Happy Friday Fam! - Mystic Tarot and Words from our Zen Master Karuna

For the SapienMed Forum, a community dedicated to exploring and benefiting from Sapien Medicine’s resources and discussions, let’s draw three cards to provide insights for a beautiful and adventurous week ahead. The intention behind this reading is to shed light on the energy surrounding the community, potential challenges to be mindful of, and guidance for making the most of the week’s opportunities.

  1. The Sun: This card represents vitality, success, and joy. For the SapienMed Forum, it suggests a week filled with positive energy and breakthroughs. It could indicate a time where the community feels more connected, with members sharing successes and positive experiences with Sapien Medicine’s offerings. It’s a reminder to embrace optimism, celebrate achievements, and encourage one another.

  1. The Fool: Embarking on new adventures with an open heart and mind is the message of The Fool. This card speaks to the adventurous spirit of the forum, urging members to explore new concepts, experiments, or modalities that Sapien Medicine might offer. It’s a call to trust in the journey, be open to learning, and welcome new beginnings with enthusiasm. There might be a significant opportunity for growth and exploration, perhaps through a new tool or discussion that sparks widespread interest and experimentation.

  1. Five of Swords: This card warns of potential conflicts or misunderstandings within the community. It suggests that while there is much to be excited about, members should be mindful of communication. Differences in opinions or experiences with treatments might lead to heated debates. The guidance here is to approach discussions with empathy and openness, recognizing that everyone’s journey with Sapien Medicine is unique. It’s an opportunity to practice patience, seek to understand before being understood, and remember the forum’s collective goal of support and growth.

And now from the Zen Master:


Zen Master Karuna

Embarking on a journey to meet your life goals, especially when exploring avenues such as morphic fields within the Sapienmed Forum, requires a balance of openness, skepticism, and self-care. As you navigate this path, consider these words of wisdom, deeply rooted in Zen philosophy and mindfulness, to guide you:

  1. Embrace Openness and Curiosity: “Like the moon reflected in a dewdrop, so are the possibilities in your life. Infinite, yet contained in the here and now.” Approach the exploration of morphic fields with a curious mind, open to the infinite possibilities that life presents. However, remain grounded in the present moment, fully experiencing and evaluating each step of your journey.
  2. Cultivate a Balanced Skepticism: “The wise owl sees at night. Sometimes, understanding comes not in the light of day, but in the darkness of challenges.” It’s important to question and critically assess the paths you explore, including the use of morphic fields. Skepticism can be a tool for growth when it leads to deeper understanding and discernment, rather than dismissal.
  3. Prioritize Self-Care and Compassion: “In the heart of the fire, there is coolness; in the midst of chaos, there is calm. Seek balance in all things, and your way will be clear.” Your pursuit of life goals should not come at the expense of your well-being. Self-care is paramount, ensuring that your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. This balance will sustain you through your journey.
  4. Practice Mindfulness and Patience: “The river carves the canyon over eons, not days. Patience is the architect of your future.” Achieving significant life goals, especially those related to deep healing and personal transformation, often requires time. Practicing mindfulness allows you to appreciate the journey itself, not just the destination. Patience reminds us that transformation is a process, not an instantaneous event.
  5. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability: “The bamboo bends in the wind but does not break. Embrace flexibility and resilience; they are the keys to navigating your path ahead.” Life’s journey is unpredictable, filled with unexpected turns and obstacles. Being flexible and adaptable allows you to navigate these with resilience, learning from each experience and growing stronger.
  6. Cultivate Inner Stillness: “In the silence between your thoughts, the answer you seek is whispering. Quiet the mind, and the path will be clear.” As you explore new avenues for healing and growth, take time to cultivate inner stillness through meditation or quiet reflection. This practice can provide clarity, helping you to discern the most beneficial paths toward achieving your goals.
  7. Stay Rooted in Your Values: “As the sun does not choose upon whom to shine, your destiny is not a matter of choice, but of embrace.” Stay true to your core values and beliefs as you explore morphic fields and other modalities. Your integrity will guide you, ensuring that your pursuits align with your true self and contribute positively to your life and the lives of others.

Approaching life goals, especially through unique pathways like morphic fields, requires a harmonious blend of exploration, critical thinking, self-care, and patience. Let these principles guide you, bringing balance and depth to your journey.


These are nice pictures.

However, I personally still do not understand the concept and idea of these Tarot readings though. I mean, any card could be drawn and its message would ALWAYS apply and be valid for EVERY single forum user here, regardless of there life situation and level of spiritual development. It would even apply and be valid for EVERY soul on the planet or in the whole universe.


Just taking these as the most obvious onese. These are pieces of advice that make sense for everyone and any point in time anywhere on the planet. It doesn’t have to be the Sapien Med forum or the 2nd week of March 2024 – these types of advice always make sense and apply to everyone everywhere.

So what is the point of abstract spiritual messages that always apply to every single soul in the universe?

I do not understand the value added here when the message is not really custom taylored?!?!?


The point is to stimulate thought processes, instill a sense of togetherness and uplift. Not everyone is in the same place in our journey. I hope that the fact that anyone can receive something from the message is the message.

Feel free to also pull cards if you like. :slight_smile:


If I may, add alignment with cosmological energies and how we’re being affected. If not this at all, and another perspective; sharing points of attention and similar paths to work on, together yet independently. Timing… realized connection.

These are not just “nice pictures” - they are fielded pictures, so anyone seeing them, meditating with them, contemplating them will be blessed. Another reason for the message, as with the “welcome” images I use.


Oh, right, I totally forgot about that aspect.
Thanks for the reminder.
I thought the field “only draws the cards” and that’s it. But I just checked in another Tarot thread here on the forum and it seems that the chosen pictures connect you with the fields of the actual respective Tarot cards too.
In that sense, these are not just random pictures and random “daily wisdoms” but things one can actually use due to the fields behind them.
This explains why I was starring at “The Sun” picture for so long and feeling an uplift.
Thanks for fixing my misunderstanding.

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@Rosechalice Am I allowed to download these images? They are beautiful and I’d like to carry them with me for the week as a conscious reminder!

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Yes you can!

Wonderful! Ill be using them as album covers for the fields that don’t have any imagery as well!


So now I wonder, if we change the metadata (to add a cover, e.g.) the fields still work?

@Drift I’ve seen this question asked elsewhere in the forum and the response was always that it would be fine!

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