Headphones what’s the deal?

Hi, I have an odd request for advice. It’s regarding the listening method to energy audios. Morphic fields, energetically programmed etc.

I was my understanding that the audio should be played into your auric field, for best results. However, I seem to have more results when I use my Bluetooth headphones.

Like many, I use MEF Dynamics, Sapien, Quadible, etc. But only experience slight results when I use ear buds.

What’s the deal? If I play it into my aura, can the phone be in my pocket? Does the speaker have to face my body or away? If I have to put my phone at a distance, how far should I sit? Do I have to hear the audio?

I’ve looked at many forums, but none specifically answer these questions.

In addition, do you have to have a strong auric field? If it is weak, do you have to play it closer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice.



I’ve had similar experiences and my conclusions were attention and intention. I’d often forget my phone was playing fields so I’d get a very passive effect in my pocket/etc. But when I’d go on walks (and have headphones in), I’m actively thinking about the music, wondering which field is currently playing… my energy is more directed at the energy coming out of my phone.

So, you’ll get effects regardless. You’ll get the strongest effects from directing your attention and intention, with focus, on the fields.


Thank you, makes sense. Setting the intention is important. Energy flows where attention goes. So they say!


Headphones have been my #1 way of listening for years now- works great :smiley:

Unless it’s an environmental field then I play it out loud


Thank you

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For me, speakers work best, I have a new stereo Bluetooth speaker and wired stereo speakers, these 2 work Extremely fast, then comes my phones, then headphones.

Also, it works much better like 10x better if it’s close to my body and for some reason keeping the phone in my pocket doesn’t bring the same results, but close nowadays.

Boosters were the Game Changers for me, starting with Kinetic Quasi Crystal and then I’ve used PU’s and Morpheus’ Boosters too.

Edit: just a personal preference, I always keep the speaker facing my body.


For me, I enjoy the pictures buut having tested it from wall and from putting it on taggs, its works aloooot more. Maybe engineerd tags to better so it doesn’t help competition or the energy is just to strong and didn’t want to give everyone headaches that walks into room

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Thank you, what are PU?

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PU stands for Psychic University.

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Thanks. Any recommendations from them?

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@matt22 Look up the various planet healing and development field he made.
some of them are on patreon and the other ones are on gumroad.


Omega Love - Psychic University

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Thank you. Is that from PU?

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I listen almost exclusively with earphones, they work well, never had any doubts.

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