FULL BODY DETOX : Cleanse Liver, Lungs, Lymph and Intestines

FULL BODY DETOX : Cleanse Liver, Lungs, Lymph and Intestines

Toxins are any substance that can be poisonous or cause negative health effects. “Toxin” refers to all the metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food ingredients, pesticides, and poisons that cause the body harm. This audio works with the body’s natural process to remove these from your body,

So be careful as body odor and waste may have a higher smell than usual during the detox process and you may also experience sickly or flu like symptoms.

Listen as much as you want until you achieve the cleansing you want.

The video is only 4 minutes long because any longer can make you very sick. It would be a heavy detox at that point. So, listen to it little bits at a time is much more manageable.

(original post):

Is anyone using this audio on a daily / weekly basis?

I feel like EVERYONE should take part in using this audio maybe we can get an upgrade soon to amplify the effects even more.


First time I listened to it my feet would get very hot. Which oddly enough is a sign of detox, things getting pushed out of the skin at your extremities away from your vital organs. But now I can listen to it twice a day and not notice anything.


Someone said he got rid of his liver cirrhosis with that audio . I do think its powerfull ,maybe that’s the reason it’s never gotten on patreon .


I’ve been getting terrible migraines at night because of this field.


I dont think you are getting migraines because of this field :blush:

You are getting them because your body has built up toxins that is trying to release, so the audio is doing what its supposed to. :nerd_face:

I suggest you drinking enough water
Listen to vitamin C every some days
Listen to lympathic system blockage removal daily along with the detox one

Relax and give it time to flush all the garbage out :partying_face:


Yeah the first night after listening twice the next morning I felt some oily crap in my intestines trying to pass

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converted so it can be official thread for this audio.

Can this be heard on the same day as playing Flaunt?

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It seemed to me that this field was not included in Flaunt.

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Maybe not, but it has been suggested that “Advanced Detox” as well as “Detox” have been included in PF. Maybe that’s all the detoxing that PF needs?


Some weekends I go for beauty, relaxing, cleansing focused fields.
Happily played this since it’s been a long while,
not thinking much about it. In fact, forgot all about the description.

All hell broke loose when the next day
I smelled so bad even after a cold shower :face_vomiting:
head wanted to burst :exploding_head: and just overall unwell :face_with_thermometer:

Popped back here to read :sweat_smile: :joy:

Ahh that cleansing I painfully needed!
Thank heavens it’s just for a day and
now feel super reenergised! :wind_chime:

Just observed my skin feels smoother
Bloating gone
Thinking more clearly
Mental alertness
Hair is shinier, and feels softer to the touch


This field is very incredible.
I hadn’t used it for a long time, but the past few days, I have been using it once daily.
My throat is incredibly sore, I felt as though I had the flu as my muscles and overall pain was just…horrific.
Then I looked in the YouTube comments of the video and saw many others experienced the same.
I know this means it’s working and that’s pretty darn exciting!
I must have a lot of rubbish inside of me, but it’s going, going, gone!