It is fantastic to see the combination of solfeggio frequencies and the morphic fields of sapien. In fact I think that the 9 solfeggio frequencies are like a kind of morphic field per se from ancient times, because each one of the frequencies works precisely in its described purpose and that maybe because there is an energetic programming in them. I myself have verified the effects of each one and I suppose that many here too, it is something much more popular than the fields, I would say that it is with what many begin to discover the magical benefits of sound and frequencies.
Of the 9 frequencies, the 2 lowest are the ones that help the physical body the most and the other 7 higher ones are in charge of the chakras and energetic or etheric things.
In this case I leave you one of the descriptions of the 285hz frequency and why it is so beneficial for healing in an integral way.
This tone is useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns or any other type of damaged tissue.
The 285 Hz frequency is said to be directly connected to our body, mind, and soul blueprint for optimal health and physical well-being, thanks to its incredible ability to remember what is right and to give back to cells to their original shape.
It also influences the energy fields and sends them messages to restructure a damaged organ. The 285 Hz helps us remember and heal ourselves, our internal organs and our energy.
on the other hand, the concept of grace applied to this audio, i still needs to explored and experienced a little more to have a better opinion.