GRACE 285 Hz - DESNA (feat Sapien Medicine)

Is this an actual aspect fielded by you @Dreamweaver or just the 285hz doing it’s “thing”?!


The Field is
Grace, defined as the inner joy and divine guidance and the knowing of being favoured by divine grace.


Well, speaking of Grace, thank you, Captain and Desna, for gracing us with this creation/track. :pray::slightly_smiling_face:

One question: headphones are not mandatory, to get the full benefits/effects of the track/field, (as always) right?

Actually, another question: :sweat_smile: can I/We listen to this for hours (or would that be too much)?



As ALWAYS, trust your inner guidance. Your body will tell you if you are listening ‘too much.’ Personally I start off 2-3 times (standard recommendations for everything around here unless clearly noted) and gauge how my body reacts to the fields. Please do report back to us on your findings :)


Thank you


This actually very close to my definition of Power. Closest 1 single field. To Flow.

Was thinking of this today before seeing this field. A conversation about Gratitude.
When something ‘good’ happens to me (like success) and I ‘enjoy’ it, I barely actually feel ‘gratitude’. I recognize it, but don’t dwell too much on it and give myself or ‘the universe’/‘god’/etc ecstatic tears of gratitude (but perhaps also incredibly rare to be moved to tears). NB, I don’t have a ‘feeling’ personality.
Rather, and more powerful to me, it’s something like ‘OF COURSE’ (& moving on). Acting like ‘it ain’t nothing but a G thang’. Trying to reinforce that ‘blessed’/‘god mode’ — which I mean, not that difficult for an INTJ, since vague feeling sensation things. Like ‘it’s normal’, I want this to be the norm.
What I actually do more often is smirk or laugh my ass off like Of course / Why tf would I even be surprised at this point?’ *

‘Gratitude’ tells/reminds me ‘I was weak’ (which of course that’s how I felt) and I have been helped (usually by an external force — cue connection to orthodox understanding of christianity and ‘unworthiness’ / salvation by external force).
KNOWING tells me ‘Of course’ — ‘I’ve got what (even the connection) it takes’. ‘I Deserve it’. ‘I Am Worthy’. ‘I Am Good Enough’.
When somebody tells you ‘I Love You’ and you say ‘Thank You’ or are surprised/‘grateful’, that’s a problem…

Do you (&guys) reckon this (field/concept) is a high-er vibratory state than ‘Gratitude’?

[As an example, in the image, it would be at the top]

*Pretty accurate description of when I discovered that Sapien fields work. I had already taken all the steps for this to make sense to me — of course.
Example 2: Finally met someone to help me on this journey — of course; I looked for it, wanted it, put in the work. It’s a normal outcome, it was bound to happen.


One of the many possible nuances
(of what I’m talking about, not the field itself)


It’s interesting to me that you using that image to illustrate your question about ‘Gratitude,’ because Abraham aren’t big fans of ‘Gratitude.’ They describe ‘Gratitude’ as an emotion/vibration that we humans muddy up. From their perspective, when we’re feeling ‘Gratitude,’ we usually are including in our awareness (and, therefore, in our vibration) some aspect of what we had to overcome in order to feel our ‘Gratitude.’ (And you hit on that yourself with some of your comments in your post.)

They’d much rather we aim for the “cleaner” (my word) vibration of Appreciation (which is on the top of their scale). Appreciation for something just is and available for us to appreciate. And to me, that feeling/attitude/vibration is very close to what we’re meaning when we talk about Grace.


Do you mean this field is Grace in form " everything is always working out in my favour and I am always Godly protected" or do you mean like Grace in Neville’s term of becoming God and realizing Goodself of men, unity with God, “birthing from above, in men’s skull”, aka Law of Grace
What kind of Grace do you mind?


In my personal experience, GRACE is one of the most powerful forces in existence, coming from the very source of creation itself.

Grace has the power to break causality, cause-and-effect chains, deterministic action-reaction programs and any type of “karma”.

It can free oneself of the consequences of one’s actions and manifestations that would otherwise occur as per general matrix cause-and-effect rules.

It exists far beyond time and space and even the astral planes, therefore Grace is not limited by “the before” and “the after”, by what happened first or what happened afterwards, or on which timeline – therefore being ably to nullify any consequences from occuring. And being able to “redeem” a soul that is honestly and purely asking for help.

Which is also proof that “karma” and “cause and effect” are just local matrix rules and not universal laws at all.

I have personally utilized and experienced Grace in my life several times.
If you truly repent something and ask Grace (through the Higher Self and Angels or this new field here), it can free you from the consequences of your actions, resetting reality, giving you a new chance as if your actions never happened in the first place.
Kind of like the “Revision Technique” but coming from the very top of the divine source itself.

Grace only responds to pure intent and requests that come from your true inner self, which means you or your ego cannot trick it into helping you nullify consequences that you not truly deep down repent etc.
Like an angel, Grace can see through all the illussions and knows whose request is genuinely pure. Absolute honesty with yourself and the universe is required for Grace to work.



It is fantastic to see the combination of solfeggio frequencies and the morphic fields of sapien. In fact I think that the 9 solfeggio frequencies are like a kind of morphic field per se from ancient times, because each one of the frequencies works precisely in its described purpose and that maybe because there is an energetic programming in them. I myself have verified the effects of each one and I suppose that many here too, it is something much more popular than the fields, I would say that it is with what many begin to discover the magical benefits of sound and frequencies.

Of the 9 frequencies, the 2 lowest are the ones that help the physical body the most and the other 7 higher ones are in charge of the chakras and energetic or etheric things.

In this case I leave you one of the descriptions of the 285hz frequency and why it is so beneficial for healing in an integral way.

This tone is useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns or any other type of damaged tissue.

The 285 Hz frequency is said to be directly connected to our body, mind, and soul blueprint for optimal health and physical well-being, thanks to its incredible ability to remember what is right and to give back to cells to their original shape.
It also influences the energy fields and sends them messages to restructure a damaged organ. The 285 Hz helps us remember and heal ourselves, our internal organs and our energy.

on the other hand, the concept of grace applied to this audio, i still needs to explored and experienced a little more to have a better opinion.


I know nothing of neville gooddard


great I’ll listen to it on repeat, I’ll tell you if my scoliosis is cured, and if I become less stupid lol
I love this music and this way of helping others, congratulations to desna and the captain


So basically does this field promote inner joy and love and divine guidance etc… or does it also help physical problems


Spot on


Okay, but Revision is Neville’s term and I expected you know essence of it, as well Grace
Okay all good

I’m loving this track.

Really helps to push through and stop a lot of ‘heaviness’ and negative repeating behaviors. Can help give this sense of ‘reward’ and ‘passion’ in whatever you experience as ‘obstacles.’


i uzed this 1 while havin fight wit annoying neighbour. while we fight, he suddenly say ‘hi u wnt 2 hug me, im not want fight, i want you’ …i take it and like it. thnx guyz


How did it go for you? ihave problem with my spine too. I just found this track and want to hear from people what their expirience have been, but not much here or in the comment section on YT.

you have to try, the audios,
we are not all the same

It is our thoughts that manage everything