Getting logged out

This happens sometimes spontaneously AFAIK.

But right now, every time I click on the “redirecting arrow” it logs me out.

The redirecting arrow is that which makes a previous post visible, that someone is answering to in a later post.

For instance, when I try to see what igem is answering to. You can even see the “you were logged out” screen popping xD

Maybe it’s temporary though but if anyone can look into it.

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You can try clearing your browser cache


Btw it was my ad-blocker. It probably does something in reaction to that action, and then the forum logs me out cause it gets weird activity from my end.

Now it is with the general thread. I can’t open it, I get logged out.

I know this isn’t something that can be looked into easily but yeah.

Will see if I can change the “fingerprint” to fix it. It’s usually a problem on my end but a whole thread locked out…

Edit: fingerprint method didn’t work. Nor is it the adbloker. Welp…gotta read it without login in.