Gumroad fields sale

Hello, is there going to be a sale of gumroad fields?


At the current, as far as we know,this quote from Sammy has been the most recent word on the matter.

“We’re holding off on the sale. Dream actually wants a full break and this isn’t aligned with that, so let’s respect his wishes. If you value him and his work, patience is key—wait for further updates. I know many were eager for specific fields or saving up, and I’m confident you’ll have that chance in the near future. So for now, let’s set this topic aside.”

Speaking as an astrologer, Mercury retrograde just ended on Sunday, but the effects are still in play for awhile yet as Mercury regains it’s daily speed of movement. Right now we are in both the Storm and the Shadow Zone still. My experience is that Mercury Retrograde changes mindsets and thinking, and the dust hasn’t entirely settled yet.
So, in a nutshell, at the moment I’d say we’re all still best off being patient and waiting for things to develop further in due course. I do expect we will hear more on this, but for the moment patience is key. Look at it as an opportunity to save up as much as possible so you are ready when the chance presents itself. Also, take the time to keep sending Love, Prayers, and Gratitude to The Captain, Sammy, and the Forum in general. The whole situation is like a young sapling that needs as much energetic nourishment as we can give during this time of transition. Now is the time to embody Faith, Strength, Hope, and Optimism. Also, Merry Christmas! :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:


Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too.