Update on NFT Submissions: Focusing on Existing Content

Hello Everyone,

We’re pausing the acceptance of new NFT submissions.
We appreciate the enthusiasm and creativity you’ve shown through your submissions. Now, it’s time for us to dedicate our efforts to give each existing project the attention it deserves.

Please note:

  • No new NFT submissions will be accepted for the time being.
  • We will be working through the current queue of submissions.
  • We’ll keep you informed about future opportunities.

Thank you for your understanding and continued participation in the community projects.


Hello Philip,

Would it be possible to give us a rough estimate of the amounts of projects already submitted?

40, 50, 60, 70, 80?


It’s a 3 digit number

That’s all I’m gonna say

Hence why we’ve been so insistant that the submissions followed a clear format




So basically, it will be closed till like half, or most or all are made/concluded, won’t it?


For now, the submissions are stopped.


Hmm okay


Many NFTs have just been delivered, if you see them in the store but haven’t received a link or password, wait until your project leaders logs in and shares it.

It’s all been done on our part.


Some NFTs are being released today, as usual the group leaders will share the links with their groups.

Keep in mind that Solana is a bit slow right now so it might take some time. Same for the releases, they are slowly coming up on the network and will be delivered as they get ready.

Thank you all for your patience :slight_smile:

Edit: All 7 projects have been delivered today.

See you next time


All of today’s releases have been delivered to the group leaders


is there a scheduler for when projects get.released? I see groups created a month ago get their project and projects submitted 6 months ago don’t seem anywhere close to be made

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No schedule - it’s the joy of surprise! :slight_smile:



The submissions haven’t been re-opened yet

Nah, these are just 2 of mines lol
Computer science and creativity.

I know what many people will be thinking, I’m not keeping it secret.
The submissions aren’t opened yet, because Dream wants to make all the projects before reopening.

So, we go with the projects with the biggest groups and best drafts and in every batch we include a couple of the longest waiting groups.

But it’s not like we haven’t explained how the priority goes. We’ve explained that bigger projects with more copies get priority and that cleaner drafts too.

A lot of groups still push for the minimum amount of copies and don’t even use the official template we’ve shown. These will get made, but they won’t have priority. They’ll still be made.

There’s another layer to it. Sometime Dream wants a bit of diversity, sometimes he wants to switch from repetitive themes, sometimes it’s Brain fields, sometimes he’d prefer to change a bit from “Money, Power, King-Emperor, Become a god” types of projects, cause he gets to make many of them in row, over and over, many of them look like copy and paste. Nothing necessarily wrong with them but I can see how it can get tiring, so we try to keep things a tiny bit diverse too.

That’s a normal feeling.

So, a couple weeks ago I was like “hey, I got a clean draft, big group, 65 copies, brain field, if you want to make it for a change” and that’s how these 2 projects got included in the batch and made. So 2/8 this time have been more recent projects :man_shrugging:

People know what they can do to boost their projects, it’s never been a secret.

In fact some group leaders decided to pay attention and came back with a restructured draft and added tens of people to their projects. Their projects skyrocketed to the top of the pile.

But yeah, groups with the minimum amount of members and the biggest requests better be patients.

On the upside, most projects have already been made, not that many are left.
We’ll let you know when the submissions re-open.


I believe that “copy-paste projects” should not be even accepted in the first place. People should come up with new and original ideas.


  1. Risk of boring Dream
  2. Unfair to the projects already made

Same here. I believe projects not submitted in the proper template should be auto-dismissed – otherwise this is unfair to the people who submit their projects by following the template.

People who follow the template are probably also more self-reflective with regards to which things should really be part of their desired NFT.

And of course, this is also about respect for Dream and presenting information to him in a properly formated way and in the desired template (instead of puking out an unformated mess of a scribble).



Make it original, make it clean, get some people in and it will have priority.

The great majority gets turned down, for those who get through, they won’t have priority.

That was a figure of speech. Not literal copy and paste but let’s be real most of those are not really patentable, they are fairly obvious. Combined with the fact that most groups only takes 10 people.

Then all those coming next don’t get to do anything because the guys before made something somewhat similar, with some overlap.

Some people are very possessive and would want to be the only ones with chakras, or the only one with Jesus Christ or angels. The only ones negative energy removal.

A lot of if is fairly obvious to anyone. Doesn’t mean the project is not good or great, but to grant them the monopoly on that… that wouldn’t be fair.

A lot of people use Google and fall on the same articles lol

Same way if we gave 3 wishes to people from all other the earth 10 years apart most would say “money, health, love”.

Now, I have my own personal solution. It’s unpopular but I keep the brain sauce secret :man_shrugging:


I agree that very general stuff cannot be “patented” and it would be unfair to others for not allowing them to include very general stuff in their projects too.

On the other hand, this also seems to be an additional reason for people to actually come up with very specialized and original ideas, because the more original an idea is, the more likely it can be seen as kind of “patented” because everyone will know that “very original idea X” came from “project group ABC”, and if someone tries to copy paste it or build upon that, it would be very clear that it is an attempt of hijacking someone else’s idea.
So the more original an idea is, the more likely mods will dismiss a submission of a similar idea that is being submitted? – at least I would hope that this is the case as this sounds kinda logical to me. What are your thoughts?

That tells you how much research some people actually do before submitting their projects… :roll_eyes:

On the other hand, there are some users here who do extremely deep research on their topics before submitting their projects, for example you and Ugninis.


Like anything in life, relationships are important. How they’re formed, developed. What is agreed & acted upon.

A basis of trust and respect is fundamental, but not always easy to create.

With more people and a lack of functioning, structures like rules and laws are established. In the name of order, fairness, security.

Some people look to authority figures, especially when uncertain in their decisions. Others like being in such positions. An agreed upon societal dynamic.

For an artist, social rules and laws may not be all that relevant. The choice of creativity. From how much or how little we realize, we’re all creators of our own reality.

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