion.
Thanks for input though!

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Today during my meditation I have noticed that two types of thoughts would occur in my mind:

“Passive” and “Active” ones.

Passive ones would happen by themselves, and they were mostly about other people or what I have to do tommorow.

Active ones happened when I analized the passive ones, engaged in them and/or trying to notice them without engaging my consciouseness in them. They also seemed to happen when I “started” to think the thought, instead of it coming to me, from the lack of better words.

I have also noticed, that apart from thoughts, sensations also wanted to draw me in and immerse myself in them, such as bodily sensations or hearing thigs happening outside.

So I would categorize 2 “distractors”; Thoughts and Sensations, while thoughts I would also categorize as active and passive ones.

Also, I watched Huberman’s podcast about resilience and tenacity today, and it looks like, that in order to grow brain part responsible for those, we need to consciousely engage in things we dont want to do.
So, for instance, if I grew to love cold showers and I await to do them, they aren’t as beneficial as they were at the beginning, at least willpower-wise.

So Im thinking about some meta solution; a thing that will always be unpleasant. Like taking a small needle for example, and pricking myself to the extension of creating pain but not hurting myself.
Im not a masochist so that would never be pleasurable lol, might be good for generating willpower long-term.


I just felt joy/Positivity from the mandala, but it can be thanks to the programming you mentioned - assertiveness and bring in control type of feeling good, Idk (I read your comments after looking at it for a little bit under 1 minute - well, maybe I should have tried for a little longer).

I’m not really great at discerning energy or programming :sweat_smile:.

If You want to and if you like this/if you have a passion, You should definitely continue on this path (magick, energy Infusion, Energetically programming, Mandalas creation, creating fields maybe, etc.)

Good Luck. :pray::four_leaf_clover:


Thanks bro!


I can’t remember where I read it, but it broke meditation down to two types. Awareness, which is the immersion of self in everything around you all at once more or less, and single pointed focus, which is the immersion of self in a singular thought/concept/sensation/meditative object (mantra recitation meditation would count) to the degree that everything else ceases to enter your perception, eventually, including yourself. Mindfulness is supposed to be a pretty decent mix of the two.

All that to say, it’s perfectly normal to have passive/active detractors during meditation. Successful mindfulness meditation is having all that happening and just returning to your focus (usually breath but it can be anything) over and over and over again.

Which, further simplified, means there’s no such thing as a bad or wasted or less successful meditation session other than the one you don’t do. It could be argued, even, that the more distractions you encounter that you successfully return to your focus after, the more effective the meditation.