General Discussion


Come to mass meditations tho
Thats even better


Is there a scheduled time still?

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Not yet.


If the same works for me, then Im fucking amazing :grin:

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Ego: Occamā€™s Razor.
Also Ego: God at the gaps argument.

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Empowering information.

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Puts a huge spin on dreams, meditation, mentation, communication, feelings, etc. In a three dimensional space, we can obliterate distance in two dimensionsā€”just fold the paper. If our brain has 7D structures, we have staggering potential. Itā€™s suggestive of lock-and-key mechanism of what we can access.


Note that itā€™s network effects and language used (algebraic topology) Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Function - PMC

Following the conventions in algebraic topology, we refer to directed cliques of n neurons as directed simplices of dimension n-1 or directed (n-1)-simplices (which reflects their natural geometric representation as (n-1)-dimensional polyhedra)

Clique is group of connected neurons/vertices with some properties.

Networks are often analyzed in terms of groups of nodes that are all-to-all connected, known as cliques. The number of neurons in a clique determines its size, or more formally, its dimension. In directed graphs it is natural to consider directed cliques, which are cliques containing a single source neuron and a single sink neuron and reflecting a specific motif of connectivity

Here is Blue Brain website Blue Brain Project ā€ EPFL

Take a look, lots of exciting advancements made and interesting ideas to consider.

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has anyone been noticing random power outages and could it be because of the solar maximum? or is it likely just a fluke because my houses electricity seems to turn off completely and back on in short bursts at random times. my friend up the coast (4hour drive) said she is getting the same thing, weird

Of course, what one gets out of these subsets of data depends on the modality they filter it through.

Hermeticists could create a 200+ page curriculum of various practices from this article alone, while more down-to-earth (hehe) scientists will look for avenues to explore additional pathways for systemic reductionism-based observations.

One step further into the wake up call.


And thatā€™s a consumer version of AGI (or something less than AGI but nevertheless impressive). The breathless coverage of AI and LLM can lead one to believe that the consumer versions represent the bleeding edge of the tech.

Nevermind. Down with all AI. Destruction to the machine.

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Ask yourself why and see how many things cease to matter.

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Now Iā€™m splitting my fields/stacks in 2 days, day 1 and day 2, since otherwise I couldnā€™t afford huge stacks anymore, they are just too much every single day.

Im starting to realize the need to have diverse stacks covering all my needs, as there arenā€™t just a few ones to cover all aspects (at least those that I use).

My body reacts so Amazing to the different approaches that I offer myself for healing, and man, there are so many needs/topics to cover - i just canā€™t focus on one category, like Brain fields, Self Love fields, breathing, radiation, energy, etc., I like the (W)holistic Approach, to cover as much as possible, yet using as few ā€œduplicatesā€ (fields which target the same issue, but from/with a different approach, I mean not that I wouldnā€™t to, but I want to spend my time not only on healing lol) as possible (one field targeting an issue is plenty, I donā€™t need 3 or 4 lol - but I will change fields after months of usage, to refresh my healing routine).

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