Hair Growth and Recovery (2.0)

Description: This programming in this video works in a few ways to help recover and cause hair growth.
It will place follicles on your scalp in the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover them.
It also will try to remove any DHT buildup in the scalp.
While making them resistant to DHT as well.
added to this is lactate to activate the dormant hair stem cells.
and 5-Azacytidine to the skin cells (to create even more stem cells)

Hi guys, I created this thread because I have found that many people (including myself) have found better success with this field rather then all the other hair fields (dutasteride, stem cell to scalp, 3.0). This field is super underrated and I recommend this over any other hair field.


I’ve always wondered why this works better then the 3.0 (many people must be wondering the same thing) @SammyG @Captain_Nemo


Literally played this for a couple days and my cowlick is much thicker and you can barely see my scalp, like that’s awesome @Captain_Nemo


Cuz everyone doesn’t have same issue. For some this will work better and for some it wont. Depends on what you need. This one has 5-Azacytidine to skin cells when 3.0 doesn’t. These two uses different methood. Just cuz it’s new version doesn’t mean it will work better. It depends on which methood and programming is used. Version 2 heavily depends on stem cells when 3.0 has some variation other than stem cells

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thanks dude for making this thread :wink:. I will share my results.

Personally, I am using the Plasma 3 and dustaride protocol at the moment.

I noticed that the version
hair growth and recovery v2 from youtube is different from that version of patreon.
we heard another sound at the rear more acute.

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Got you my brotha, happy healing bro!

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Brother can you send it to me ?

How many times this?