General Discussion

I found this on the old site


These are very important informations I think Sapien should provide

Does anyone know whether the healing component of the Athletic Performance Enhancer tag heals in the same way as the Advanced Healing tag?

The APE obviously would heal at a slower pace (300-500%) versus the AE healing rate of 500-700%.

I had emailed Sapiens email and I received a reply indicating the APE tag would not directly improve recovery. It seems like a healing component would improve recovery, otherwise I’m not entirely sure what it does.


I believe you can use it everyday if you stick to limits. I think the limits are like general prescriptions not restrictions that are strictly imposed.
Do what suits you and make sure you don’t exhaust yourself


Yes it is nice to see the break down like that, that it’s made of 2 fields.

As long as everyone here realizes that the old description does not match the current field even though it goes by the same name.

New description
“This item was once restricted to short time use but it has been modified so as to regulate the healing power of the item to the capacity of the wearer’s available energy. It is still capable of speeding up healing 10 or 20 times faster than our faster healing item but will not do so if it will leave a person exhausted. As a result it can now be worn full time.”

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I read that, but apart from that I wondered if there were other fields in it that would help mentally, to calm the person down etc. I read somewhere that someone bought it and said s/he felt “safe”. So I wondered, because in the description it doesn’t say it does that

That was me.

And yes you are right that it does not say that.

I think this part of the old description still applies to the new field:
“This is simply a powerful field that interacts with your complex, natural healing mechanism”

And what I noticed when wearing the field, though not expecting it, is that it took me completely out of “fight or flight” mode, which happens to be what a Dr. Bruce Lipton describes as a main factor in how fast your body can heal. When in survival mode, energy is spent on surviving, on fighting or fleeing, not on healing. If you are interested, here is his book.

So if the field works with our complex healing system, it stands to reason that it lowers stress and it likely does a number of other things that I couldn’t even guess.


Haha, I know Dr Lipton. In fact, I am just watching an interview with him and Tom Campbell.
Haven’t read his book yet but I know this principle from Dr Dispenza’s book Becoming Supernatural, here’s a link:
Very recommended.

Anyway, I guess it is more of a holistic consequence then, thank you for clarifying that

So how we are supposed to listen to Myostatin audio correctly ? Listen everyday is ok?

Sure thing, just sharing my experiences, and understanding of things to the best of my ability as I go along. I like his work too.

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@tttoop Yes, listen everyday 2 or 3 times, Sapien said me so


@gpo @Atreides I thought I was the only one. But DW did AMAZING with this audio. This is probably my top audio so far.

I hope it shows up on Patreon soon too!! I


I try not to post Every Time a new video comes out. But I’m way too excited not to on this one. I’ve been waiting for this one for a long time.

Dream Seeds is premiering Etheric Chord Cutter as I type.


The Weight Loss Tag on Teespring is the same as the Weight Loss Tag on Enlightened States. I noticed recently when you click on “buy product” for the Tags on Enlightened States, it sends you to the Teespring Website. I think the reason there is more in the description on Enlightened States is because Teespring has a limited amount of space for the description area.

Yes, you can wear more than one Tag at a time. The field is on the Dog Tag, not the necklace, so you can remove the Dog Tags you want and put them all on one necklace.


Wow, thanks for sharing. I’ve been hoping Dream would make this too. It’s an amazing field. Thank you, Dream! :smile: :pray:


Hey @Atreides or anyone, this all is not very known to me about etherical cords
I asked Dream about this question and I am waiting for his answer but if you could answer me:

"so let say we had some really bad events in past with some people who already died, Will this cut all those cords from those events like as if nothing happened at all in that sense, putting it all in reset like it was in the very beginning of the event? like back to factory reset idk how to say

Can this be achieved with continuous listening?


Hey @anon2456476, I was wondering something similar.

I think that it might not cut everything but perhaps just the threads and connections to negative aspects of the experiences and negative beings, sort of like the concepts of removing negative entities and exorcism don’t remove all of your emotions and experiences.

Perhaps it would be sort of like a factory reset in terms of the etheric threads connected to negative and lower beings who are attached to you and encouraging negative vibrations around the bad events to continue to affect you, but not necessarily entirely like nothing has happened.

I think bad events we experience are often very complex, so you can think of it as many etheric threads involved. For example, we can learn and grow from bad experiences and connect to positive things.

Positive things from bad events such as learning, growth, happiness within the negative experiences, and wisdom should remain and it should free you up to grow and be more.

That’s just my feeling of how it may work, though. I want to hear Dream’s answer too! :slightly_smiling_face:


You know, I am asking him this because before week or so we discussed about Neville Goddard technique Revision and how it could be achieved in form of field and he said maybe he could think about creating something similar and then I saw “justice for all field and this one” so I thought he created for that something or similar idk

And I agree with you, but some cases had some causes coming from past which stayed here and now with some persons as “unsolved problems” because of these, hard to explain

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Very interesting why you’re asking! I feel like Justice for All and Etheric Cord Cutter can help with something like revision quite profoundly.

I understand what you’re describing, I think. It is very difficult to put into words. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it would certainly help with the “unsolved problems” in that sense.

In that sense you’re saying, perhaps it’s like a factory reset to the freedom you had before these negative connections were made and removing the pattern of the “unsolved problems” from manifesting, but I feel like it can also become something much more freeing, even beyond a reset to a beginning of an event (even if it’s far in the past, or in a past life).

I feel like even at a point in the past before a bad event where we were relatively clean of these problems, we tend to still have some other etheric connections to negative and lower vibrations from which cutting can free us even more.

If one cuts all etheric cord connections negative and lower beings have made with us over aeons, I feel like it could be indescribably profound and freeing.


I will prefer his answer above mine of course, as he created the field.

But I will be happy to share with you a very brief summary of my idea of what it means to cut an etheric chord. It’s just the understanding I’ve picked up and collated over the years from different sources which I counted as credible.

I think what put the capstone on my understanding of what this is all about came from listening to Anna Thompson’s hypnosis track on cutting etheric chords. It didn’t add anything new but it really represented well a summary of everything I learned on the subject before.

I know Sapien could address what is happening on an energetic level far better than I could. But I can explain at least slightly what this is about on a psychological level.

Think of how you feel when you are connected to someone. You care how they feel. You care how they feel about you. You care about how they see you. You care what they think. You want them to understand you. That’s all great. It means you are human.

Now think about what happens when you have this kind of attachment to someone who does not actually care about you. They use you to serve some goal of theirs, maybe to boost their image to others, maybe to boost their image of their self to their self. And they use your attachment to them to manipulate you, they create negative emotions in you on purpose in order to get what they want.

Those are the chords you want to cut. You made an attachment under false premises. You connected with someone who you thought wanted to connect to you. You signed a contract with someone who never intended to keep their side of the contract. The contract said “I care about your happiness and well being, and I will be honest with you.” They never kept any part of the contract. Now it’s time for you to break free of it. It’s time to erase from yourself every false belief about the person that allows them to keep you in emotional bondage.