Have any of you heard about the 'shifting community"?

Typically associated with the subliminal community, shifting is the concept of ‘shifting’ our perception into a parallel version of ourselves, inside a different universe or timeline. It was popular with teenagers around Covid since so many wanted desperately to escape from the horrors of this reality by ‘shifting’ into the harry potter universe

here are some links which give context:

Do any stories or practices from a certain culture or religion come to mind when you read about this?

Neville Goddard is a notable figure who supposedly could do this. While he was training in military camp for ww2 he used the SATS method to visualise himself in his bed back home beside his wife. The following day, the commanding officer who had previously rejected his request for discharge now accepts the terms and honourably discharged him from the military.

Do you believe this is truly possible, or is it simply a figment of the youths’ active imagination?


I don’t know about these communities, but if you pay very close attention, especially for a longer period of time, you will find that you constantly shift


It is real and happens all the time when you change a subconscious belief.

Which means most people (“NPCs”) only switch a few times per year, while people who actively work on themselves, switch all the time.


Can you expand on this? Your thoughts NPC in general. Maybe here or on another thread.
But also specifically in terms of reality shifting

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Very simple. Most people never do Shadow Work and never question their own belief system. So all that they are manifesting 24/7 is the input they received from society and media. At a very slow pace some beliefs within society change and by this those people unconsciously absorb those new beliefs and then slightly switch timelines respectively.

If you are aware that you are manifesting your own reality and do proactive subconscious belief changes within yourself (e.g. with SLR 3.0, Melleable Ego, Soul Continuum and other fields and tools), then you are constantly changing your belief system and by this what you are manifesting. The more consciously you are doing this, the more you can notice the “switching” and the “shifting” (because you are the source of the change, because you are the active driver instead of the passive observing passenger).

Here you go:


I didn’t know about these communities.

Thank You @toby for the thread and links.

Also, Thank You, @JAAJ for the post and links.


Thanks for all the info. I see, your view of ncp is someone still posessing soul/conciousness (just not utilizing their full power/potential)

I vaguely remember encountering someone with the perspective that their view of this “matrix” simulation is there are literally ncp who are basically… concious, but not? Controlled by the “game” so to speak.

I guess it’s very similar to what you are saying-I SEE what you are saying- I just wonder as to the level of degrees of being a “non functioning player”
For instance there’s just being on auto pilot and not living up to your potential, and then there’s “this is a simulation and your neighbor is basically controlled from outside the game and has no free will at all, it’s just like the matrix where they are inserting themselves into the 3D game, but their conciousness is way outside of it”


Probably he was talking about astral travels.

No one has enough energy to physically teleport in 3D.

We are low vibration beings in many ways. That is why we are affected by gravity.

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I have encountered at least 2 degrees of NPCs so far in my personal life.

There are those, the biggest group, who have a soul and a Higher Self, and are simply not yet conscious about their incarnational role and what they are doing here.

And then there are also those, rather rare, who literally feel like completely empty shells with no soul and no substance. They give off a very robotic energy, as if they are not even alive or connected to the source, but just biological bots that run on some type of astral battery and programmed with a certain code / program. They have no empathy, no free will and probably not even qualia.


Aliens do it also the time.
Even low vibe ones.

But in general, physical reality is not what it seems.

It is not as solid and static as it seems and as scientists understand it at the moment.

The whole system, the physical universe in all its timelines and probabilities, is constantly shifting behind the veils of the awareness of those who are physically incarnated.

That’s the whole purpose of this physical plane, to appear as solid and static as possible to those who are making their experience inside this physical simulator.

But a lot of stuff is shifting in the background and most of this shifting is only allowed to be seen be consciousness that is not projected into the physical.

For any consciousness that is projected and focussed on the physical, the simulator will do its best to appear as solid and static as possible, so that it can appear that “certain physical laws” apply here. (They are not really laws, just local rules within the physical simulator.)

Also, things like Dream’s luck fields for example, that can influence the re-arrangement of stuff in the background behind what the physically incarnated consciousness is allowed to perceive.

But for those who pay close attention to how stuff and synchronicities manifest in their personal reality bubble, will clearly see that they MUST HAVE switched timelines along the way and that physical stuff MUST HAVE BEEN REARRANGED in the background for them to actually manifest certain things.

Because it would be impossible for those manifestations to occur by staying on the same timeline and simply following the laws of physics on that timeline.



Fields and high vibration operates on probability, same as quantum mechanics and relative physics.

Low vibration operates on newtonian physics. This is why biology exists as a science and western medicine can cure many symptoms and diseases.

That is also why is impossible to levitate in 3D in this planet.

The more dense stuff is, the more deterministic and less probabilistic it behaves.

Weather functions in high vibration, that is why we can only estimate based on probability on its behavior.


yeah it was astral
people reported seeing Neville appear in their homes


While this statement in itself is true, I want to add that there is no really such things as “dense” or “density”.

The physical universe and physical matter is not really dense, it just appears so to the consciousness that is focussed on it.

And the astral planes can appear super dense as well, but follow different “game rules” and “physics” than what we have here on the physical plane.

All planes can appear “dense”.

I think it would make more sense to replace the term “density” with “the potential speed at which the environment can change and shaped by consciousness”.

So like you said, I think that “higher vibration” is better explained when we don’t call it as “less dense”, but as “the environment can be changed more easily”.

And with regards to Newtonian physics, this is part of the illussion too.
These Newtonian rules only apply for as long they are allowed to be applied by the consciousness that is making the physical experience.
When you, as a physically incarnated being, switch timelines or stuff is being re-arranged physically in the background for your manifestation, all of those Newtonian rules instantly go out the window and are instantly overriden by actual game mechanics. Consciousness that manifests reality (and it always does so), can and does ultimatively override ALL that is appears to deterministic.

As an example, someone gets into a car crash where the car is completely smashed into a ball of metal. Now according to the “low vibe” of the physical body and the Newtonian physics rules, the person inside the car shouldn’t have had any chance of physically surviving this, however due to some decision from the person’s Higher Self, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides etc. they decide to intervene, instantly changing the physical rules in a way that a perfectly alligned safety bubble is created around the body of the person who is in the accident and the person “by a heavenly miracle” coming out of the crash without a scratch.
Such “miracles” happen all the time and are just proof that Newtonian physics are part of the illusion.
I have personally experienced such miracles myself where so called “physical laws” were temporarily nullified in order to save my physical body.

Determinism is a complete illusion and part of the game design.
We inside the simulator are supposed to believe, that something like “determinism” exists.
It is part of the illusion where you “have to take the physical world as serious” and “believe that it is solid”.

So actually, determinism does not exist at all, because The Source (the ultimate all consciousness) has absolute Free Will about itself and its creation.
Absolute free will implies that determinism can only exist as an illusion in the first place. And “miracle events” like in the example above are proof for this.


they even had conversations with him


That was ‘Bilocation’, which Neville achieved in the later years. The story Toby mentioned was one of Neville’s success stories in the use of the Law of Assumption.


What’s your view on Val Valerian’s take on NPCs, which he claims, are of ‘Animal Consciousness’?




So, with sufficient belief , you could shift into a completely different reality? This recent trend of shifting often means shifting into a reality with the desired alterations or additions like a universe where a person lives in hogwarts or something

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Yes, but what counts is what you subconsciously believe and what is programmed in your Subconscious Mind.

Most of the people (and techniques) in these communities don’t shift at all in most cases because they do a few excercises here and there but are not changing their subconscious beliefs at all.

One of the reasons why people who follow religions or cults are so bad at manifestation and “shifting” – they never really change what they deep down subconsciously believe.

If you cannot convince yourself on ALL levels, and especially convince your Subconscious Mind, then you will not switch. Since it is the Subconscious Mind that does the switching.