Frivolous (Sapien Medicine album)

I see… Well man you can keep grinding it out… Maybe listening to less fields and just focusing on fields for this can work, but I’m sure there’s other things you’d like to work on as well and wouldn’t want to drop lol

Also give this field a listen first thing in the morning as your beard grows faster when youre awake than when you’re asleep for some reason

  • Plasma to mitochondria (to prepare you and your cells for the entire stack)

  • Flow of jing a few times or the negentropic jing if you have it (to prepare you to get the most out of test booster and DHT)

  • Chi elixer a few times or negentropic chi (chi is contained in hair)

  • Test booster (to prepare you for DHT and epic beard growth)

  • DHT (to prepare you for epic beard growth)

  • Ego dissolution (to get rid of your egos interference with getting the beard you want)

  • SLR (to remove any limiting beliefs around you having the beard you want, I’d suggest thinking of all these limiting beliefs you have around having the beard you want while listening to target them more directly)

  • Epic beard growth

  • Torsion field (to prepare you for plasma)

  • Plasma (plasma makes every stack more effective)

  • Love appreciation and gratitude (to put you in a state of gratitude in preparation for higher being experience)

  • Higher being experience (see yourself with the beard you wish to have)

  • Love appreciation and gratitude again to seal it off (appreciate and feel gratitude of how effective these fields are working for you now and the results youre bound to receive)

Fields to consider:

  • IPF

  • Vibration of creation

Regular use of these two can help the hole process i explained at the end of the stack regarding love appreciation and gratitude and higher being experience… Vibration of creation also helps to create anything you wish to manifest


Out of all these fields, which do you think have the best effect for a beard development? @Dreamweaver or @GoddessesAndGod

Personally I’d say this is the end all be all stack in my opinion lol

I edited my post with all of my reasonings


You have ZERO right to say it doesn’t work. It didn’t work for you. It has worked for many others.


I mean sad to say, I’ve talked to many people regarding this, and they said it hasn’t worked for them too, but yet again, everyone has different results. This is on my behalf and on the behalf of the couple other people I talked to

It’s really not that deep :joy:, if it works then it works, if it doesn’t then oh well. It would be nice to get an improved field that would work on everyone or most people, but it does not matter. It’s Dreams choice

Alright then? It’s one field that didn’t work for me, it is a forum for a reason. To discuss about various things, and I been around Sapes channel for a while, grateful for every video. I suggest you listen to “Become whole”, and “Uplift yourself”. Maybe try being nicer to other people? Just an idea, anyway, I pray for you and I hope you stay safe and happy.


We need one for preventing men from going bald.

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The plasma protocol n.3 works on hairs too


OK, so how come no one so far hasn’t mentioned the great “album cover” art for Frivolous? I LOVE IT!!
The duck in the shirt, bow tie, dinner jacket and monocle!
All u self aware people…never noticed??
And the background reminds me of a way to put designs on fabric…when u mix different paints and pour it on top of a long container of water and then use fabric to pick the paint up. (what the heck was that called??)


Water marbling?

It’s a Dapper Duck. :smiley:

I thought it had a slight message of Ugly Duckling/Beautiful Swan. Like you’re actually the most beautiful when you can look at your reflection and see your true essence, but if having all the little accessories and modifications makes you happy, then that’s part of your self-expression too, so here you go. :gift:


:laughing: :+1:t3: :+1:t3: :+1:t3:
Good pickup Lilo.
And great insight!


1st one scared the shit out of me.



Hahaha why you think i could not wait any longer to start? :tired_face:

The very first one i took as soon as i woke up and felt the whiole hair on my face was worse :sweat_smile: really looking like Captain Caveman :slightly_smiling_face: (I didnt post that one)


Wow @anon46520955 is so beautiful. Please post the neat one for us. Hehe. :v:


There’s something greenish too over there!

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Thats a pillow


How often can we safely listen to the Bone Strengthener? 1-2X a day?
The “Osteoporosis Help” field had a warning on it, to limit the listening time: “If you do not have osteoporosis i do not suggest you look at this often, as it will thicken your bones.”


I’d like to know as well.

For those of us who don’t have any particular condition, can we use it like the other fields which are in the Optimal Health Stack? That is, 2 times in a row (as recommended for the shorter tracks of that stack) every 2-3 months?

