Going Beyond your Natal Chart

Astrology is a thing unequivocally worth looking into. But it, in its abundance of information, requires an overall view, and the vast majority of the inexperienced unfortunately slip into tunnel vision, flitting from one theory to another. This greatly reduces the effectiveness of applying the knowledge of astrology to your life.

The theory of natal charts leaves you with only one life scenario. But there are many cases when a person found his destiny in a completely different place, and not where the natal chart directed him. And it was not only about the destiny/favorite business, but also about marriage, meaningful partnerships, family. Your talent may turn out to be in a completely different field that you don’t even know about yet.

Surely you have already convinced yourself more than once that the natal chart, personal horoscope is a very complex scheme, full of contradictory and mutually weakening factors. It has already been proven that even the planets do not fully determine the professional inclinations of a person. This is too rigid a position, leaving a person no choice. But we are conscious beings, which means we have the right to choose our destiny. All of us by nature strive for happiness, and happiness is impossible without complete freedom.

This field will free you from subconscious attachment to your natal chart. You will clear yourself of all those limitations that have been imposed on you both by yourself and by external influences. Some people after listening to this field can break through the information barrier - in addition to the feeling of lightness, suddenly in the zone of attention begins to seep a stream of information about things that before you did not even allow in your everyday reality. You will see a lot of fascinating options for your development, there will be energy and inspiration to try something new. You as a creator have the right to direct the course of your destiny at your own discretion.




Very interesting field, I’ve always wondered if that was possible, I’m definitely interested in trying this field. Is the sale still available @aTouchOfTheGods and what was it again?


Yeah is still up, until monday


Just tried it, doesn’t let me enter it when I try and checkout, just for this one though


Lol sorry, try again I didn’t include it, now is up