Getting close to making the "jump"

I’m getting so close to making the jump into the reality I want. Things are starting to feel less and less real even. I don’t really know how to explain this but you just feel so open I guess the word would be. You can even feel it in your mind and body. I see things so clearly now you can’t even hide your emotions from me anymore. I barely have any need for sleep the last 2 days. When I go to sleep I’ll wake up randomly full awake and it’s like something wants to bring me to where I’m trying to go. I’m literally living this reality in my mind more than ever and so clear too it just comes without me thinking. I’ll just close my eyes and I’ll see myself doing what im trying to achieve. I feel as if i could just poof be gone and into that world if that makes sense. This is the year i swear. No more chains, no more shackles, no more slavery, no more bs! I’m trying to put as much as I can without saying too much lol