God’s Will, and Me 🌟

This journey is focused on finding a balance and peace between my divinely focused path and my human interests.

I’ve decided and realized after a long period of following God’s plans for me, then pausing to try out my human desires, that I don’t want a life that doesn’t have gods footprint in each of the sectors of my life.

I recently tried to invoke conversation around this topic in another post but was seriously misunderstood, maybe due to the way I approached it.

I’ve decided to just create my own journey post here so I can share the reflections I’ve received, allowing my limitations of what a godly life entails to resolve.

I did not think I could achieve my interests because what I was presented with conflicted with the path I was urged upon. Perhaps I have these interests not as something to sacrifice, but to explore how to include god in them. I’ll receive insights from my meditations and work with the fields and see how it leads me to blend them. Topics like career, love, family. Understandings and awarenesses are never static so as I will share, it’s never definite. Just a reflection of a change in perspectives. Until the next one…

I’ll start with the Essence of Faith audio and go from there…:star2: please join me without judgement and with respect :star2::pray:t4: :pray:t4::pray:t4:


While looping Essence of Faith and Prayer and connecting inward with God, I finally re-accepted a deeper aspect of allowing divine direction of my life.

I felt the unification of my self begin once again, an expansion of my bigger being taking up space. And I returned to tend to my inner garden, dropping the shovel, the bulldozer, and everything I used to try and make my own way. I feel peaceful. I feel like myself once again.

Once, an old friend told me (back when I tried to carve my way and force myself out of a scary situation), “you are meant to go with the current. Don’t fight upstream.”

My life has been a culmination of learning to settle and flow while gently directing myself in the spirit, even amidst the scariest of circumstances. Letting inner vision lead the way in a dark forest. Trusting I will see myself thru. Trusting in god. Trusting in the path.

The Essence of Faith and Prayer is bringing me there again.

I used to equate “normal” with the standard schooling, career, family path. I yearned to have normalcy for myself. Instead I was immersed with the spiritual realm, intuition, hermitting, studying the inner nature, other planes, and how to communicate that with others. That desire for “normalcy” is what pushed me to try for it. I feel I’m coming into full acceptance that my life looks different. That I have different aspirations, different directions to follow, different conversations. That I don’t relate with most although I get along with many. I wanted normalcy but my path is just as good. Maybe it’ll show me it’s better.

Either way, I’m open to it once again. Grateful. Albeit a bit sad. Bittersweet. :angel:t5:


It’s my time now.

Posting once more tonight because I have clarity in my direction — and that excites me.

“Finding” those who know how to cultivate gentleness and positive energy. Meaning, there are people who once presented with those things, do not know how to nurture it and make it grow. Instead, they squash it with fat fingers (lol). They don’t know how to tend to a seedling.

It’s my direction to meet those who not only know how to cultivate it, but know how to grow it themselves. This will be a relief. I will loop this audio all night. What a Gift this audio is.

I like to speak vaguely, but those who get it, get it.




Nice topic. Here are my 2 cents if you’re interested:

Luke 17:21: “Nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”

Excerpt from Tao Te Ching: “… How do I know this is true? I look inside myself and see.”

Bhagavad Gita 10.20: “I am the Supersoul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.”

John 14:20:
“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”

Bhagavad Gita 9.22: “… Out of compassion for them, I give them the understanding by which they can come to Me. I am in them, and they are in Me.

Bhagavad Gita 18.66: “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.”

Since “Me” sits in the heart, surrendering to “Me”, means to operate from the heart center (sort of), not the mind. That means you’ll always be in the present moment, not thinking about the past or future, not thinking about any rewards or expectations.

John 3:8:
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Chanting the names of God helps you get to that state.

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Thank you,

I am aware of this and reflecting and sharing my process back to Me. Ie, my process back to the awareness that I am already there.


I’m Bored. I’m flvhickin bored.

If you happened to see a comment of mine, joking about joining humans— it’s a joke. A joke! A joke.

As I’m returning back to essence, back to self, back to god, I’m reminded how ghastly boring just allowing myself to “live” without delving deep into creation is. Short term; wonderful. Long term; it’s not for me. Perhaps writing these words will serve as a good reminder.

While I need qualities of what that life provides, it certainly isn’t the end goal.

At work, I tapped into the beyond time space as inspired by the forum and it was like drinking life again.

I used to want to hide so I can achieve the normalcy as posted above. I wanted to live in a cave and let others find me when it was time.

Darn that blasted cave. Darn that ridiculous thought.

I’ll still remain firm and rooted, but will grow tall. Let’s see where this so-called “balance” leads me, with regard to all the places I desired to go.

I’ll likely post again after my meditation with an audio.

:star2: :evergreen_tree:

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“after field meditation update”

:eye: :relieved:

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What are tough times?

A culmination of entities, the pendulum swinging back, the process of healing, the process of growth, perhaps the fields in progress, curses or ghouls? What am I forgetting?

Oh, karmic retribution?

Did I miss anything?

Why is this question important?

The answer is what propels us to move any particular direction.

If I believe the tough times are a result of growth, and I believe the tough times will end as I sharpen my tools and edges, then I will not fight. I will endure.

If I believe tough times are a result of God’s timing, then I may endure, and over time lose hope as the weeks and months pass me by. I may experience anger with God. I may give up and feel powerless. I may decide to try my own hand.

If I believe tough times are a result of fields, intention, and energy, I may try everything in my capability. I may meditate for weeks and hours on end. I may burn out, if the tough time is a culmination of sources.

I sat on the school bus today, chaperoning the trip, contemplating why I still was in this situation. Why am I still dealing with abusive higher ups?

Is it because I consider this job “okay” until I am finally blessed with another one?

Is it truly because I’m being responsible and refusing to leave one job before I’ve had another?

I’ve rewritten my resume with all the :poop: and giggles, I’ve had so many qualified eyes over it, I’ve returned it to simplicity. And, I’ve applied to jobs for 5 months.

You know, I have experienced the effect of letting something go completely, without seeing the next step ahead. I landed. I landed gloriously. But, I had nothing to lose.

Now, I have shelter. I don’t want to lose it.

So, what is this time a culmination of?

I certainly have tried it all… all that is in my awareness and capability.

But what I regained, on that bus ride, was recognition of my power.

I am choosing to be there. I am choosing to leave. I am choosing to continue to apply — whatever false power she believes to have over me — is in her head, and should I lose my will, would be in my head too.

Edit, subconscious limit removal is gently reminding me that I often hide my power. This is why I’m usually overlooked in cases of moving up in work. I end up overqualified in my roles and BORED. I think this is a path to focus on with the fields. Perhaps it’ll be a door to awakening or freedom

This recognition is fueling my fire, my manifestation power.

And the answer is, no, this position is not worth continuing. It is not “okay.”

I am fueling the flame of my own inward and outward action to my next step.

There is apprehension. That’s the part I’m also addressing, but it needs to be addressed within the next 30 minutes.

Which field is that?

Edit: Subconscious Limits Removal , Excalibur

Edit: reflections after audios: fear of self power = fear of how it affects others = fear of influencing = hard to get where you want to be, without influencing.

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Woke up in a whirlwind of realizations. :star2:.

A series of actions that brought me back to my OG inspirations. I’ve decided to return. In fact, I ran. Clean House —> Restoration —-> Rectification.

This gal’s on the road again.

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Side note, I’ve had 2 dreams/nightmares about those I’ve no longer hold onto in my life, passing away. It’s quite terrible, actually.

I’ve understood it as my subconscious accepting they’re no longer in my life, and cannot return. In reality, both experiences were people who were difficult to let go of, but the ending was necessary for different reasons.

However, I’ve just woken back up from one in which I activated control of the dream due to grief. I lost it. I sent out a search party to confirm, I scoured the internet, told myself the news was a mistake… and ultimately forced myself to wake up so I could check social media for myself, upon which I realized I never had access to.

There is good reason this person is no longer in my life, but I have never had such dramatic “ending” dreams before.

I suppose this means these changes I’m undergoing are truly creating endings for me. But, it also tips me off to protect against sleep invaders… :star2:

Any reader have suggestions for good sleep fields?

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Utter Relaxation, Deep Sleeper, Acupressure and Automated Grounding are my choice.

At times, The Dreamtime. Quantum Love Album gives nice dreams. Same as DMT.

Angelic Vibes, ATo Vaikuntha Loka, the Galaxy infusions, and Celestite can help too.

Though I like to sleep to Orgone Accumulator, Emotional Release, or Bushmen Medicine (if you want to wake up really clear and energized).

Sometimes I don’t wake up on the clear phase with emotional release though.

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Woohoo, I’m gunna be padded, safe and sound when I go to sleep tonight. Thank you!

I’ll put emotional release in the middle or beginning of the playlist :pray:t5: will update with results!

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I’ve been falling asleep faster than I can start my playlist, but I’m pleased that I haven’t had additional nightmares. Tonight I will go to bed more intentionally and start my playlist, and provide an update. I could definitely use the clearing during the night, I can feel it.


Also pleased that my mood has been consistently warm since making this decision to “come back.” I feel so much happier and more hopeful. I have new ideas on how to apply myself for other work, and I feel less attached to this workplace— I’m currently there, but I feel less “freaked out” about being there while still maintaining the momentum to step into my next spot.

Feels good to feel good. I missed this.


I’m also dating online and have gathered a new set of boundaries so that I discover the right person for me. I’m much less affected by “chemistry”. I’m absolutely recognizing “chemistry” as the energetic feeling of “something’s wrong.” I’ve realized it comes when the person moves far too fast, and my aura rejects them.

In fact, I think of way back when I adopted my first cat. He is a gentle pure angel and we were absolute best friends… one of those connections that was clear god handpicked us for each other. He came with me everywhere. Anyways, I wasn’t interested in cats because I knew I would only adopt the “right” cat for me (no hissy hissy, no scratching, no biting).

Well, a friend persuaded me to go into the pet store during adoption weekend. I was grumpy and wasn’t interested, but went anyways.

When I laid eyes on my little kitty, I felt a sense of clarity, peace, groundedness. Like I had finally found my kind. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out to pick him up.

I had to jump through some hoops to adopt him, but the pieces fell into place easily. He absolutely was my kind. Two peas in a pod.

I recall sharing this story to my brother and he asked if I ever felt this way towards people while dating. You’re free to guess the answer. He thought I should consider that feeling when choosing whom to date.

That was 10 years ago, and my dear brother was right. I’m noticing during my communications that I am looking for something aligned with that feeling. Not the anxious “chemistry”, not the words that sound great (that alone never sold me anyways), I am keen on actions this time around. I am quick to keep walking, and I’ve decided to date for data, and swipe all other considerations aside.

Meaning, I’ve known a man for four hours. Why would I kiss him at the end of the date? What a strange idea and invitation that is in the first place.

I’m offering my services again. I’m now using the audios to gain traction with customers. Now that two of my biggest questions that prevented me from moving forward have been answered, I can embrace this next step fully!

Let’s see where this leads. I feel I’m being pushed to become an independent contractor again. :muscle:t5:

Goodness. Certainly incorporating the Grounding fields in this adjustment phase. When I went “full human” (joke, I could never go “full human.”) I disconnected from my hyper sensitivity. It is coming back to me, albeit less frantically. Getting accustomed to feeling so much of everything and everyone, once again.

Although this time I have more capacity for it and feel less disturbed by it and feel less desire to become a hermit due to it. I feel capable of reconciling THEIRS vs mine. With the field’s help, I’m also stronger in defending myself psychically.

Coming down from a whirlwind after looking someone in the eyes!

Listened to Quantum Love album while sleeping and found that I slept deeply and more soundly. I woke up clear despite a short rest period, no lingering tendrils of sleep. My mind feels peaceful and at rest.

Thank you for your suggestions, Drift. :blush:

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Entities, all that’s involved under the hat of black magic, those who want to control and harm thru entrapping your essence… all just Certified Bullies ™. That’s it. That’s all they are. Always prey on you when you’re weak, because that’s when your mind isn’t guarded and it gives them the illusion of power over you. Certified Bullies…. That’s it.

You know, as life has its way of routing us to the most interesting of people with their own spiritual journeys, I met a kind and gentle man who lived in Japan a couple of years ago through IG. He commented on a couple of my posts, and we ended up having a few audio calls chatting about life and spirituality.

I kept running into the same issue every time I reached out to chat with him, or intended to remain on the audio call with him for quite a while: entities.

I told him. Every time we chat, or I even think about chatting with you, entities run amok trying to prevent this. You are surrounded by them.

What he told me shocked me because I never met someone with this consciousness before:

First, he was surprised I could see them. Then, he told me they were his friends. He walks by cemeteries and invites the spirits to join him in conversation. He told me an older woman ran up to him on the street to remark about the horde of spirits (they have a term for it in Japanese, I learned) surrounding him. He said sometimes people avoid him, especially on the train or in close encounters, but he embraces the entities with warmth.

When I expressed my disdain for these types of entities and the effect they have over people, he was shocked and clutched them closer.

He makes beautiful cities out of clay, and makes homes for these entities to remain in his apartment.

Ultimately, myself being sensitive to entities and wanting to return them where they belong, and his desire to build a sweet home in his house for them, ended our enjoyable conversations about living kindly in a world of sometimes strife and chaos. Not out of disagreement, but a natural and organic redirection.

I suppose this story wanted to be shared because there is a perspective to every side. I, for one, am done with the damage and harm inflicted by entities. And yet, there are those who nourish and protect them and could never fathom them leaving their side. There is some kind of bond certain people have with them…… even if it’s born of entity influence.

I’ll be playing Booted Bhoots today.


Fill the Gap today’s events have shined a light on the topic of day: empathy and feeling unsettled in who you are.

There’s an aspect to energetic empathy where you “take on” the outputs of another individual, because there is an aspect of self that is not comfortable with “who you are” and is seeking to fill the hole with another.

I am filling this space with the intention that the energy that fills the gap dissipates as I learn and grow to expand into this fearful place within myself.

It’s akin to feeling naked and shy, so you reach to grab the nearest thing to cover you.

It may not be a conscious thing, but one that is activated by certain individuals that trigger that sense of “being without”.

:point_up_2:t5: :flashlight:

where’s the darn light bulb?


Power and Control

I am moving light years ahead, finally. I am recognizing this transition as slow because I had not yet delegated authority and power to my angels to act upon my behalf. By allotting them the power to act as they see fit to certain situations, I freed up my space to focus on other, more important things, like where I am moving to next (etherically/in my next creations). This is an important realization for me, and one that is going to make shielding and protection audios all the more powerful to me.
It’s an important lesson in control. Ironically by giving up control of “everything” (or the perception of), like, giving up control of being the one who protects you, or giving up control of being the one who checks everyone at the door, and allowing a trusted source to do that for you… you don’t lose that power. You don’t lose autonomy. In fact you gain something far greater… a team, leadership, freedom, faith and trust, and clarity. There is much more gained than lost, too much to list.

But I am releasing the fear of the failure of others when it comes to taking care of me. Gaining trust in a system that’s meant to support me, and that’s going to ripple through my creations and what I can gain and learn through the fields.

And, to fully trust means to no longer peek to ensure everything is working. Knowing the pieces are sound— and, that adds another depth to “what is” that cannot be emulated without being experienced.
