I found this on Service on etsy (someone else is selling the exact same product on etsy )
and i was thinking « why not request this on the forum? » so the description of this service (that i haven’t bought at this moment, i prefer discussing with the seller first ) really caught my intentions so here’s what it says (direct copy of their description) :
This will include:
You and your life becoming sacred
Feeling at one with all that is holy
Become filled with light of the entire Universe
*Receiving so much Positive Energy flowing to you and flowing from you. *
Feeling pure unconditional love
Becoming an ascended divine being
Emanating peace and universal love
Breathing in the light of the Almighty
Being as infinite as the universe
Connecting to the unlimited abundance of the Universe
*Being as free as a bird *
Having an enlightened spirit
Allowing the all seeing energy to guide everything you do
Shining your spirit and light on all those around you
Being pure divine light
Finding enlightenment each day that comes naturally and effortlessly
Acknowledging the Almighty Energy Force in every creation
Allowing the Universes to work through you
Your life becoming a blessing
Deriving happiness from the spiritual nourishment of the Universe
Allowing rest, security, and love to wash over you
Feeling safe in the arms of the Almighty
Spirit always guiding you
Becoming aligned with your higher purpose
Being rooted in the creative core energy of the Divine
Feeling the power of divine love
Becoming whole within your spirit
Opening your heart to the guidance of the Highest of the High
Your life becoming saturated with the gratitude and compassion of the supreme
Being kind to all living things
Aligned with the Universal Life Force
Your spirit being at peace
Your spirit and courage being unwavering
True Love for humanity flowing through your veins
Sharing your wisdom with the world
Your energies being in harmony with the creator of all creation
Your heart being tranquil
Your spirit moved by the holiness of the most highest of the high
Embracing the connection you share with all life on this Earth
Being a beautiful soul
Being truly grateful for the amazing blessings in your life
*Knowing that everything happens in its own time *
Feeling increasingly happy to live your journey
Living in Nirvana each and every day
The Universe shining its pure light upon you perpetually
I taught that maybe it could inspire for a new project of some sort here 🪷
I don’t know the outcome of this service on etsy since i still haven’t bought it and i have a lot to do rn so please i will unfortunately not be the best one to give a report on it