Greetings, everyone

I’ve been using Dreamweaver’s fields for years, but had a short break (of about a year) from them due to what they call a psychotic episode, lol (or, one could argue, a “spiritual awakening”, hahahaha). So now I’m working on restoring my energy and auric body and removing limiting beliefs, and then I’ll be back to using various fields I own, like f. in. The Journey of the Chosen one and the physical fields off of Patreon and Youtube.

I dabbled in making morphic fields/energetic programmed audios myself a little, and had a little bit of success, so I might return to it upon a day. I’m what you would call an “energy sensitive” person.

I also use othere energetically programmed programs from other creators, quite extensively, as well as currently a subliminal for Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction, as they say, but I did stop interacting with its creator and purchasing his stuff because I came to seriously distrust the man’s intentions and competence over the years. But the program itself feels harmless enough, I guess.

So, greetings to everyone and enjoy your journeys!


Hi @Zonkmeister

Welcome KY Peach

Welcome Package


Which creator u r talking about?

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I’d rather not give them free publicity, TBH, but message me privately and I’ll tell you. :slight_smile:

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Greetings! :pray:


Welcome :first_quarter_moon_with_face: