Happy 2025 lunar new year everyone!

HAPPY 2025 LUNAR NEW YEAR To Everyone here on the forum worldwide!!! May it be a truly Fortunate and Blessed New Year filled with Progress, Joy, Success, Good Health and Healing, Longevity, Positive Abundance, Graces, Gratitude, Happiness, Favor, Ever Present Good Fortune, Valuable and Fruitful experiences of all kinds! :gift: :tada: :confetti_ball: :sparkler: :fireworks: :partying_face:

AND let us not forget to send a warm welcome, +Blessings, +Honor, +Love, +Gratitude/Appreciation and Salutations to to the Snake archetype and energies of this 2025 Lunar New Year!!! :snake: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

(As this New Year sprawls out before us, we Thank You and Welcome You Oh Most Benevolent and Potent Zodiacal Celestial Serpent for Being our Wise and Generous Host for this New Lunar Year. May Your Graces, Blessings, and Energies Fill Our Lives and Experiences with Every Desirable and Appreciable Goodness necessary to leave a Positive and Lasting impression of this upcoming Lunar Year in our minds and hearts when It has passed. :pray:)

-Feel free to post a wish, hope, dream, or positive prognostication (prediction) you aim to achieve, OR expect for Yourself or for the World. (Emphasis on POSITIVE, no doom and gloom here please :wink:)

When the next lunar year rolls around you can remark on whether what you sought or expected came true.

-All sincere personal wishes/hopes/dreams will be included for you in my daily prayers/devotions for at least the next few weeks until the full moon. (Possibly for the whole year, who knows?) Maybe the Lunar Snake Archetype will also take notice of these and add a bit of itā€™s energies to your goals as well. :sparkles: :snake: :sparkles:

Anyone who wishes to join in on this is also welcome to send POSITIVE energies or prayers etcā€¦ for those who post. More power to all. (Love shared is love multiplied. ;) When we bless others, we bless ourselves. Ultimately we are all ONE afterall.)

Lastly, if you have a goal that is too private, too complex, too personal, or for any other reason you donā€™t wish to state, you may just state that you have an ā€œimportant goalā€ and leave a strong mental impression and Iā€™ll attempt to include these as well. :wink: :pray:


Thank you Jeff, all the best wishesšŸ’«

What will Venus do this year?


Yes @TheHermit
For your very nice Lunar New Year wishes -


Thank you sir :pray:


Beautiful :heart:
Happy new year :confetti_ball:


Sorry, I also forgot to wish you a Happy Lunar as well lol, along wit everyone else. :dizzy: :heart:


You already wish to us in your meditations.,GratefulšŸ«°šŸ¾


Damn, thank you brother. Your comment made my day :pray:


Awwww, Thank You RoseChalice! :heart: :pray: :heart:


Thank You Goodboy33! Thatā€™s a great question, what exactly are you wanting to know?

She will be going retrograde soon and is already slowing down, so that by itself is worth mentioning because it doesnā€™t happen every year. She will enter Aries where she is afflicted then retrograde back into Pisces and then go direct and travel through Aries entirely. She will also conjunct the sun and exist in a state of Cazimi for a short time, although I donā€™t know if it will be true Cazimi by declination as well as longitude, I havenā€™t cast the chart for it yet.

But any time a planet leaves retrograde it is a refreshing of the planets being and energies, but in Venusā€™s case it is a bit more special due to the nature of effects that a conjunction with the Sun has upon her.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You got me with that again Alice.


Thank You! :smile: :+1: Iā€™m glad to finally make your acquaintance because afterall, itā€™s obviously very Nice2knowU! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


No apologies needed, youā€™re always an inspiration My Friend! I know the sentiment is there. Happy Lunar New Year to you as well! :grin: :+1:


Thank you bro :pray: :slightly_smiling_face: I be loving your positive energy bro. This year is gonna be good for me. I had quit going out for a whole year since I kept blowin up at people the previous year. I burnt so many bridges the year before, wit gasoline and a flame torch. :laughing: Spent lots of time just enjoyin being by my lonesome, workin on my spiritual body, and doing paraglidin and hang glidin. I would love the get certified this year in paragliding and then get my own paraglider and go solo dolo :heart_eyes: One of several goals haha. Gonna start goin out again too, I miss the night life lol.


Happy lunar new year to you too! :partying_face:


Nice2knowU TheHermit :innocent:


Thank You Yuihwa! May yours be a genuinely Joyful, Successful, and Fruitful one! (And may each following year be even better!) :blush: :+1:


So youā€™re working on getting your Paragliding Certification? Alright, Iā€™ll make sure to include that for you in my daily devotions for awhile. :wink: :+1:

As for the rest, I hear ya, although, I donā€™t burn my bridges, Iā€™m a pretty laid back kind of fellow, I just mainly want everyone to be happy and to get along and be at peace and in harmony with everyone.
My problem, is I get too busy and forget to keep up my connections and my bridges kind of fall into disrepair rather than get burned.

Itā€™s strange how being so isolated out here and never seeing anyone, (I donā€™t even watch TV.) Time does funny things, and itā€™s easy to get caught up in something and intend to write someone or do something but not find time to do so for days.
Ahh night life, lol, I miss it too, but that was ages ago. Now my nighttime hang out buddies are the spirits and from time to time the wildlife that inhabits this area. (And my online pals and connections if the moon isnā€™t VOC.)


I meant to respond days ago but was too busy. I want this so much as well bro. But the thing is, I have played on both sides of the fence. I have been the guy that did drugs, was full of anger and rage, and prone to violence. Always toted straps, and toted shanks in prison. Judged the shit outta people. Was very very nonchalant back then. Always had an affinity with kids and animals though, and only cared bout peopleā€™s feelins that was close to me. Back then, people respected my boundaries, even when I didnā€™t make it known. They knew intuitively. People I didnā€™t know wanted to be around me for some reason. Even though I was of lower vibrations. Itā€™s sad to say I might have even inspired others to be a bad character like I was.

Now that I have risen my vibrations and Consciousness higher than before, and now that I am more careful and aware of how others feel, and known for being ā€˜nicerā€™, people sometimes overstep my boundaries. And sometimes, I fall back into my old anger. Cuz, if I do unto others like I want done to myself, and avoid doin things to others I donā€™t want done to myself, why do others overstep my boundaries? Well, the answer is they have lower levels of Consciousness. And I see that now. But I am still human and sometimes have old wires in my head. But I am 99% of the time nice and kind to everyone. So the new friends get shocked when they see me lose my temper. Whereas, as a youngin they would already know I had a hot temper and would not overstep my boundaries at any cost lol

I got this problem too bro! We needa to work thru this this year bro.