Half-deaf for days now. Help!

My left ear canal is apparently full of gunk and I can’t hear well with it. My doctor said these things will happen and nothing looks inflamed and I should just give it time. I can’t because it’s the prime festival season now and I make most of my summer money as a roadie. This means I wear heavy duty ear plugs most of the day. Excess gunk + ear plugs = half-deaf for the whole summer. NO.

I’ve tried all the “real world things” including ear candles and gentle water treatments.
I’ve tried lymphatic fields, ear wax softener, ear inflammation and intercessions.
Didn’t work.

Any tips?

Nothing hurts and the doctor was very hakuna matata about it. Hmph.

ps. Be loud. I can’t hear you.


I don’t want to freak you out, but maybe you can try fungus, Parasites, viruses and brain fields too, like brain Regeneration.

Then, healthy Chakras take care of all sorts of problems, so chakras fields and if you want, you can try Chakras clearing yourself, through different methods.

Maybe you can also try sinus drainage and smart Hulda Zapper.


*Ear Wax Softener, liquified and removed

BTW I use this in my weekly stack

Sorry, U added that u used it.

Have u tried ear irrigation, u can get it in a kit. Just follow directions. If that doesnt help then
Go to a ENT doctor
(ears, nose, throat)


This is the ear wax softener field, isn’t it? I couldn’t find anything else.

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Have u tried spamming it every day for a while?


I’m ready and willing to try all of these at this point. Good suggestions, thanks bunches :pray:

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You’re Welcome. :pray:

Yes. It has been my main field. I started listening to it immediately when this happened. 3-4 hours a day is the minimum.

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I would buy an ear irrigation kit and use it. Gently. Follow the directions.
U can buy one in a drugstore.

Example which Ive used:
Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit

If that doesnt help go to a ENT doctor


Thanks, I’ll try to get one. ENT doctor is booked so it will take a while before anyone is available to see me.


If you’re in the US check some non-urgent care walk-in clinics. They occasionally have visiting specialists and iirc ENTs are super popular.


Good tip but I’m in Europe. I’ll try to find a private practitioner if this goes on any longer.


Glad to hear you have made an appointment with a specialist. In my opinion this is the best person that can help you. I have had numerous ear infections in the past. On one occasion it was so bad I even had lock jaw. My ENT doctor became my best friend. The best feeling ever is when the ENT inserts that suction pipe into your ear canal and sucks up all that gunk. The sense of relief is just awesome! Plus the fact you will be able to hear afterwards!


Lock jaw? Yikes. Good you got help - and a best friend :laughing: I get these bouts after loud concerts but that sweet, sweet bop! happens pretty quickly afterwards. This time seems different. Well, I’ll keep listening to my ear stack while waiting. No one can see me immediately.

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Advanced Healer + + seems to be semi-smart and will speed up any healing already taking place, with the habitual restrictions (needing nutrients and rest).

I’d also look into Negentropic Pulsar.

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A belated thanks for everyone who made suggestions. After somewhat weird doctor appointments (“well, these things happen, here are ear drops” and “let’s wait it out”), learning to pretty much lip read to be able to get through my festival work gigs (those decibels!) and spending our most glorious summer days half-deaf… my ear is almost back to normal. Almost.

Ear Wax Softener, Smart Hulda Zapper and Negentropic Pulsar seemed to do all the heavy lifting. I also tried the new Raphael one and got immediate relief. Still waiting for that final bop!


A plane ride might do it or a really high ride at a carnival.

Glad to hear you are getting there. Keep it up with Archangel Raphael.

Healing energy for you!

Healing KY Nuwa


Thank you so much. I love that last picture - that is a blessed ear right there!