General Discussion

I think the term ‘entity’ is being used somewhat differently here to mean beings/forces/constructs that we create or that are otherwise dormant vis-a-vis ourselves until we start interacting with them. Beings that can transfer a human from this ‘space’ to another one have an existence separate from us and do not need our permission to interact with us (perhaps they do, but that seems more a matter of the rules of game than a truth about their inherent capabilities), Clearly, many ufo abductions are more about the will of the aliens than the abductees, at least in some common sense understanding of the phenomenon.


So reptillians, sirians, arcturians, pleiadians, angels, devas, all your intercession fields based on entire civilizations and hordes older than humanity are that?

If they are real, which they are.

Their “negative” counter parts are just as real.

Beings older and more ancient than humanity itself and 100x more intelligent and developed.

I will tell you something, maybe you or dream or this forum can learn regarding beings.

Closed off systems are very real.

Lets call it “off radar” worlds.

You wont sense it or know about it.

Its comforting, isnt it?

Oneness is the new jesus or buddha or whatever.

Actually, most of the human population on earth surrenders their entire lives to “god”.

Its a very well working escape and coping mechanism.

But if you honestly believe that, then answer me.

If somebody on the street decides to attack you.

The real you, god, is the one attacking isnt it?

Isnt it gods will?

It for sure can make it not happen right?

If you attack back, you disobey god.

Its gods will that the person stabs you to death.

Or if dreamweaver believes all is one, why is there protection on certain fields ? why the nfts ?

If its all one being, how can there be theft ?

You putting protections against god?
(for discussions sake)

If its all you, sammy, how are you not living in your own island full of whatever you want?

If its all you man then you have all the power in the world? Demonstrate a bit.

Send me a few billion man, the money is me and you anyway?

You dont want billions?

I do. We are both one, so give yourself a bit of money.

When its convenient and you dont have the intelligence and effective technology, lets call god?

This is how it has been since the beginning of humanity.

When there was no tech, it was prayers to the gods.

Now its fuck the gods we have the tech.

But when confronted with things you do not have the tech for, in this case “entities”, its back to god ;)

I mean this all with no offense, purely for discussion sake I really want to hear the tiniest details of how you think.

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First of all, It’s rather clear who you are and you’ve been banned from this forum before. I’m just letting you know I know. So I’ll answer your questions for discussion sake but you will get banned again. And if you make another account, I will also know and you will be banned… once again. I genuinely wish you well but you are not welcome here.


What would I do in the most extreme hypothetical you could possibly come up with? A hypothetical where you literally just created multiple ways to stop this person from being able to even help themeslves… Well anyways, I would obviously ask for help. But really even in your hypothetical, nobody would really be able to help this person. This person is… by all means, bound to a life of suffering. What can this person really do? It’s like children born to child slavery and never get saved… it’s just that’s it. That sounds heavily morbid and hopeless but let’s put this into perspective.

There are MANY children in this world sold into child slavery or other forms of torture far worse than anything you can imagine. Whatever evils other beings can do to a human, we humans do far worse to ourselves. Children don’t create these things with their thoughts or whatnot, they are just born into lives of suffering that they had no control over. If that child is also ‘god’, why would it do that to itself? Why would ‘god’ incarnate as a goat that gets eaten by a coyote?

Well, the thing with the universe/infinity is that every experience is valid. Suffering/Bliss are equal to the all. They are the same thing. Destruction/Creation are both one in the same and flow off eachother. We are destroying ourselves and creating ourselves anew. It’s all always the same energy as as everything that ‘dies’ is transmuted into something else. Divinity is absolutely everything and to not accept any part of it, is to reject divinity itself. This is one of the most common roadblocks along the path.

Often times, we incarnate with the intention to experience suffering. Heck, sometimes we inflict the suffering on someone (who is also ourselves in essence) and then in the next life, experience that same suffering done to ourself. So yeah, it’s still all a reflection I believe. And in some ways sounds awful but…

When you truly begin to grasp infinity and how we have endless lives to experience everything… the thought is a lot less daunting. One life of suffering is nothing on the scale of 999,999,999,999,999, ext… lives. It’s endless and we learn through experience. There are millions upon millions of human lives that knew nothing but suffering on this planet. Think of all the wars, slaves, famines and whatnot. This planet is a school of all sorts of things but one of those things is certainly the experience of ‘suffering.’

Accepting that is part of the path. Accepting that negativity and positvity are one frees you and allows you break out of the egoic shell. And now, acceptance doesn’t mean approval. For example, I don’t approve of children being hurt. If I can stop it, I will. If I see something, I’ll act on it. And even if I accept these kinds of things exist, that doesn’t mean I believe children deserve it. But accepting this part of reality is part of spiritual growth. It’s definitely a roadblock for many and it took me and even dream some time to accept and let go of our human dualistic judgements of these things. Those are walls that block us from infinity.

So anyways, if I was this kid undergoing suffering for a whole lifetime, I wouldn’t think like myself. So I wouldn’t know what I know and would desparately seek for help or even pray and seek all kinds of help…

But if I did think like myself and I was this person, I would ask for help. Just to have someone help ground me as I go down a darker path as it could be easy to lose myself. But I wouldn’t ask them to get rid of entities or aliens cause there really wouldn’t be anything they could do about your hypothetical lol.

Then, I would detach from reality. I would detach from my pain. I would then begin to accept my pain. And in my acceptance of my pain and suffering, the pain and suffering would cease and not be felt anymore. Why? Well, whatever you accept and surrender to, does not become pain any longer. It just is. That is how magicians like david blaine or people who love pain, end up enjoying suffering. Anything that is felt in this world can be subjectively experienced how you want. The mind is really that malleable. At one point in my path, I would inflict pain on myself and I found that after some time the pain becomes nothing to the mind when you are accepting of it.

And well, from that state of being, I will go deeper and further and experience enlgihtenment through the path of suffering. Yes… you can also experience enlightenment through darkness. There are so many pathways to the true self and you can certainly get there through the dark as well. As I delve deeper into that hole, I embrace the pain. I continue to detach my ego and realize I am one with all. I realize I am the beings who are inflicting pain on me. I identify with them as well. I go deeper and deeper into that hole until I am become void. I am become allness. And from that state, I can gain some sort of control over my life again.

Even if I don’t, I leveled up A LOT through embracing what I am experiencing and learning and growing from it. The level of resilience I build through such an experience would carry me through lifetimes. In fact, I’m sure if I go all the way in something like that, I can break off the samsara cycle. That’s like the most hardcore path there is haha.

So yeah, if I was that kid but thought the way I do now, I would embrace the path. What else am I to do?


Lol yeah. I can’t really put it into words as to how much of a reflection all the universe is because… there really aren’t words for it. It spans infinity. It’s actually quite beautiful and one day, maybe in this lifetime if you decide to dissolve your ego, you’d experience it yourself. You’d see it. This thing I speak of is not limited to just me or dream or a few people. Anyone can experience it. In fact, many people in the world are experiencing this on a daily basis, as psychedelics give people a very direct experience of it. Yogis, the gurus, all reach there through years of meditation as well. I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said before. As above, so below is a phrase from thousands of years ago my friend.

Lol what? I don’t think you understand anything about oneness if this is how you percieve it. It isn’t a bleief in god in the traditional sense. It’s simple the belief that in essence, there is no separation between anything. The universe is… the universe. It’s one universe. It’s one thing. And consciousness is what binds it all. The same consciousness that is in you, the tree, the rock, in me, is the same. What separates it for humans is our egos, that categorize everything and separate it mentally.

And yeah, that would be me that attacked myself lol. Why wouldn’t it be? There is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to god. It just all is. That’s why aliens abduct humans or entities or humans enslave other humans and whatnot without any sort of punishment. It’s all fair game. We hurt ourselves, heal ourselves, grow ourselves, destory ourselves, create ourselves. It’s all the same energy; alchemizing itself from form to form. Remember ‘energy cannot be created or destroyed.’ This is all the same energy from the beginning.

So there is no disobeying or obeying lol. You might say well ‘sammy, you are god. so someone attacking you would be disobeying you… god.’ ‘Sammy’ is not all of god. ‘Sammy’ is a mask worn by god. God is the person attacking and the attacked at the same time.

So yeah, I don’t think you quite understand what oneness is and that’s fine. I don’t think most people do. And in fact, you don’t need to. If it’s in you to learn, you shall. If not, you won’t. I apologize if I tend to push the concept but it’s just what I know and I only share what i know.

Lol, because we are still existing within the human game where all is percieved to be separate. To exist within the system, we have to sell things. We have to make money to sustain ourselves. Doesn’t matter what you feel or believe, this is the framework of reality that we chose to experience and be a part of. So we must play along to survive. And NFTs and protecting them are a way of survival since people would always steal our work. Dream has only more embraced the oneness in the past year as well, so there’s a greater understanding that comes with the negativity that has been thrown at him… or the stealing… and that understanding is that he did that to himself. With that understanding, there is forgiveness and ability to be at peace with that. But that doesn’t mean that we’ll allow it lol. We still have to make money within this framework of reality.

Lol, what? I don’t think you seem to understand oneness at all. It is a state of being. One of pure abudnance, one of pure love and peace. It is a state of not being reactionary to the world, and that instead controls its reaction to the everything. It is mental freedom to the point of being able to feel anything, be anything and experience anything with thought. It is to not have an ego and instead feel that you embody the world and universe itself. I’m still not fully there. I’m working towards it but I can say dream is prety much there and just working towards that state more and more each day.

But wanting things, that goes out the window. You find the greatest bliss in the simplest of things. You don’t want an island. You don’t want anything as you continuously relize all these human things are illusions. Falsehoods. You are abundant as you are.

When you are in oneness, you treat others the way you would treat yourself. So why would I make you give me money? I would not do something like that to myself. So another thing that comes with oneness, is compassion. You can’t help but be compassionate.

This isn’t advertising this state of being honestly. It isn’t for everyone. I totally get people wanting to the full human experience and acheiving things and whatnot. That’s a totally valid path and if that is what you wish to do, then please. Go for it.

Huh? Well, from my other answers, I answer this as well. Your perception of oneness is completely off the mark and makes strange assumptions about it.

Anyways, I’m not here to convince you of anything. And reading your comments and also knowing who you are and the kind of things you were doing in this forum, I don’t feel you have good intentions or are just trying to have a nice discussion. So I’m going to be banning you once again. I’m not going to spend the rest of my afternoon answering these questions asked in bad faith.

At the end of the day, I hope you find peace in the struggles you are facing. I know you are facing some hardships and deal with all kinds of energetic issues. I empathize with you but you know why you got banned and that kind of vibe isn’t welcome here anymore. I can’t give people unlimited chances. I wouldn’t give myself so many chances either and realize I have to find another way. Peace be with you.


Thank you for writing this Sammy.

I had some very similar thoughts recently – the whole acceptance thing, the whole viewing negative experiences in relation to the amount of positive experiences that exist across the creation, …

…but then the ultimate unanswered question still comes down to “how can Source be compassionate to the suffering of parts of itself and at the same time not be affected by this suffering?”:


Neither Acceptance nor Detachment seems to be a longterm working solution because neither of these can undo and remove the Knowing, the Compassionate Feeling With and the Experience from the whole.
The whole of creation cannot get rid of parts of itself.
So how does it live with those parts?

Thank you in advance.


@SammyG I’m really grateful that you took the time to lengthen the conversation. I learned more from this iteration of your oneness discussion than previous ones. Sometimes things just hit differently. In any case, I just wanted you to know that your extra effort and patience helps.


Oh thanks for asking these great questions! Honestly, even though I banned the guy, he asked good questions too. That being said, if people are banned from the forum and come back… we know you did. You were banned for a reason and you’ll get banned again.

If others have such questions though, please ask away too cause the topic is very very interesting and often leads to more expansive insights. So being challenged is a great thing for this kind of introspection.

Dream would be better at answering though since he is farther along in the path than I am. I’ve experienced it enough to tap back into it though to answer. But if I can’t reach certain answers, I’d ask him anyways lol.

Logging out for the evening butt I’ll answer when I get the chance.


Sometimes I wonder why dark things happen. A scenary of that old churchs,
That silent, cold atmosphere. The stillness always get me in my mind.
In context I’m in forencics, even there’s often evil, I wouldnt want to change anything
just understand.

Would god then find a ‘beauty’ in all the happening too, the way things are?


this topic reminds me of the talk between Craig Ferguson and Desmond Tutu

he gives more mind boggling examples of forgiveness in that interview…i often rewatch that whole interview when i find it hard to find forgiveness…

and the specific example in that clip is something i relate to when i used to write in the Journeys thread everyday…i wrote with honesty that i never wrote of in my own physical journals…i avoided it and covered it up with light gratitude talk before…

i stopped writing in the Journeys thread because it can get pretty dark…so i do that in my own physical journals now…that thread gave me great healing while i did it though…i still continue to write with more honesty in my own physical journal everyday to continue healing…something i couldn’t do before my journeys thread experience

more examples of forgiveness spoken of by Desmond in that interview still gets me baffled on how on earth they could forgive someone after what was done to them…

it’s like a superhuman ability that i wrote of before…i’m still trying to learn how to do that…to let go of certain grudges…

i guess that’s why certain people become cage fighters lol…i considered doing that a few years ago, but my pain probably isn’t as deep…i met others who been thru way worse…and i don’t blame them for certain bad habits they do to cope…

then there’s those few moments i meet someone who’s been thru real hellish circumstances…and it’s so confusing how they found balance to become a healer…

to force myself to be optimistic, i see that’s the only good to come out of certain hellish circumstances…is when someone who’s been thru that, miraculously found a way to forgive and heal from it so that they can heal others who’s been thru something similar…

i guess that’s why i’m here…i’m trying to learn how to do that…


Can people really be persuaded that this is true if they didn’t believe it already? Acceptance is a practical solution in many cases regardless of some prelife happenings. This is the flip-side doing good deeds to secure a better afterlife or next life. One doesn’t need that belief to help their landlady take out her garbage.

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I just meant that acceptance does the work regardless of whether there is a metaphysical story justifying it.

This here! :100:

This makes sense even when thinking logically.
Because it is not like that God/Source randomly picks a soul or some consciousness from somewhere and then drops into a human incarnation…
That soul/consciousness decided at some point that it wants to be part of the respective experience.
God is not some out of control randomizer gone wild.
God is order.
And “at the highest level” there is nothing but negentropy.
Negentropic Free Will :slight_smile:


and I will answer you personally.

I can only work on me truly.


This thread has undergone a great cleansing lmao. All deleted


I think I’m ‘getting it’, but I wrote all of this so I’m going to leave the space open for expanding upon this

How would you define the ‘Logos system’, if I may?

I had thought of it as the word which defines and brings an idea into the manifest, and I had thought that it was integral to manifesting, as per the Bible. As a matter of fact…

If you call it a system, you mean that it is constrained by our vocabularies? – as means of expressing and feeding the thoughts – which is a closed system, recycling, though slowly expanding. Such as creativity and invention in themselves being a remix of the old for most people, in which case what matters is the variety of stimuli and data that one accesses, and how expanded are one’s borders.

how people come into this space, experience results (wether positive or negative), and they never stop to think how and why it all works

Even though I arrived here ‘naturally’ and it made sufficient sense by that time, it still broke my head a little bit beginning to actualize what concepts like this imply

Perhaps I’ve assumed much in thinking that other people might experience a similar kind of existential crisis / opening in putting it all together… and hence keeping mostly silent about it, yet

@Dreamweaver for the

@Alkul react if you’d like me to delete


Just as there is an uptick in energies leading up to Christmas, there is one that leads to Maha Shivratri - around 15 days before it.

If it resonates with you, use this window to accelerate your progress a bit.

This year, the night is March 8th.

At worst, leverage the energies of the night itself.

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