Have a few paid fields would like help building a stack

As I read your post, I don’t think you need so much help in building “a stack,” as much as you might be asking your stack to do too many things at once.

Sometimes I compare this “work” to cleaning a super messy room. When it’s gotten to that point where it’s super messy, we tend to look at the entire room at once. And then that perspective just discourages us, right?

But when we chop the room into pieces, things become more manageable. Maybe the first priority is to clear a path off the floor so we can get to the bed. That we can do right now, and maybe even feel a sense of accomplishment and encouragement from that.

My point is don’t try to do a one-stack-cures-all. Write down your various desires. Just do a brain dump. If you had a magic wand to transform your life tomorrow, what would be changed and how? (Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to share any of that here. That’s between you and you.)

When you do your brain dump, you’ll notice that most of your desires clump up into certain natural categories (that are individual to you). Pick one of those categories and do a stack for that.

Now, we all have our different ways of picking our one category. Some people like to start with the category that’s least troublesome to them, so that they can get an easy win and build up a confident momentum with these fields. Others like to start with they think is the bedrock or foundational category.

Just like with cleaning a messy room, it really doesn’t matter where you start.

As you’re doing your brain-dump and your sorting-into-categories, check out the How to Create Great Stacks and the Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks threads, which give you ideas of how to add free fields (and in what order) to supplement the fields you already have.