Gumroad is not taking my credit card

Weird cause it worked for me a couple of days ago

I just did, few seconds ago. Via Chrome on my usual incognito, no vpn. It works per usual…

maybe I should try without signing in

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…and maybe throw in Probability wave? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Got a reply from Gumroad

Sorry about this hassle! It looks like your purchase attempts were flagged as potentially fraudulent. Don’t worry, our system can occasionally throw a false alarm.”

I just tried to make a purchase and it worked. For others having issues, email Gumroad to get it resolved.


@Starlight Can you mention the email you used? I seem to be unable to find it - thanks!


Here you go…

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TY pink rose

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This must happen a lot, as I got the exact same response, word for word :joy:

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Nothing worked.
Noticed there was apple pay option with iphone on gumroad and that worked.
No taxes paid and used vpn.