Freedom -- Psychic University

I know.

Can I buy it again (actually buy it this time) and send it to the same email address?

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You will see a purchase again button on the page if you’ve already bought.

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Wow, Thank you very much :pray: :white_heart:


Yep. Done it, at least I paid, :sweat_smile: even if not much to be honest.

Also, this is my first purchase from Psychic University.
Thank You for offering us these Wonderful Creations that can help us in so many ways.


Thank you for the Freedom 2.0!

Does Freedom 2.0 also cover financial freedom?


This might be good to play right now

I’d assume that the feeling/concept of freedom also covers this area, or can at least be guided to.

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I listened Freedom 2.0 for the first time yesteday overnight and had several very vivid dreams in which bugs came out of my body. I woke up twice thinking it was true and scratching myself.

Anyone with a similar experience?


In your case the symbols are very obvious.
The field helps you to become more free.
You released some negative stuff (represented as bugs) and so now you are more free :slight_smile:

Releasing negative stuff is a good sign. Keep working with the field :rocket:


Thanks for your answer!
Yes, I know about this but I got conspiratorial hehe.
It felt so real that I was left thinking that maybe these bugs were some kind of reptilian hex implants that were removed from my body :grimacing:

Bugs/Roaches are sometimes associated with subconscious fears.

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