Hardcore (Mythical)

Does this have any sort of “correcting” effect? As I listen I’m feeling a bizarre pain in a very specific spot at the base of my right forearm, just below the elbow.


You convinced me to buy this field , lets see where it takes. Amazing result @pranic_climber


@jonathan4all you won’t regret it man. It just keeps getting better and better everyday :partying_face:


That’s the balancing concept from core strengthening targeted to all muscles, i believe


felt very light, played yesterday and today. My knee pain from squat 80% gone. Thanks for the suggestion man!


If I only need to loose weight, should I not add this …? Muscle weights more than fat

1kg of muscle weighs the same as 1kg of fat, the difference is that muscle is denser than fat, so 1kg of fat looks bigger than 1kg of muscle


Ok… so I should incorporate this in even if aim is just to get only weight loss?

I know you want a simple “Yes” or “No” answer from us, but we really can’t give you that answer, given the way you’re asking your question, because “weight loss” is one of those vague ideas that clouds more than it clarifies, meaning different things to different people.

For example, when one person talks about “weight loss,” they might mean that they want to lose 50 kg because they’re really overweight and their health is in jeopardy. In such a case, the number of the scale is of utmost importance because that situation is critical. (In this example, if we were limited to 1 single field, there are other fields which might be better for this example.)

But I might talk about “weight loss,” meaning I have a bit of a pudge and I want to look better and possibly healthier. I might say the words “weight loss,” but toning and muscle recomposition might be more accurate descriptors because if I can slip into the next smaller pants size and the next broader jacket size I’d be happy, even if the numbers on the scale didn’t budge at all. In this example, this field might be a really good fit for me.

What are you wanting? Have you read the description? Do you want more tone? Or are you more interested in moving numbers on the scale?


Snake diet :slightly_smiling_face:

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This^ The numbers to lower down for a sports competition

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Cobra dance :snake:
I will check that out. Thanks Jung

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Then there are other fields which are more directly focused towards that goal.

…such as

I know you’re new (welcome!) and still learning your way around this forum, so let me introduce you to the little magnifying-glass icon in the upper right corner of every page of the forum. That’s this forum’s handy search engine. When I put “weight loss” in there, it gives me more than 20 (I stopped counting there) results. Have fun researching!


Hey Fatty :wink:


Hello, I have a question! Do you listen to a muscle/workout stack only once a day, just like you do a fitness/bodybuilding session in the gym, is that correct? :pray:

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Hi muscle guys, ask, if I had stomach surgery could you use this field?
It’s time to become a rude boy !!! :fire::fire::fire:


Have your doctors advised you not to work out or advised any other restrictions because of your surgery (or any other parts of your medical history)?

If they have not restricted you, then you should be fine with this field.

Maybe it’s something that I’m losing in translation, but I’m having a hard time imagining our gracious GianLee as being a rude boy (as I understand those words together). :rofl:

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Well if you told me not to lift weights after 3 months, lol I hope that may be possible, although I can take advantage of the discount and wait for that time to pass and then use this field machine !!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

I’m really sorry! It is always my mistake!:pensive::pensive::pensive::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::pray::pray::pray: lol I don’t want misunderstandings, I use the god Google to translate, I just wanted to write that I want to be a very strong boy !!!