Gumroad is not taking my credit card

Has anyone tried purchasing audio on Gumroad lately? I tried to purchase something and it won’t allow me to purchase and I will get a phone call for fraud alert causing them to close my credit card:(


Did you use a VPN? Some banks have protection against using the card in a different country and try to stop the transaction. Or maybe they know when it is used by VPN. It happened to me not so long ago when my brother was buying me a field with his card and i used a VPN with it to save on the crazy taxes they apply. It wouldn’t go through at all and he received those automated phone calls to his mobile phone AND house phone. I have no issues using my own card but I’m with a different bank so maybe it’s whatever protections the bank have in place, if you did use a VPN of course.

Yeah…I’m going to have to call my bank and find out:(

Hopefully it will go smoothly. Just ask them to remove the protections that they have in place for using the card in a different country and all should be good hopefully :crossed_fingers:t2: I feel your pain, nothing worse than when you want the field but something happens to stop it :sleepy:

Thanks! I know…I am down to the last water charger and I wants it:)

I think the Ganges is my favorite out of them all …they are all amazing though

hmm… I’m having the same issues. It’s not taking my credit card or paypal. Tried with and without VPN and incognito browser. :frowning: Never happened before.

Did you try deleting cookies?

That works for me everytime, even history if need to

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Yep, just tried that, and still has the same message.

Weird, however it seems like def an internet/browser issue since it says that, otherwise it would plain say, card was rejected try a different payment

2 other reasons

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Thanks Luna. I had tried with another browser also and same issue. I’ve emailed Gumroad to troubleshoot so let’s see what they say.

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Last thing, play the Financial Protector and negotiate with him haha i kid you not most of the times i cant get through spending money ITS HIM.


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You know that’s not a bad idea. It could be my higher self and financial protector putting blocks up so I don’t spend money. It’s never happened before. :joy:

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The funny thing is that i was like thinking what else could it be and then his image popped un my head haha i laughed because it has happened countless times to me, when its something very urgent i literally talk him out with explanations and promises etc lol and it goes through at my own risk knowing i might not need the thing i wanted OR, i have something i could use or a discount is coming up etc

Lets see what happens tomorrow

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Thanks to the new Indian Central Bank policy, no bank card works on gumroad for me anymore…


I can totally hear her english accent.


Lol, yeah :joy:
Bless her soul…

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I get that error, when I use the Firefox browser. Using Chrome works though, don’t know why.

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Tried 4 browsers yesterday and none worked. Has anyone had a successful transaction?
Update: didn’t work today either with brave and chrome

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For me the same issue is network related…
Even though I use the same VPN!

Basically I know the purchase will go through when I try from X network (at someone else’s place), buut will never succeed when I’m home.
Same device. Same VPN. Same card. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: