From No Results to Great Results

understanding fields*

In a way it is very similar to absorbing the entirety of the field as an alive intelligence, an active construct that has the ability to shape in many shapes and patterns, but what you absorb is the collection of the outside and all the inside of it, without focusing only on what you are receiving at the moment. Perception and focus become inclusive of what the field simply is.

Understanding the fields in their entirety and not in what I am receiving at the moment has been the best contributor to my journey with the fields, and this goes for all the forms they come in - even the straightforward ones from the early times.

It’s always the first listen of the field that one is able to ‘feel’ or notice most… That is because we are more likely to interact with the full version of the field before we start to distribute our focus into the smaller bits and pieces “we” can observe at the moment

The keyword here is what we observe and what we perceive and ultimately this is what we generate more of - in our attention and our unconscious interaction with the field

But if we choose to see and observe all of the field at once while being mindful of what is doing at the moment there is hardly any chance the benefits we perceive will only be tied to what we see, ‘feel’, or notice at the moment

The field will still be working as complete as it can be in all other aspects but if we keep interacting only with a fraction, a lot more depth to the field becomes easily missed

That is not to say this is an easy process either, it requires the mind to seamlessly interact with 2 dimensions as one and continue to do that

But I also think perception-wise, it is incredibly easy to do. And specially the new fields they have a lot more potential to appear in their ‘full glam’ to the person.

Imagine as a Voice of Gumayun but targeted to your very own perception of fields.

But imo it’s important to understand yourself just as much as you would understand the field, and if there are days where you simply need to forget the fields are playing, then do just that.

There are days where you could barely feel like pressing that play button - take a rest and transmute your energetic vessel, let it express the energy release in all the ways it wants to

The biggest mistake however one could do on these days is to get comfortable with that rest, where the weekend becomes a few days and the days become a full week - really don’t

Keep some of the critically important mandalas for you & your personal development even if you feel like not keeping up with it

Assemble the fields to work for you - it is always better to “recover” with rest and Smart use of fields

(to be clear, I’m not talking about energy overload- I’m talking more about the days where you’re simply not at your best)

Make some “pillars” with the fields :) - adjust as needed and be very mindful of the energetic context

Like; don’t take attract love off because you suddenly feel down and think that love is not in your path - instead, talk to the field and convey your emotions through and who knows maybe it would attract just the right person to bring comfort to you

Take your rest and breaks as needed and listen to the energetic state of your body before anything,

not the mind

But also remember to use the fields and use the fields to keep going.

Naturally, the cycle will break off and there will be even greater results

The crème is always keeping an energetic hygeine and taking care not only of your aura but your energetic status, not the “positive wohooo” status, but ultimately your interconnection that allows you to asses and become; and therefore grow to be more interactively receptive and at some point a center point over time.

There is a reason fields like Ponr and ponr stack always work :)

Needless to say, my personal experience of course but has proven over years to be very timeless in experience and in results :)


This 10000%. Assumption of full capabilities is always gonna get you the best mirror into the fields and ultimately have you become so much more receptive of them!


truly :+1:

The captain has substantial help in various fields, listening to the adjustment of the body and its own energy is even more important


Yes!! Always coming up with the best sneaky ways! I salute a good game! Top award for excuses haha :trophy:

Absolutely! Growth at an immaculate speed and I’m glad we are carried along the way! And ultimately growing very able to :)



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I would say the frame of mind is the most important.

For instance, I recall not being entirely sure to purchase the crucible of the past. Then my group would nudge me a little bit to actually go for it (thx saint biceps, @GoddessesAndGod , I recall ).

So I purchased it, sat on the sofa, took some headphones, primed my mind not to expect results but just have an open mind as much as possible. Oftentimes that’s the most difficult when there’s a lot happening in your mind about daily life things.

I sat there on the sofa, expecting nothing, headphones on and press play. Within 10 seconds the tears started free flowing lol

(Found it here)

I recall the same “ritual” for plasma glass skin. The audio being 8 minutes sth, so in my mind I let myself completely free for the next 30 minutes, always rounding up to have more than enough time to bask in the after effects.

Again it was instantly felt, like little nanobots with little hammers working on my skin. I realised midway through the second play that two listens were more than enough.

Same for blueprint of life, one of my first ever purchases. Where I saw a timeline of life events, and order being brought to disorder. This was my review .

So the questions would remain: how can we incorporate this particular frame of mind into our daily listening habit of sometimes 10-20 audios? There’s simply no time to engage in such a relaxed way with each and every one of them.

Btw, same for one of the disco/techno events by Sammy. Just being in a relaxed state let me notice where the different energies were flowing to, and also how they tried to sync up with the music and transitions of phases in the track itself.


The best results I experienced were in a completely relaxed, very open and curious mindset, focusing on this one particular audio only, kind of letting myself have this experience only.

Forgot to mention: the body in a fasted state produces better results in my experience


Energy Awakening course: fields and practises

Mana circuits

Energy blockage removal, Chrakas or other Energy body fields

NFT servitors


as up late playing higher self connection with anything else simultaneously. one phone this on loop other phone other audios.

after all my experiences ponr audio and higher self connection played as above said really unlocks the most complicated new fields from our Captain.

example… not ever since i have blueprint of love have i senced much of the smart Keggels.

until one day i played both audios toghether while carying the mandala.

then i felt how smart Bolove really is. first time eva.

and i use ponr, crystals, ego diss, subc limits…until now nothing has opened the new complicated fields for me as the higher self connection audio. it make is effordless. like duh…really. was a surpirse for me.

when i become alittle cloged from energy work i make the remove unconcious clutter audio at the end of the stack one loop. works wonders and esp it really sticks the field listened before to you somehow. very neat thing.

a oh… one tip when you use two smartphones in your pocket.
the speakers if the phones have one speaker each should be oposite to each other, in my case meaning the smart phones are back to back. but it may vary from model to model. and of course if they are somehow wth dual speakers it would not matter.


In my experience, audios work best when I am in a receptive state (which is not constant). Let me describe this state.

In my journey, receptivity is marked by a heightened sense of awareness, openness and curiosity about the world. It is a state in which I welcome new ideas, experiences and connections while remaining grounded in my core beliefs and values.

Increased receptivity allows me to better discern the subtle nuances of information, make informed decisions and approach challenges with clarity and wisdom. Receptivity also fosters a deeper connection with my inner self and others, as I tune into the underlying emotions, thoughts and energies that shape our interactions.

As an example, in times of adversity, such as difficult relationships, we may close ourselves off to new experiences and connections. This defense mechanism protects us from perceived harm, but can also limit our growth. (Like an audio that doesn’t work).

To improve our receptivity, we need to recognize and remove barriers to our growth, such as ingrained beliefs and thought patterns, or unclear goals. Introspection and self-examination help to address these obstacles.

I believe that the transformative power of certain audios, which have catalyzed the personal development of many people, is intrinsically linked to receptivity. By fostering self-awareness and cultivating a deeper understanding of our inner self, we can develop a more open and receptive approach to the world. This shift in perspective unlocks our potential and allows us to realize our aspirations.

While the audios can serve as valuable guides, directing our awareness toward a desired trajectory, it is ultimately up to us to cultivate the receptivity necessary to actualize our goals and overcome the challenges ahead.


A tip someone sent me on PM who did not want to post here…

“I use two phones, one in my left pocket and other in my right pocket. One plays my stack and the other is looping Ego Dissolution. This is making me get ultimate results”.


I used to do 2-3 devices, all I can say is if you can handle two energies playing at once, go for it, if not, it really goes hard on your energetic system and fries your nervous system imo.

Although it was worth it lol.


Im gonna save this message to post it every time i see you whining about feeling fried overwhelmed with fields effects… :writing_hand:


Hahaha :rofl:



(This is a photo,don’t click on the links :laughing:)


Would this work with PONR field instead of Ego Dissolution?

This is the reason for this thread. Every person is unique, some generalizations are apt, and others are not…

So, it is good to hear what works for various people. There is nothing absolutely right or wrong - its just what works for each individual. I usually stay away from “this is what works for me, so this is the best way and the only right way”…

Note: If people did not have limiting beliefs and corresponding energetic blocks of some kind, then we would not need tools, right? :smiley:


This is so true,

I’ve had been dealing for a long time with fractures in my spine but I didn’t knew that the root of the problem was an edema that hold my spine from healing.

We have all sorts of issues that we don’t know the cause of them, and that may lead some people into believing that fields don’t work.

It’s not that they don’t work, it’s that they are not aware of the cause of their problems and how to approach them with fields in the first place.

And knowing the cause it’s not always an easy task.


A great energetic body will have great impact to work with energies. Mostly people will not feel the energies. And that’s ok. Probably someone will notice that they have more energy, or rushing thoughts or depending of what they listen to the general overwhelm to that matter.

Energy replenishing with life force,chi,jing

a good energetic foundation built upon with jindan,soul restoration core

Aura repair and strength are generally good ways for one to start.A stong aura will make your energy body do more energeticaly of course.(chi does that too, more chi = more happening, if too much chi then its overwhelming)

Spread the audios on the whole day and do little stacks that go along together so you can have a theme everytime

Following the recommended x3 as a general rule even if the field says use as much as you need too (exception is situations that you need to hear more. You hear virus disruption to disrupt the virus and attack it. you aint going slow with it)

and lastly you need to hear the audios that you need. If you want more self love of course you go to listen to self love. It’s not for the guys/gals that has cancer. You really don’t have to listen to self love when you have cancer. You have to listen of course to…cancer field. (cancer applies too to the exact all except self love, when you have something you listen to the something to resolve it).

that’s about what I learned. Hope it helps. You don’t have to do exceptional kung fu master of the world of the cosmos of the exceptional energetic meditational state of exaltation with a little bit potato on the side techniques to achieve results. Nor hear all day audios. At least I don’t have to, you can do whatever you want.

Thanks for reading because I didn’t learned all those things myself. Hope you all come to conclusions of your own.

Be blessed,stay strong and conquer the world!


Not sure, I personally am not big on either two devices, or looping fields…

Max 3 or 4 times, one field at a time works best for me…

That said, I am usually careful not to make sweeping generalizations such as “looping is not good”, “don’t play two audios at once”, etc., unless one is overwhelmed by energy. The energetic system is very complex - I’ve seen beginners with amazing energy system due to intervention from ancestral energies, nature spirits, etc., with no actual work from the person himself/herself - so what works or not for someone is very unique.

I usually prefer to follow the guidance provided in the field description.