Get real with yourselfs

Yes, this was the same with me. I have always tried my best to improve my situation but the subconscious effort and energy was against me, I thank these fields for improving and expanding my consciousness.


Hey Sammy,
Can you give some pointers of what do you mean by “doing the work” ?
Just to narrow it down a little and understand it better

(I’m trying to understand if your second comment was the “going in detail part”, of having a routine, etc…)

The most important and foundational thing is making the effort to be present and connected to your Higher Self. When following your HS, your individual path becomes clear. Moment by moment, always listening to your innermost voice. This is the key. Self-observation and mantra repetition helped me be able to get to this state of hearing this voice. Of course meditation too, which is an extension of self-observation.

I think Point of No Return and Karma Crucible are the 2 most important fields needed most to overcome this.


To me, “doing the work” is developing a routine or system in order to:

• Gain control over the mind, emotions, body, speech, etc. basically control over yourself
• discard harmful action
• adopt beneficial action (develop virtues)

(Inside and outside)


Well, my efforts towards giving pointers was my second post. Having that anchor+routine is essential to remaining grounded and having a clear path forward. You follow that and you’ll not only know what work needs to be done but know how to get it done and have the capactiy to do so. I can’t tell you exactly what work that is because the work is different for all of us.

But to get more specific… Doing the work may mean directly facing your deepest insecurities and coming to accept them. It could mean forgiving someone or yourself. It could mean exercising and following a healthy diet. It could mean going out to different places to socialize people to improve your social ability and chances of meeting someone special. It could mean working through all the factors that are making you depressed directly and working towards ridding yourself of the limiting beliefs, traumas and whatnot that are making you depressed. If ascension is the goal, then working towards dissolving ego through yoga and meditation. In essence it means, actually putting in the work it takes to improve yourself and achieve the goals you have so that you improve your life.

It means being consistent with it too. Not 'doing the work for a week and then giving up cause you didn’t get the results you wanted right away is not ‘doing the work.’. Doing the work is making the work a habit and letting the results naturally appear through consistent effort. Persistence is the only guaranteed magic there is.


Yes, absolutely. When I was thinking of “the work” my mind immediately went to the spiritual and mental. But it definitely is anything you want to achieve. As a matter of fact, I’ve slowed down on my spiritual work and am focusing on worldly goals mostly at the moment. It’s what I need most right now.

Effort towards goals + fields related to those goals = sure success.

While I don’t agree with the approach of the OP, I agree what he is saying. There should be less reliance on fields as the only way forward.


Thank you!
The second paragraph gave a lot of food for thought🤍


Feel like the importance of this thread is near an announcement level. Alternatively could just be here for whoever is open/ready to read through.


While I agree with the point that many here seem to rely too much on fields, avoiding “the work” isn’t limited to the spiritual sector only, but the norm in general. For others it might be mental masturbation about philosophy, making money or having sex, doesn’t matter.

The avoidance just seems to stick out in an environment like an online forum, that is so tightly focused on fields and spiritual development.

At the end, even in a place like this, you won’t find many people that are actually “doing the work”.

And then, who says you know what “doing the work” actually means (for others)?

You only see what others choose to post here.
Nobody’s sharing every little bit of his journey online.

Maybe they are doing the work and you are uncapable of recognizing it bc of your own restrictions in awareness?

Just some things to consider.


I think that Each One of Us Has a DIFFERENT Work to Do, as in we have a unique set of obstacles, unique experiences, a unique way to understand and to relate to Spirituality, thus Different Paths and Different Works.


I agree with that sentiment of doing the work.
I think it means it is those things you ought to do…that nagging feeling or a sense of urgency or lack. Your heart knows and is fully aware something should be done and it’s your inner guide to face that obstacle. It’s saying it needs to be done in order to find peace


Oh no que horrible :joy:
Si soy. Y no me importa.

Oh no how horrible :joy:
Yes I am. And I don’t care

I love artificial things, be me?
Ofc no, i not need found me lmao

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Finally someone who, says at least some sense here, I also miss is, God as if all here are Godless, but thats no wonder, its not modern, not special enough, not cool enough for all the Narcissism that spread all over the planet like a plague. All use sophisticated empty words without any deep substance. Last not least, God is the one wo“ produces“ Frequencies, anyways the real ones that work. Without God, none of them work really.Those who take too much pride in doing in what they are doing, will see in the end of the days, who has the real power, in all aspects.

We all have our own journey, our own way of doing things, and what works for one may not work for the other. The beauty of it all, is that we can come together here to share ideas and thoughts. We can agree to disagree, at worst lol.


My Friend, No One Denies God (at least the vast majority of us), we just have a different understanding on the Divine.

There are Endless Views on What, Who, Where, How God Is…

In most Organized Religions, whether more Eastern or Western or in any category you want to put them in, they believe in or at least have the notion of God as The Absolute, A Being and/or A Presence, a Spirit if you will, Who Dwells Within All Creation, Within All Nature, Who is Everywhere…

Jesus (according to the official/canonical books of the Bible) taught about God as being “Our (Heavenly) Father”…

Now, he also said “it is not written in your Law: 'I have said you are Gods”…, which is a logical thing, as sons and daughters (expressions/copies/etc.) of The Absolute, we carry That Divine Essence too, so it’s not like we are just dirt, fading one day, No, we are Glorious Beings, my Friend…

Acts 17:28 “for in Him we live and have our being.” - this shows you the Omnipresence and Intimate Presence of God/The Divine within and without… He is Energy, Life, The Universe and Beyond, in/on ALL Levels…


No he said we can become GODlike, likeness to God, which is a fundamental difference. He also said, I (Jesus)) and the father and the holy spirit are one! And no one comes through, to the (holy)Father, except through me, the Son. To become GODlike,that is possible when we become, Angels in this life time on this earth. And that is, hard work, not only on the spiritual,level, but as human, in nature. Many „ are working“ on this, they think meditating and what not,will get them there, but behave as humans on another level, its the deeds or doings/actions of the humans, that tell it all. Then the words, or thoughts, and feelings are each another thing, then then real actions. Then, as he (Jesus) said, look at the deeds, of the fake prophets, they you will recognize who they are. And yes every living being has an (lets say) atom of his spirit, in a part of our heart, without this „atom“ of his holy spirit, we would not exist. It is, our duty (or should be ) to develop this spirit until it becomes so big as our bodies, at least. That can be achieved through, being or get tombe better human beings.

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Psalm 82:6


I think there’s actually a dilemma concerning this. While lots of sects praise having a purpose, there are also many that praise “surrender” and “the flow”. I created a thread about it nearly a year ago, and I’d sure enjoy hearing further thoughts on it.

I haven’t had a chance to resolve that paradox yet, however, here’s a quote from Tao Te Ching that warms my being at times.

“Because he doesn’t know who he is, people recognize themselves in him.
Because he has no goal in mind, everything he does succeeds.”

As a person who experienced ego death and experienced one of the strangest ~2 months of my life nearly 4 years ago, those verses have a deeper meaning to me…
Ever since I’ve been trying to catch that experience once more, but unfortunately I am either not purposeful enough or there’s indeed a strange paradox in striving to cease all striving…


The word was elohim, which is an epithet of God. But the meaning is magistrate


“you are magistrates, children of the most high.”

[like a prince below a King…].

“But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall…” Psalm 82:7

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lmao gottem :smiley:

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