Genes/neurochemicals/brain areas Related to intelligence (future ideas for intelligence videos)

Hello, I created this chat to discuss which genes/brain areas/ neurochemicals, mainly genes that could potentially be used to enhance intelligence using Sapien med’s morphic fields, in the future.

Existing one’s in sapiens channel include: BDNF, dopamine, nrb2, enpp6, GPLD1, etc…


Some genes, which I have found through research correlated to intelligence include: DRD2 (learning, working memory capacity, creativity, problem solving/reasoning, general memory, attention and executive function, cognitive flexibility), people with this gene have significantly better problem-solving/creative abilities. KIBRA gene (working memory, learning, overall cognitive ability), it’s found that people with this particular genome are 24% better at learning a list of words in comparison to others that don’t, and can remember 20% more of the words later in the day, which I personally think this would be extremely useful for learning new vocab or material before a test. I’ll do one more, the comt gene, a gene that breaks down neurotransmitters, the sole reason this improves general fluid intelligence (long term memory, processing speed, cognitive control, non-verbal intelligence) is due to an increase in dopamine, in a study with 92 Israeli children, they found that children who had this gene variant had a 14% higher iq. All in all, I hope that we all can discuss different genes and brain regions that can increase our intelligence, using Sapiens morphic fields, maybe some time soon one of these will be put on his youtube channel, and benefit us all.

All of these are sourced from self-decode, a trusted genetics website.

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I like these topics… Keep it going! :hugs:

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I’m glad that you do, feel free to discuss anything that can boost our intelligence, whether it be genes, brain exercises or particular brain areas that Sapien could try to strengthen with morphic resonance; hopefully one of those gene variants come into the attention of Sapien himself.

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Maybe this will be useful.

  1. Anat Baniel works with the brain through the body. She developed her own method of recovery based on Feldenkrais. There are many articles about neuroplasticity on her website. It also describes 9 principles, the application of which contributes to the formation of new neural connections. When my son started ABM (Anat Baniel method) his brain started to develop. We stopped practicing with the practitioner because of the pandemic, but I would really like to try this method now in combination with Sapien fields.

  2. One doctor of functional diagnostics told me that the exact frequency of the alpha rhythm on electroencephalography can assess the intelligence of a child. The discussion focused on the diagnosis of intellectual disabilities in children with brain damage. Unfortunately, he has no scientific publications. And he does not know whether it is possible to increase intelligence with the help of stimulation of a specific frequency.


maTata, thanks for the advice, I am currently trying out his permanent brain enhancement, enp66 (gene), and superhuman genius/brain connectivity. I think these would help out the most if you are looking for a cognitive boost, I am yet to see any results, but I have only been using them for 5 days, it’s meant to take about 2-3 months. If you’re also looking for a trustworthy brain training website, look into brain hq, they have tones or research backed on them for cognitive boosts with their exercises (processing speed, navigation, fluid intelligence, working memory, attention). Surprisingly enough, it’s made by Dr michael merzinech, one of the most influential neuroscientists in the world, also won a major prize.

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Thank you, I didn’t know Michael had another website like this. I have his book on neuroplasticity. By the way, Michael also appreciates Anat’s work.

For my son, I only included brain regeneration for a few weeks, and the results were noticeable from the first day. This is probably due to the severity of his condition. But it gives me faith that system listening to fields will help us achieve significant results.

I also now compare the effect of some dietary supplements and Sapien fields according to the description. If I find something interesting, I will definitely write here


Yes, I believe that the stronger the impairment or problem, the faster the effect will take place, for the rest of us it may be a slow progression, being sceptical may also be a factor, or maybe after listening for a while, maybe you will notice a sudden rapid increase in intelligence; although I think that it gradually keeps on increasing at a constant rate, I am unsure if there is a limit to how much you can increase your intellect, but Sapien mentions the more you listen the more your intelligence increases. I was looking into genes as they constitute to about 60% of a person’s fluid intelligence, nature; however the rest of the 40% is nurture or environmental factors (training our brain and neuroplasticity). If we use Sapien’s to change our genes and brain structure (areas critical in terms of cognitive ability) through his vids and other training like Mike’s website Brain hq, live a healthy lifestyle, logically you would expect a huge increase in intelligence. Myself as a high school student, finds this topic very interesting, and if all of these combined produced a significant result, I would of course be very grateful, with all the help it could give me with learning and problem solving.


Today, I will be talking about grey matter in the brain, and how it relates to intellectual capacity. First of all what is grey matter? Well grey matter consists primarily of neuronal cell bodies, or soma. This a spherical structure that houses the neuron’s nucleus. Scientists have found people with higher intelligence have a significantly higher grey matter volume, now this is due to gender, environment and of course genetics; essentially if a person has more grey matter in an area in there brain, they are most likely smarter. I was wondering whether sapien could make a field in which he induces grey matter growth in areas responsible for spatial an visual perception/reasoning, problem solving, working memory, processing speed, creativity (already in brain sync), and more (these involve temporal regions and parietal areas, frontal regions, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, antigulate cingulate cortex. Or maybe he could combine grey matter growth with genes responsible for more intellectual growth, some of these also relate to grey matter growth (KIBRA, BCL2, DRD2 (dopamine), NTPN). This is just an idea, but maybe Sapien may be able to do this to some degree in the future. What is your opinion on this guys?

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Can you please elaborate what Brain Sync is?

Sorry, I meant brain hemisphere connectivity.

I have another idea, this one is targeted in something called working memory, essentially the ram or our brain, if we can improve that, we significantly improve our intelligence, those genes mentioned above are inter-linked with working memory and other core cognitive abilities, if we get enough attention on to any of these, they could become actual fields, and be very useful for those who have cognitive impairment, and for people who want to become very intelligent whether it’s for school, work or learning or problem-solving.

Nrb2 ?
What is this please

It is a gene linked to intelligence and learning ability, mice with this gene expression were much smarter then their counter-parts without the gene.

Tell us bit clearly on this

Just search up the gene, and see what it does, if you don’t get it, then ask.

I didn’t find Gene in sapien Medicine channel,a%20number%20of%20human%20disorders.

Sir, which sapien gene music

And the above link is not working