Frivolous (Sapien Medicine album)

2 weeks of Shiny and Revitalized Hair. I’ll try to post pics like LunaMoon some time.

I didn’t have a terrible hair condition, especially because I have banished any artificial product from my hair for the last 3 years (tainting them with henna, etc.).

Also, not eating too bad, religiously listening to the Optimal Health Stack (soon to become Plasma Protocol), etc.

Still, I can feel an extra strength and thicknesses in the last days, thanks to this field. Feeling the effect on the scalp while listening too.

A frivolous PS: I love the musical ambience in the Ginseng track.


Me too!


Have you listened to this track too?

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Sure. I’m a big consumer of Sapien Medicine vitamin and supplement tracks :)) But wait, now that you remind me, I’ll do one more round with this exquisite music ;))


You already have a wonderful thick and abundant hair, if you listen to this again you definitely become a Goddess. :sunglasses:


Gotta love that 2 weeks bookmark :bookmark: :slight_smile:


Lmao i didnt start that day but the day i posted pics of my captain caveman looking like 5 days ago or so? I have to check. Hair already looking much better, super shiny, soft, not entangling much, looks almost straight, but will still wait the 2 weeks from that day to post the after pics, on a very nice side effect my cats fur is also benefiting AND my eyelashes too :sunglasses::woman_shrugging:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Edit: 8 days ago just checked.


Warning: frivolous-ness to the bone.

So, following in the footsteps of LunaMoon, here are the pictures:

Nothing extraordinary or goddess-like (@Fender_Cad ;) but not having to worry about my hair’s general condition is a relief though. No “BEFORE” pic because like I said, the change is not super visible. It’s more something that I feel while I brush or touch.

I’ll try to find “BEFORE” pics for Fat to Stem Cells for Scalp etc. though, because that one had visibly helped me with a temporary problem approximately 2 years ago.

And once again (as also discussed in several other threads): hair condition is highly correlated with other health parameters. So this field is “just” a cherry on the top.

Ok, the mandatory song to wrap this up :p

“I let it fly in the breeze
And get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas in my hair
A home for fleas
*A hive for the buzzin’ bees *
A nest for birds (…)”


Very beautiful!
It would be interesting to see the photos from before too.
Absolutely, health also affects hair.


You’re too kind, thank you :) These were a little like out-of-the-bed poses :))

I’ll keeping searching. The lateral (temporary) hair loss was visible on them.


However now they are really beautiful and with a particular color: already remarkable when they are collected, but with loose hair they are stunning, I recommend you a fairy dress, you look like that …


That’s a sweet comment :pray:t2: I’ll try that style some time then ;)


Before any guardians come to groom :laughing:, yes I think that’s your style, I joked a little bit but I think the romantic style suits you.

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Yay!! It does look super soft. I love the color btw :heart:


Thank you :* A little multicolored because of henna build-ups on the roots but… :)) No big problem


Wow @anon46520955, @Bronyraur you guys have amazing hair!
Mine is naturally straight without the slightest wave in it, so it doesn’t get tangled but also… Boring.
I’ve always wanted that amazing bounce/strength that your type of hair has! When you have nice, “bigger” hair like that, it is basically an accessory.


Haha :kissing_heart: you are such a poet.

And you see? I wish mine was totally straight but only because i live in the Caribbean so those little weaves become lions mane if i dont condition it properly but thats one thing im noticing with this audio my hair looks much less weavy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Mine is actually becoming more weavy as I use the hair áudio more. :) it is naturally weavy but I had noticed it was way less then usual because it was a little dry. Now as the shine and moisture increase it is almost curly again in its ends. I am happy with my results too! :D


Thanks a lot @MonkeyOwl but as you can imagine, I agree with @anon46520955 (even if I love her current style): I always wanted straight hair too, especially in my younger days when mine was almost curly and much more voluminous = IMPOSSIBLE to manage. Fireworks on the head :)))


Fireworks on the head :rofl::rofl::rofl: