Getting a girl back

Hello all, so I was dating this girl for like 2 months she sadly had some problems with her fam member who got sick/nearly dead which made her wanna be alone for a while. And cut all contact with me. Which I feel sad about. We had nice time together in that short period of time. I don’t mind giving her space. But I don’t get why she wants to cut all contact. Is there some field that can make her want to contact me again


I don’t know about making her want to contact you, but you could try this new release. Don’t forget the sale is still on! Kamadeva Rati Homam

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Just let her go, there are plenty other girls.
If she would have cared, she wouldn’t have cut you off from her life.

There is no point in watering a dead flower, no point in hanging on the past.


Everyone has a different way of dealing with grief, some like to talk to people to help with the process and some (like me) would like to cut off and seclude from the whole world even including family members, the best thing that you could do right now is to give her space, as much as space as possible, maybe check on her once a week, idk you can decide the frequency of that, I know how it sucks to be on that side of the table as I myself I am going through a terrible heart break situation and one of the worst things I did was playing scenarios over and over in my head and beating myself over it, the thing is when that person is constantly on our mind it basically affects their energy as well and they can feel it, when you are constantly obsessing over someone they can feel our energies, well what happened in my case was that I was obsessing too much over my ex gf, constantly checking her social media and what not and she sensed that energetically and I came off as someone who is obsessed which, I generally am not in 99% of the cases but as my world was in turmoil I became that person, anyhoo, my ex gf who wanted to reconcile ended up blocking me, the best course of action that I could have followed and would genuinely like you to follow if you are comfortable in doing it would be cutting off the cords, when I say that I mean cutting off your etheric cords, to our luck we have it free on the dream seeds channel, next thing would be detaching yourself from her and how can we do that, we have that option for free as well on the dream seeds channel which is detachment for spiritual growth, followed by all purpose anxiety removal and finally litany over loneliness, one of the best things you could do in the period of no contact is working on yourself, work so hard on yourself, mentally and physically that when this person comes back you are unrecognizable, in the end there are 2 things that will happen, either she comes back, well, amazing, if not, you attract the right partner, the partner which basically matches your vibe, I know this sounds good on paper but this is coming from someone who had a very recent heartbreak, its difficult, it genuinely is, all the pain and what not, but I know you are strong enough and you can do it, just work on yourself and let the universe do its thing for you.

Again to answer your question, irrespective of how hard you try to have her back using fields, servitors or any other path there is available and somehow even if you are successful, it will be only short term and if she finds out, she will most probably hate you for that and the relationship will end or she will end up being too obsessed over you and the relationship will be unhealthy and you would start hating your actions, trust me, I know people who have tried and tested all types of methods and those methods only ended up in the 2 ways mentioned above.

Hope this helps you.

sorry for the long post, here is a potato------> :potato:


Well, that may not be the best mindset if ur not looking for “a girl just like any other girls”.

Don’t look at her as just a determistic equation to solve.

Simply try to be a good and wise man and accept that this much is not entirely under your control. If she for any reason doesn’t wish to be with you, just respect that, work on your healing, work on yourself, socialize and believe that with time and effort, you will find someone truly fit for you.


It is what it is my friend, in the matter of free will she exercised her. Perhaps you can text her again but I would not use the metaphysics to superimpose a reconnection. It is not a course of action that it is wise to follow

In the meantime, Attract Your Soultribe can help you bringing new meaningfull connections


and ironically, if this is a timeline where she’s an option, this is the thing most likely to get her (or anyone else more suitable) interested.


Maybe, but don’t do it with that intention. If someone wants you just bcs of some “coincidences” that launch some psychological mechanisms, it’d be very probable that while u could be together for a while, it may not last. Just my opinion tho.

Just look for someone where there will be mutual resonance.


To clarify, doing it with that intention actually means you’re not doing it. Working on you for someone else is working for someone else. It’d be like opening your own business but giving all the profit to the store next door.

Which is why it’s ironic. Pursuing yourself, putting yourself in that “special” category you normally reserve for love interests, and focusing on that and staying focused on it until it’s what actually makes you smile randomly? That’s when someone well matched for where you currently are and are currently headed enters your life.

It’s kind of like abundance fields. You play abundance fields because you want money. Through playing the abundance field, you quickly find yourself playing alchemical revision and emotional release and self-love fields because THAT is what’s actually blocking you from abundance.


Well, it would be more so just partial or pretending.

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Find a new girl. Props to her for focusing on family over a new relationship but focus on yourself and getting better with women will most likely be better for you than wasting resources on this one.


It’s fine to have time for one self, no one reacts the same way but it’s toxic leaving you wondering what happens, wondering if you did something wrong, knowing you are trying to reach her.

If you succeed in getting her she may will repeat the same thing, every time she’ll have a problem, she’ll ignore you if she is already used to that. I really don’t like this kind of passive-agressive behaviors. It’s not a healthy type of communication at all. It’s very painful for the one being ignored and can leave traumas.

It’s not her fault what is happening but in my opinion adults have better way to handle situations like this, you deserve better, the silence treatment is worse than anything else, it’s a lack of consideration and respect toward you, total indifference…

You tried to help her, yet she made her choice leaving you clueless. You have to keep going if she doesn’t want to give you news, there are plenty of women that would gladly treat you better.

Hard time doesn’t excuse bad behaviors. Life is already complicated enough, you don’t have to bare the pain of everyone if it makes you feel bad.


The Probability Wave (Paid field)
Attract Love (Energetic Alchemy)
Abundance Mindset
Attract More Love Into Your Life (Patreon)
Unexpected Gifts
The Protected Righteous

Works good for me



It’s hard to know why people make the decisions they do. Sometimes sensitive souls just choose to shut down or de-complicate, but also I would think they would make some effort to communicate if they valued the connection.

Bless her to release her to the best which will also free you. Cut cords and be open to synchronicities which will point to the next step for you.

Looking at the description of the Kamadeva homam, it helps to attract the right partner, helping to find true love and companionship. It’s an option if you choose to go in that direction. Know that no matter what you chose, wholeness and perfect love are found within at all times.

Here is a lovely image from Mystic Tarot to soothe your spirit.


You can listen to Angelic Intercession and ask the beings there to support her, bless your relationship and even make this event, where someone close to you experienced something traumatic and distanced herself, easier on you. Make an earnest and respectful request and give them the time to work on it.

In the mean time, there are plenty of mental health fields that can address your loneliness, longing and even frustration and feelings about this not being fair. I also would recommend The Way of Integrity if you’re interested in advice on how to approach all of this.


Hi OP @komodo ,

Ideally you’d do some introspection on why you want her back. Because more often than not, our egos get bruised by such a fairly extreme reaction of cutting all contact.

If you find that you want her back only to soothe your ego, I can tell you straight away that it won’t work out long-term (if that’s your plan).

In any case it does seem odd to cut all contact after you’ve spent a lovely two months together. Especially if you’ve built a nice friendship. (Friends don’t suddenly cut all contact when something bad happens, right?)

I would say, you can try to contact her. But first make it absolutely sure within your heart that you are not messaging her from a state of feeling needy or desperate. Rather, as a friend, try to find out what happened.

Mostly you can find that love - as much as it’s a journey on the outside - it’s also a journey to the depths within yourself. And unfortunately we, us humans, via our own unique backgrounds and experiences, are prone to potentially carry a lot of shadows within. Those shadows must be faced and made peace with eventually.

David Goggins says he opens those “cupboards with demons inside” every day.

I feel you though … The heartache is real. There are many forum members who have experienced this and are battling their demons day by day. I have the utmost respect for that.

I wish this works out for you.
Or maybe something even better.


Hello all. I appreciate all of your guys feedback and insight. After praying and using etheric cord cutter I feel much better. I was on a date with another girl today. Everything is good. I really needed this support. <3


I am very happy for you komodo.
Gratz gold chalice