Has anyone told you you're looking much younger?

Have people been shocked by your youthful appearance?

How long did it take you to accomplish that?


Which frequencies/ fields are you using?


It happens, sometimes, especially if I’m clean shaven, that takes a few years off (I’m 31).

So, although I’ve been blessed with a youthful appearance, due to illness, stress, bad lifestyle, etc., over the years I started to look not that young(er) (younger than my age) anymore, yet since I started with fields (and subs and autossugestions) + a minimum amount of necessary protein and all the important nutrients, i started to look younger again.

Mental health is a must, as stress can age a man like crazy - so, learn to manage it (although it’s easier said than done lol).

As for fields, well, the healthier one gets, the better, more fresh and even younger he looks, so my main goal is to become healthier, but I have plenty of secondary goals, including youthifying myself; so, Anti Aging, Klotho, Stem Cells fields, Skin Regeneration, Sun Free Tanning for a ‘Freshly Arrived from The Beach’ Look.

As for subs, I use a few, but only one for getting/looking younger - from Akuo.




Plasma flaunt
Plasma glass skin
Microfacial stimulant

People always think I’m around 16-17 and I’m 22.


Yes, I am older than a close friend of mine whose son is my godson but I was surprised he said I looked so much younger than my age and even him.

I have the Eternal nft mandala with me for about a year now. I also play its audio 6x daily and the plasma flaunt 4x daily for several months now. I also play the BOL audio once daily for about a year now,


Congrats. Thank you for the insight.


Way to go . I take it youth is a passion of yours? Like you’re already young but you’re aiming to stay that way

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Double edge sword bro.
Hope you capture the best of your health and your youth and live a life more abundant

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Thank You So Much. Hope You Get Maximum Health and Maximum Youth/Looks Possible. :pray:

That’s awesome. Do you play BOL before the nft audios or after?


I use

Plasma flaunt

Ojas Marrowed and Shaken not StirredOjas


and some private projects nft

Many strangers thought I was a student or under 28

I play PONR 2x then BOL once a day followed by several audios, last is the Eternal 6x everyday.


Thanks! :green_heart:

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I look half my age. I didn’t use fields for it, though. It’s a common trait for autistic people.

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