Guided Journey Live: Energy Clearing & Expansion (11/4 @ 3 PM EST)

I’m still deeply relaxed since this event. there were a few situations in which I would have been annoyed before. but there is no anger. Thank you very much


Was lovely to read all your experiences. Glad you all got something from it :slight_smile: I enjoyed doing this very, very much and look forward to doing it again. I feel like I leveled up from doing this myself.

Obviously, will do other things too. Can’t stay doing the same thing all the time.


My personal opinion:

I listened to this and 6 other videos of his (Matías De Stefano) while looping the Higher Self NFT audio in the background and the De-Inhabitor Combo from another device.

I believe this guy is either a scammer and or a completely delusional system agent.
A typical new age recruiter.
While a lot of what he says sounds plausible at first, most of it is a mix of mainstream esoteric, spiritual and metaphysical mumbo jumbo thrown together with many negative suggestions (victim and defeatism mindset etc.).
A lot of spiritual fluff talk and very poor generalized theories that cannot explain most of the stuff happening around us.
He also does a lot of propaganda for re-incarnation and coming back to earth as a servant.
A typical brainwashed new age lightworker slave.
Do not get fooled by his calm nice voice.
This dude has a lot of red flags.
He is even worshipping the Anunnaki at some point.

Also, also:
It is exactly souls like these who try to repeat the same iteration of the previous universe simulation in this one again.
Like trying to replay the game that already has been played in the exact same manner again.
But the third Matrix movie is called “Matrix Revolutions” for a reason.
This guy doesn’t get it.
He is a conformist and a reactor.
Not a free soul and manifestor.