General Discussion

yes, unfortunately that’s an effect, its a rainmaker also.


We can use some rain in California with fires raging. I will play this for sure!!


Its a good website to get to know your personality . Good to know a little about us and other personality types even though everyone is unique in a way.


Thanks for reminding the good memories I have about this site: One of my therapy classes was full of mindmates lol and we used to spend a lot of time on this site during coffee breaks, doing extra role playings according to the results we had.

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Yeah, they has best categorization out of many personality tests I tried back then. Their detailed explanation gives more insights into us. It’s interesting to see how all of the forum members fall under which category. Maybe most of us fall under few categories because of our traits, not sure but its good to analyse though. 2 years back I was ENFJ-A and now it is INFP-A.

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Maybe I am ambivert- flexible usually.


I got INFP-A as well. I can absolutely recognize my self in the description, haha!


INFP-T, just like years ago :slight_smile:


Personality is fluid. That’s one of the reasons the MBTI is considered very inaccurate in the field of psychology.


I think no system can be accurate as everything changes over time. Every thing is dynamic in nature and each human personality is unique in a way every moment. The more frequent we explore of ourselves deep inside using different tools and techniques the more we can evolve overall as a human being.


I agree, however the MBTI is very inaccurate because of multiple reasons. I believe apart from using it for fun, it should not be used as a tool for self-knowledge because i have seen people box themselves in when learning their typology, not knowing both the tests and information are very inaccurate. There are tools much more accurate to have a better understanding of your different personality traits, which examine your deepest roots. However most people don’t have the time/desire to research about that which is understandable. A good start would be Carl Jung’s books if anyone is interested in what I’m talking about.

It is better to not take any MBTI test with much seriousness , most of the times it does more harm than good to identify with a typology, even subconsciously you may start to develop certain traits because your personality always wants to identify with a set of beliefs, without them it would be madness.


Strongs as a mf lol ive been listening to it along with the other chakras and it just gets better and better and better :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


The Big 5 Personality Test is based on metrics that are less fluid.

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Well psychology only goes so far, I guess…
Somehow I land in that the soul takes on a personality as a set of clothes, depending of the souls purpose. Some wear their personality throughout their life as a well worn, nicely fit suit. And some change certain garments during their travel in this lifetime.


Beautifully said besides as we evolve we change and that includes everything.
I remember most of my life i was INFJ in the Mayers tests, then for the past year or so ive done the test like 4 times every time the results show i am INFP and i was like nooo way what? Id do it again after some months and same result no matter how slowly and consciously id do it, the result have been the same INFP. I read the description and its pretty much who i am now 💁 so i juat embraced it.


I got INFJ in younger days too!:smile:
And if I compare myself how I was back then with who I’ve become up until now… It makes sense.


How do you know if the radiation protection sticker works though? If I put it on my laptop, where about’s do you place it or does it not matter?

Safe is relative.

SMF stuff uses subliminals and energetic programming including chaos magick. If you don’t know what chaos magick is PLEASE actually research it before you go trashing it. I am a practicing chaos mage, every day.

I do have at least one paid audio from them (and it is great) and I subscribe to Xtrememind on Patreon and love their monthly free spell cast (SMF resells a lot of their stuff, from what I can tell, and much of it is made exclusively for SMF and Healing Tools).

Subliminals just means it’s quiet enough or fast enough you hear it subconsciously, not consciously, and the Goetic daemon Buer channels white light healing as well as any being I’ve ever worked with. If you’re going to go beyond watching Youtube videos, you gotta leave your programming behind… ALL of it.

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What is chi suggestions that Philip talk about?
