God’s Will, and Me 🌟

This was on my walk the other day… maybe one day I’ll have the proper words to describe what flowers are to me.



It seems in this journey I am becoming more sensitive to the little ones.

Last night I felt something dark watching me in my bedroom. I whipped my head around and saw a gnarly spider in the corner of my bedroom.

I could not reach it,

I am shameful.

It fell behind the window blind cover. I still could not reach it but could sense it. I determined it was safe to go back to my desk, but the feeling was ominous.

I worked on my computer until I perceived the spider hiding in the blinds. I could feel her plan of action. Normally spiders are relaxed, why was this one malicious? It dawned on me if I opened my blinds it would launch out at me.

I stood at an extreme angle, lowered the blinds — oop — out drops the spider. I felt her expressing how her babies could still come after me.

I peeked around the window after reclaiming my bedroom and in the dark could not find anything. I cautiously went to sleep.

Well this morning, here they are, shining clear as day from the morning sun: egg sacs lining the top of the window cover.

At least she was kind enough to voice her plan.

If I am able to reach them safely, I will transfer them outside. Although they will have her malicious genetics. Sorry, world, for the impending havoc they will wreak.

I’ve added the Jaguar NFT, which is surely adding a colorful flavor to my path. In reality, she is influencing me to speak the things that are on the tip of my tongue with someone’s offense, that I tend to forgive away.

I will put an update here about the Patreon fields I’m currently listening to:

Work and Home:
All wealth/abundance fields
Fields that clear negative energy, voodoo, ghosts and entities
Justice For All
Luck/Attraction fields
White Light Wave

Restoration fields:
plasma beach,
internal alchemy,
cutting etheric cords
Chi/ fa Jin gong
Love album


Sinus & Endocrine fields
Parasite Fields
Reproductive fields

I may have missed a few. I choose intuitively, consistently for the things that require persistence, and based on how the day unfolds and my environment’s interplay.

There are certain values I will always defend:




And a balanced and healthy Tolerance

The country I currently call home is playing some kind of twisted game with each of these things. In order to uphold these values we need to retain the right to be intolerant of the things that threaten the core of these.

Jaguar is holding me to this commitment of mine.

Today, I’m grieving.

I fully expected to be in another job by now. I never wanted to attend the development day for the new school year.

So having to sit through all 8 hours led by someone whom I perceive as evil (look, let me vent. This place is abusive) was disheartening.

We were asked to draw on a rock (“cuz we “rock!”) something that brings us joy.

I drew my next place of employment.

Someone left early so I took that rock and drew the end of this era with these people.

Can you guess which one is which? I’ll leave that to you.

I surrender ~ |

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I had some help in facing the right direction. And now I have a vision, a memory, of my little cockatiel when I was a child. He was the only bird who did this silly thing. He had beautiful, long tail feathers that if he found himself in a corner, they’d split between his aviary walls. He’d back up, wiggle, turn to the right to adjust. He would do this wiggle left and right uncomfortably, his tail feathers continuing to get split in the aviary walls until finally ~~

He moved forward.

By that point he was always frustrated, and would leap forward and fly away from the offending corner.

I’m about ready to fly away.

Perhaps it’s time to shift my attention from using the audios to find a job, and instead use the fields to inspire me to fly off and find a good, sturdy, safe place to land with plenty of seed. Perhaps both, and allow myself OPTIONS

ie, maybe I need to rely on my smarts and a leap of faith.

Yesterday we had yet another meeting. This time, it was a meeting put on by the school itself. My program is a separate entity.

My goodness what a DIFFERENCE!

Kindness, respect, they didn’t use childish “calls” with a condescending tone and stare ie, “if you can hear me put your finger on your nose” to gain the attention of adults and professionals.

The speakers simply placed their hand in the air and the room fairly quickly quieted.

They were a team. I went in feeling so defeated, having to name myself as part of the aforementioned program. I left feeling relief of being around healthy individuals. It reset my brain for a short while.

In comparison, the program’s meeting consisted of the speaker rudely interrupting the other supervisor, kicking her off the podium to tell it the way she wanted to for the entirety of the meeting. Our attention was called by using the attention getters used for elementary students. There was a tension, and one poor woman who I know has been at the abuse of the speaker kept apologizing after asking a question.

“What does xyz mean…” speaker addresses her, woman, “I’m just asking!! I’m sorry.” (Shrinks further and further into the seat).

On the contrary, the school’s meeting was collaborative. Every teacher looked happy to be there and meet their colleagues again. People were invited to share their thoughts, and if a speaker seemed to forget a point, it was respectfully pointed out, “let’s go over xyz I think it’ll be helpful for them to piece together this information.”

After a year of being in this program, seeing healthy, kind individuals gave me a boost I sorely needed.

I jumped into this position because I needed it. I have learned to slow down and look further into it, first.

Sometimes the need to act can cloud judgment. It’s not always easy to determine a bad situation from the get go, but we can always learn from our experiences. I certainly will.

Will update later after fields.

It used to be that the sanctuary would be accessible to all.

Then I met those whom the sanctuary needed supreme protection from.

Giving kindness to a self proclaimed snake, covert or overt, will make you his dinner.

I am gaining an intolerance to evil and the scales that balance so.

I tend to find myself astray in circumstances that don’t suit me.

Because when you accept others in their harmful choices, you accept the experience for yourself.

I don’t belong there.

I don’t cultivate evil.

I belong where there is goodwill. Where peace, clarity, nourishment is nurtured.

It is not my journey to spread love to those who, in their resting state, will maim me. And, it wasn’t naivety that led me there. It was a desire to accept them, to coexist, learn and grow together. Everyone deserves to feel warmth, love, acceptance. But,

It is not my task to speak kindness to their sore areas that wince out of view.

It is not my title to embrace them when they are crushed in self-hate

I will leave that to god

It’s time I love me more.

A love for humanity is questionable if it doesn’t equally include yourself, and boundaries or values that nurture and support a well-rounded, safe experience. Including myself equally means not accepting it at all.

These doors are closed.

Field: The Essence of Faith and Prayer

The Watchful Eye :eye:

Amping up my use of the fields is definitely starting a purge. It’s good, it means there’s movement. It’s only been a short time since I’ve experienced a purge but for some reason it’s taken me by surprise. This time it’s different, maybe.

All subconscious wounds are coming to surface. Wounds regarding people, relationships, power and control, and my understanding of love.

I had a massive breakthrough today regarding love in places it should not have been cultivated. It sums up to this:

Do not build love on top of a temporary foundation.

I’m embracing connecting with like minded people. At the end of my walk today, I tossed my pine cone in the grass. I saw paper sticking out where it landed. It was a fortune cookie paper (I collect the ones I like, it was a fortuitous finding :blush:) and it said:

“Do or not do. There is no Try.”

I was raised on 3 quotes,

Invictus by William Earnest Henley,

“Do or not do. There is no Try” - Yoda


“Buononunos” - My Father.

Very fortuitous, indeed.

Field: Subconscious Limits Removal, Clear All Negative Energy and Entities, Fa Jin Gong Infusion

I’ve experienced quite a few traps.

Last night I dreamt normally and peacefully, and then my dream was hijacked by some kind of astral or psychic critter. It attempted to trick me into thinking it was something else. I knew what it was immediately and became conscious in my dream. It quickly changed tune and attempted to rip away my shield and (!) punch my in my throat with the edge of its “hand.”

I managed to grab and swipe the “hand” away and with force removed it from me, and within a split second returned to my body and awakeness.

I suppose as I continue to remove the hooks and dispel the illusions and disappointments that led me “astray”, these beings will keep attempting to reach me.

It’s time to amp up the sleep playlist regardless of a good night’s sleep, so I can continue to sleep well.


Maybe even amp up my dream protections while in waking life.

Fields: Shen, Chi Infusion, Jing Infusion, Gastrospecialist

Thanks to what I’ve learned from others here on the forums, when I encountered the old coworker who prays to evil entities today (when I first met her she was incredibly open about telling me all about the entities she prays to…thankfully she did, because it gave me direction when I started experiencing attacks from her). She is also the one who made up several lies about me to spread to coworkers. Why? It’s her nature. I never even saw her during the workday. And a kind coworker who saw through it immediately came to warn me.

Anywho, she was present at work today and kept sending me psychic attacks. Thanks to the things I’ve learned, I set up a field that recognizes “there is no evil,” hence deleting any affect of the attack and one that immediately bestowed karmic action based on what she sent me.

I have not yet discussed this here, but during this Journey I’ve come to terms that I often stand in the way of Karmic resolution. I attempt to protect those who send ill will my way. I’ve learned it only harms me, and it also does them no good because karmic action is one of the only ways these people learn anything.

So, I’ve agreed to step out of the way and allow swift karmic justice.

I noticed once I left the room after she began her shenanigans, set up my field and came back, she became very clumsy, dropping things. I felt the attacks lessening in severity. What felt like attempts to hit me with drains became finger pokes, then became awareness that she was sending something but it was bouncing right off of me. I remained vibrant and full of energy during the day when I would’ve been fatigued otherwise. Yay!!

This place is teaching me so much. I truly needed the internal upgrade this forum is guiding me into. Thank you, all. 🫶🏽

This AM I woke up with gratitude. Dreamweaver’s work is really something to behold. He is undoubtedly one of The Greats. I am so blessed to be able to receive his work, we all are! Thank you!



I suppose I should add in this journey, my Physical Wellbeing. I did not want to highlight this in my Journey but I am experiencing great change after the Smart Bacteria Slayer and Fungus Destroyer, to resolve issues from a past exposure. Good thing I asked my naturopath for tips on restoring the biome. I am buying her suggested probiotic TODAY. I am truly impressed by these fields. Truly. This is a medical miracle and should be studied in a lab.

Fields: Smart Bacteria Slayer, Fungus Destroyer, Jing

I am blown away by the effects of the aforementioned fields.

I went to work today with my sinuses feeling WIDE OPEN!!! I don’t recall the last time I experienced that. Not to mention, they refuse to clean the air vents in the classroom which makes everyone sick, or with allergies. I wear a mask in the classroom. My sinuses felt clear for the entire day.

As I left work, I realized my body feels internally clean — there’s been only a few times I’ve had that sensation since the exposure. Once, after an invasive internal cleansing (lol), and the other, when my toxin binders really started to work.

I am blown away that the field can do this all by itself. It’s working BETTER than the physical care I received.

Now I wonder, dear reader, maybe you know this answer: do I use the Smart Bacteria Slayer and Fungus Destroyer once a day for 7 days, much like a physical prescription? And then repopulate with a physical probiotic?

I feel so good right now. I want to make sure I completely eliminate the bacteria that is where it doesn’t belong.

I did take a nose swab a while back that confirmed the presence of bacteria’s that settled in my sinuses and were a strain that is not supposed to be in the body.

I am so glad these fields are addressing this. It gives me— not only relief… REAL relief— but Hope, as well.


What is this? The sweetest nectar of life. I need a giant buckets worth of Jing. Monster bucket. Sky scraper, Archangel size. It’s better than chocolate!

I am insatiable

Fields: Every Jing audio I can find on Patreon, and I need more.

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Hmm, Jaguar is perfect for me. She’s been in my visions for two years now, I painted a small mural of a jaguar on the wall when she initially came, and planned to fill the entire wall with her. it’s about time I actually let her in :sweat_smile: thanks to the Patreon Jaguar NFT image.

The house I rent is a mess. Our “house manager” isn’t taking responsibility for his assigned tasks, has started disrespecting us, and constantly threatens to kick people out if we have a problem with his cats.

All I know is that when I find myself where I belong next, it will be sweet, sweet relief.

There is a spot leaking in the backyard and raising our water bill. I decided to look into it since no steps have been taken to call someone or get it fixed.

In my search, I found two sprinklers shooting water out into the abyss, one I’ve resolved and the other I’m gathering parts for (that he supposedly knew about but did nothing for), and discovered the source of the leak. I’ve gotten some online help in addressing the leak and have figured out the possible issue.

Onto Jaguar, I sent a text to him and another roommate who may be able to help me locate the sprinkler shut off valve. I could feel myself begin to dwindle, as I sensed that they felt ~~or could feel ~~ I was “doing too much.”

I immediately felt Jaguar raise her beautiful head and counteract the dwindle. I persevered and recommitted to my focus on resolving this issue. I’m a doer. I get it done. I’m going to do what I need to. They can decide it’s “too much” for them, but that’s not my character.

Jaguar absolutely feels one with me now.

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I was sitting in an overpriced coffee shop that specializes in milky sugar coffee, charging up my phone before I answered a mystic phone call and went on my next adventure.

A man in tattered clothes walked inside. He was smudged brown from dirt and looked exhausted. I smiled at him, which seemed to inspire words that were waiting to be expressed, to somebody.

He told me he was homeless and finally made it to a shelter. But, he got in trouble for punching a man who was stealing his money and was already on thin ice.

His words were slow and he stumbled over the syllables. With his doe eyes portraying an innocent demeanor, and his slightly southern accent, I wondered where his journey originated.

He was happy to share without my prompting. I went to pick up my drink when my name was called, and went to sit back at my seat.

He leaned in close.

“When you’re homeless sometimes you gotta play a role, you know what I mean?” A sly glint crossed over his eyes and there was no trace of the southern accent he had just a moment before. His words were fast and with strong energy. His face looked hardened, reflecting a practiced conman. “People expect you to be a certain way.” I excused myself, a bit taken aback. I was glad it was time for my phone call.

I gathered my things and briskly walked through the exit and sat at the closest table to the door.

He came outside about 5 minutes later and sat at the table across from me. He patiently waited until my call was over before he spoke up.

“What do you do for work?” He eyed me.

“Ah, a consultant,” purposely vague, I was. He kept pushing for conversation. “I’d guess you’re around 30 years old,” he said. I picked up his intentions. I said no more. I suppose my silent boundary emboldened his intent.

“What’s your social security number?”

I gathered my things and left.

living even a few moments of a life silent about the deeper workings of this existence feels a lot like this experience, yet in reverse. It might sound like a bit of a stretch. And, this real story is a strange one. But, malice removed, of course, to engage with those where the magic of the universe has yet to be explored, and the seed of curiosity hasn’t been sowed, feels quite like playing the doe. And, I can’t help but wonder what it might feel like on the other side… to one day realize that others played in stardust all along, and yet did not speak a word of its magnificence to you. Would such a person feel conned? Much like this man pretending to be a sheep?


Ohh~~~ my protections are working!!! My protections are working.

That is all I will say.

Dream time on lock down :sunglasses:

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What an interesting day.

How often do people see you as you are?

Without mugglevision, I mean.

I’m so fully aware that even within the realm of many realms, there are still realms and possibilities about our own existences and personas that we may know about— or may not know about.

Even though we gather on a shared resonance, a shared space, we may or may not be seeing the ultimate truth of one another, beyond the layers and layers of shtuff. Of course there is respect and it would be rude to look under someone’s dress. Don’t do that. :point_up:t5:

But it is nice to see and be seen and remain grounded and not fly off in a fit of fantasy. Just truly being You in a dense, dense world :sparkles:

This sweet thing fell in my hair while I was mulling over the sprinkler system. Barely bigger than an ant. She’s precious.

In fact, there’s the ant. :joy: