Getting upset about things that don't involve me

I’ve been getting upset about things that don’t involve me angry even anymore and I don’t know why. I never got mad about other people’s bs but now it’s just like I can’t stand certain things anymore. The people in my house I feel like are draining my energy anymore. The one person in my house uses people mostly men and it makes me so angry. This one good guy I met gets used by a woman who he had a kid with and just uses him, disrespects him, takes everything for hers, he barely eats even because of it and this makes me so angry. It gets hard for me to sit back and just watch anymore. I don’t know if I’m suppose to do something about it or what and that’s why I get angry. It just feels like it’s not even more anymore it feels deeper than that. Would your higher self get mad? Also would I be wrong for doing a bit of energy work to speed up the karmic process possibly? I would never do anything with my energy to hurt anybody. I will always make sure the universe keeps the fate intact I would never go against it or anything like that. Also how can I tell if somebody has been infected with something like an etheric implant or anything and how could I remove it? It seems the people in my house aren’t the same people anymore. I just don’t know if I’m finally starting to really see through all the bs or what. How can I stop getting upset about other people’s bs?

Sounds like you need to take a hard look at yourself. Anger and frustration is an internal response not an external one. Thinking of using energy methods to exert control on a situation you’re upset about seems to indicate a need or want if yours isnt being met in some way and you want to feel powerful.


I’m starting to look within a bit better. I’m working on it. I’m beginning to realize a lot of traumas I thought I released are really coming to the surface lately so I’ve switched up my stack to where I’m only doing work on this. I honestly think I could be possibly projecting which is causing my perspective on things to seem worse than it is. I was doing some cleansing earlier and feel like I released some things but still have work to do as I still feel blockages in my heart area. It seems most of this comes from my solar plexus and heart chakra and I feel it in the sacral sometimes but mainly in solar plexus and heart