Former NFT submission guidelines (not applicable anymore)

Donā€™t forget to send your submission on Fridays not on the Weekends.


Only on Fridays right?





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New mod in the game @Nice2knowU :shield:

So now, all three of us mods will have to be included in the submissions. That also means registrations should move faster. :slight_smile:


The rejections are still a tiny minority, but still they have trippled compared to last week and the day is not over. This week we had to be extra tolerant and correct some of the minor forgotten steps.

I thought this week weā€™d have zero rejections but instead we reverted to the mean.

Follow the format guys.

Some of you have become very precise and efficient, congratulations to you.


I have been asked, yes, you can order copies to sell. But not half or 3/4 of your project. You want to get extra copies to sell, get them in your wallets.

1-2, letā€™s say itā€™s really big group, 5 and up, that many copies can be bought late, it can be good faith.

I donā€™t want to micromanage, but having big projects that received priority and weeks later have sold 1/3. Thatā€™s not fair. Thatā€™s not right.

3 weeks later you didnā€™t get half ?
Thatā€™s a no-no

Other groups have been waiting.

So organize your people, make rules.

We cannot have a system that rewards negligence, failures or even dishonesty.

Ignoring a small casual mistake, thatā€™s compassion.
Ignoring widespread abuse thatā€™s weakness.

So come forward people.

I understand that the rules have not been specific enough in some regards. Weā€™ll improve them


Hi, everyone. A Happy Friday reminder for group leaders submitting NFTs for registry:

Do not submit projects in story form
Brevity is preferred - do not pad the submission with unnecessary words
No detailed explanations are necessary
No attachments

Thanks you yellow KY


can i clear something for me @Dr_Manhattan?

Mandala with 3 main fields with three subfields to each mainfield will cost 250 USD?
100 USD is for extra abilities? to what? abilities which differ from the three fields/subfields?

thank you for your time!

i am slowly warming up perhaps to post something as a projectā€¦

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$100 for an extra main field and itā€™s 3 subfields


okay, understood, thank you!!

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One question, how would this work with servitor/intelligent construct like NFTs? It can get hard to properly explain the archetype and everything it compasses within a couple of sentencesā€¦

As long as one doesnt abuse it and add a bunch of abilities, it should be fine to extend the description a bit right?

I hope you dont mind me tagging yā€™all @Dr_Manhattan @Rosechalice

@Beast When you have your idea set into the proper format send it to us in a DM and we will take a look at it


Alright thank you!


Hey Philip. Does Dream take NFT submissions where we give just a general idea and he takes his own free run at what he feels would be best for it?

What Iā€™m proposing is more of an attunement process on the person who will be part of the project, itā€™s a bit different than the typical NFT projects I would think. Let me know if I can send you a quick message with what I have in mind and if you could ask Dream if heā€™s open to it. Thanks man.

Hi @anon77086103,

I just announced that the submission have ended. We wonā€™t accept new submission.

It was going to happen one day and that day is today.


Iā€™m just after seeing it šŸ«£
My procrastination always comes back to bite me on the ass.
No worries, thanks man.