Get A Straight Nose Subliminal

This subliminal straightens your nose and makes sure it looks perfect and beautiful unique to you.
It works very fast and you can use it how often you want.


Thanks sapien this worked instantly! I had an injury a few years ago and my nose never fully healed… this combined with the stem cell one helped heal it up and it’s finally symmetrical :heart:

Thank you so much


Hey, great to hear that!
I am not Sapien though… :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for sharing this! Will definitely listen.
Do you recommend using Concordia booster before this sub?

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Ha whoops I thought these were all SM sounds. Thank you so much… it worked I can’t believe how quickly this worked!! Honestly been trying to heal it for a year… it’s now symmetrical and my nostril which wasn’t equal due to an accident is now equal :heart:


I only listened to it for two days with SLR


I heard about Concordia booster and I even tried it for myself once.
I had certain sensations which I only felt when I listened to my old subliminals, so I guess the person who created that has a good understanding of subliminals. But since I don’t know what exactly is in there, I can’t tell you. Try it out. Experiment and let us know.

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Hi please can you tell me what else this one does other then straighten?

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It molds the nose into your ideal, perfect shape.
It basically makes it the most beautiful it can be, but the primary objective is to straighten it.

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My nose is kinda bent like a hook nose, will it make it a straight nose?

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Awesome man, tnx!

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Hi ,I have deviated septum and my nostrils are not symmetrical ,does this help?had a bad nose job.
Are you working with Sapien team ?

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No, I am not working with Sapien.
The subliminal is designed to straighten your nose, so it should help with that.

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