Halloween Time - Real Spooky/Paranormal Stories/Experiences

Watch the first case, OMG!
(narration is in Romanian, btw)

Just saying, if anyone wants to volunteer a scary skinwalker location, a good camera for recording, a bag of shrooms, and travel expenses, I’ll go summon the creature with minimal protection (my sword/athame) and introduce myself.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself. I’m always down to make some new friends!

You can come too, but only if there’s no screaming and running away, and you’re on whatever I’m on. You get what you put into these situations. If you started jittering and acting like Borat after spotting a Jew, I’d run you off too. :grin:




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I have one that happened recently. A few weeks ago.

My sister and my dad were out walking the dog around the neighborhood at night, and a shadow person stepped out of the woods to watch them. She saw it and so did the dog, because he started freaking out, but dad didn’t see it. They kept walking and it started following along. After a few minutes of this my sister turned to it and told it to leave, threatening it with an “energy blast” if it kept bothering them. And it left.

Later that night both my dad and sister felt sick from the encounter, even though he hadn’t seen it. I printed out some Michael mandalas and took them over, and we went to a shop and bought a bunch of rocks to help fortify the house. She also got some stuff for smudging as well. Everyone in the house has a mandala and a black jade stone now. But the problem is the thing didn’t show up at the house. It lives down the street. :woozy_face:

My dad says he saw “something” the next night he went out with the dog, but that’s it. My sister does not join him on that walk anymore lol. He also takes a staff with him along with his Michael mandala.

I went on the route with her in the day time a week ago. We didn’t see anything unusual, but the area where she said it appeared seem to radiate sadness to me.

That’s all. Hopefully it continues to leave us alone. But I haven’t been without my mandala, black jade, and black tourmaline since!


i’m waking this thread up so please share your interesting stories about mystical, paranormal encounters you have had :p

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after a long time I saw some black thing when I was taking a power nap in day time. I opened my eyes and I saw a black hand being quickly pulled away from my view.

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(just a random sort of thought and fear)
I wondered, just like others before me, if someone was to gather data about this community and reading our posts, what would they believe about us?
How about if they were to make a mini documentary or whatever type of review?

I can swear that I’ve had these strange experiences which I have mentioned in this thread and elsewhere, but how believable are they, really (?)…

Anyway, on the other hand, the biggest thing would be Morphic Fields, Energy Healing and even all our testimonies and experiences, they would probably focus on those.

Edit: now I’ll get back to the topic.

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I don’t know how many strange encounters with the Supernatural (or what I consider to be Supernatural) I’ve had throughout my life, since there were some which were happening almost on a daily basis (years ago), and others which happened here and there.

Big events, there were not too many,throughout my whole life (excluding fields or energy work), but some of them I won’t even mention, for certain reasons.

Anyway, one strange event which happened maybe a year ago was this: as I woke up one night, I saw through my ceiling, what appeared to be a bird which emanated a bright yellow color (maybe even orange), it honestly reminded me of the Phoenix, it was a strange sight, it lasted for like a few seconds, but then just flew upwards through the ceiling.

What I found strange was the fact that I was extremely calm in its presence, even euphoric.

It could have been my brain/mind, still dreaming as I just woke up, sure, but maybe it could have been something else.

Edit: the bird was emiting light or something, it looked like it was ablaze.


People experience weird things all the time but they tell themselves something is not real or possible because science says so.

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Interesting, there are so many strange things once you begin to see properly with curiosity and interest. I saw YT videos of a old man from England who tracked and recorded interesting beings like mythical beings from English folklore small beings, forgot his channel name.

The danger to this is you will get lost in chasing those fantasies and mythical beings.


Once in Piriapolis, I saw a bird very similar to the one you describe, the bird emitted a bright yellow light, it was a few steps from the sea, after a while it disappeared

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That would be an interesting channel to follow.

Yeah, that could become a problem. :sweat_smile:
However, in my case, although I was always interested in the mythical, I didn’t necessarily chased those experiences, rather I just witnessed them lol.

Wow. Thank You for Sharing.
That’s Very interesting.
Was it a huge bird or more like maybe a vulture in size?
Also, did it just vanish or flew somewhere.

Nuketop5 and chills?
Yeah, I follow them. :grin:


now you can do :smiley:

Erwin Saunders - YouTube

England is one of the places which has a very strange weird spiritual energies, these beings have been seen by people often in the olden days and that is how they must have showed up in literature and stories.

In the latest video on bizzarebub, a woman from England opens a door to let her dog out in the morning around 4 AM and she finds something flying which looks very similar to a pixie.

Hope you are following the recommendations I gave you above sometime back :smiley:


It was something very curious, we still have that latent memory with my friend who also witnessed it. It was at the end of 2020, here in Uruguay the quarantine was never mandatory by Covid so we went to Piriapolis quite often, as it is a beautiful place to rest. One night we went to the coast, and we saw a bright yellow light a few steps from the sea, shortly after we distinguished that it was a bird, the bird was moving but always in a reduced radius. It simply disappeared, we did not dare to go down to the sea because the tide was too high. I had to tell it because when I read your story it was too similar. It was the size of a vulture

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good chills is not so great I stick to Nukestop 5 and bizzarebub and have withdrawal symptoms like a crack addict if their videos get delayed :joy:


What I saw, wasn’t too big either. Probably as big as a vulture.

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Incredible, the world is full of mysterious encounters, there are also certain places where these encounters happen more often

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@Kalacakra @Souline

A new field dropped, mentioning The Phoenix. :grinning:
Quite the synchronicity.


yea saw that :smiley:


I was reading the effects of the new field, very interesting synchrony!

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