Has anyone used his "Epic Beard Growth" from Pateron?

Hi, has anyone used this audio with good results?


I received good results from this audio, the very structure of the hair on my face changed. There is a version of this audio on Patreon and on Gumroad. On Gumroad, as a rule, they post improved audio or other versions audio.


The Epic Beard Growth files are the same on Gumroad and Patreon. (same audio length and description) :slightly_smiling_face:


I think that Patreon and Gumroad have different audio since they are amplified or the sound may be different.

I could certainly be mistaken.

Many of the Gumroad audios which are available on Patreon are the same, though some are updated or stronger.

If they are stronger, Dream typically adds a note about this to the description on Gumroad. If the description, audio length and file size are identical, the files are likely the same.

Perhaps @gpo or @anon6431808 would be able to clarify.


I believe the one on Gumroad and Patreon are both the same. Usually when it’s different, Sapien writes in the description

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Often in the comments ask if they have the same audio on Patreon and Gumroad, and DW says that they are different.

Another question, should we play Estrogen Reducer after playing this?

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The audio that is sold on Gumroad is different from that on patreon, written about it on Patreon.

Dream has uploaded the same version of a few of the older Gumroad audios to Patreon previously and noted the versions are the same in the Patreon comments.

I cannot speak for the Sapien team and their goals, but Patreon is also a paid service with monthly supporters whom they may wish to give benefits to.

Edit: As there may be some confusion about this, it could be a worthwhile question to add to the FAQ (in the forum or on the Enlightened States website).


Well just to make sure, I just bought the one from Gumroad. They’re exactly the same in length and sounds exactly the same. Are you sure it’s updated and stronger?

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Think that, all paid and free naturally differ. Write a DW question about this if you think that it is not. He wrote that paid audio have extra strength.

I see. I just emailed Sapien. Let’s see what he says. Do you play Estrogen Reducer after playing this tho? I’ve noticed some puffy nipples after playing that’s why asking

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Yes Estrogen Reducer I listen 2 times every day.


Sounds good. I’ll add it to the list then. Thanks!

I still listen to a lot of things Testosterone 2.0, HGH 2.0, Automatic Workout. If you want to be alpha, Sapien has a lot of audio.


Yeah, I already listen to Test audio, Extreme Muscle Growth which contains both Test and HGH, and Automatic Workout

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For the love of the almighty… (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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As far as I knowPaid audio Gumroad is paid audio, and they are not represented on Patreon. Patreon is another. What do you compare.Patreon this is for anyone who can get a little more than there is for free on YouTube, such as Sapien Trast.

For the love of the almighty… (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)