General questions

What is the best audio for empath?

Something always about clearing so subconscious limit removal. Salt cleanse from dreamseeds and aura cleanse once a week with repel negative energy from dreamseeds


Big empath here :raising_hand_woman:t2:

100% the new one

Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence: New Release

I can recommend others but this is the king for that


I thought cord cutter was the best. I didn’t understand the description of magnetic heart. Can you explain how it helps.

Read through the post, i made various comments regarding.

If you felt like cord cutter is the best why arent you trying that one?

Follow your instinct :blush:


Additionally, there is also the Empathic Shielding audio on Gumroad. :slight_smile:


Is listening to automated workout just as bad as actually working out while having a cold?

I dont feel well enough to go to the gym but listening to some audios would be easy.

Would that be stupid or isnt it that bad?

Definitely I’ll try, I asked for suggestions because I want to try that which worked best for people. It’ll save time.

Listening to it twice a day is enough. It gradually trained your muscle slowly. I listened to leg day before and loop it couple of times and end up with leg pain the next day. So be careful.

eh thank you i guess but thats not what i meant/asked :sweat_smile:

Think about why it’s not recommended (I prefer that description to “bad”) to work out when you’re not feeling well. The common reasoning I’ve heard is that working out taxes your body’s finite energy reserves at a time when those reserves are largely focused on healing you. IOW, most people want to get better faster and sooner. So, pulling those restorative resources away from the tasks of battling back your cold (or whatever) and of relating the damages from your cold is likely going to delay your recovery.

All the physical fields have an energy “cost” (too strong a word). That’s why the FAQs recommend a limit of the number of fields we use to affect physical changes and fields like Advanced Healing have extra alerts about how they can tax our energy systems, the same energy systems which are now engaged in helping your body to heal.

The workout fields affect physical changes, which are the most energy intensive of changes. Is it “bad” if you use the workout fields? None of us can answer that for you. A large number of us aren’t doctors and, even if we were, we don’t know your illness or your body.

I’ve outlined some of the factors you might want to consider for your decision. You might want to poke at the question of “If I have time and energy to listen to fields, why am I preferring to listen to workout fields to beautify my body when I could be listening to fields which would heal, repair and restore that same body so that it’s in the best shape to take fuller advantage of my workout fields?”

Try it and find out for yourself.