Do you have a college degree? If not, have you thought about going to college? Do you have any other work experience? It would be very helpful for you to acquire a higher paying job so that you have enough capital to explore other options.
Have you looked into applying for financial aid? There might be a chance that you’re able to receive some.
What do you think about Kinesiology?
You could be a personal trainer. You could also create a fitness brand. These things could be done without a college degree, but having one in Kinesiology or any other related field could definitely help.
Here’s a tip you’re not going to find anywhere else because it’s somewhat unethical.
Find a course sharing website. There’s a few around these are course group buy websites where they resell entrepreneurship courses to you for a small monthly fee.
Sign up to one, and just spend hours upon hours going through courses on 2x speed, go wherever your interest takes you.
The aim here isn’t to follow any specific course, but get an idea of how people are making money online at the moment. You need to have your finger on the pulse of what works, what doesn’t, and what advice is out there.
Eventually you’ll wrap your head around it, and you’ll be drawn to one specific method, and you can walk down that path.
Do you think this is connected? I have a hard time being aware of what is within me. So the effects of fields (including emotional purges, detoxes, etc) simply manifest for me outside. And sometimes it is my partner that reflects this.
Any time there was any possibility of improvement in my life, my partner acted weird. But everything was fine after one conversation. Last time took a few more but it wasn’t this pattern (not the fields).
Nonetheless fields fixed it (Blessings of Gabriel, Archangel of communication…trust the process).
But if it is over for good, take good care of yourself. It will be over too.
I don’t know bro, I also have a problem with my ego, I was raised by a narcissist dad so I have some narcissistic traits as well.
Everytime my subconscious is coming to a realization about myself, the realization gets filtered through my ego and I project it into others, seeing the problem in others instead of myself.