Have any of you heard about the 'shifting community"?

I’m all for creativity and imagination. Divine inspiration.

It is a different realm, the one which we can create and inspire new realities in the physical world.

New realities= new possibilities = seemingly “impossible” realizations

Intersecting technology and energetics… creating a ship that takes you from earth to the moon… having massive leaps from one life experience to the next

Personally I draw the line at things that teeter into the risk of losing my marbles, like living in a world with Harry Potter characters as Toby mentioned :sweat_smile:

Imaginations only leave the world of imagination once the user determines how it intersects with the physical. Perhaps the person may find themselves living next to Daniel Radcliffe, after such an astral shift, but to a world of an imagined, non physical story… I think not. Some limitations to creations are sound.

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It is an imaginative way to believe in your own visualization. But technically, you’re not shifting into a new reality.

You’re still in the same one. Otherwise, we would have heaven on Earth by now.

Anyways, the reason it works is he changed the energy and, therefore, the actual situation changes.

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