I need some help with my daughter, energy healing and info! She has some bone lesions (osteosclerosis). It is NOT about decreased density and, so far, no malignant process.
It’s about some changes with her bones and, in some areas, the bone looks “harder” (higher density), like petrification of a sort.
Doctors “are baffled” bc there seems to be no “visible” cause. Unfortunately she took the “famous” injections and I know (I found some scientific studies) that the expression of several proteins linked to collagen is changed.
Please, if you can send healing energies, do so!
If you have any idea of fields, please, let me know (the cost doesn’t matter). So far, I’ve been thinking about mitochondria fields and the only field for bones that came to my mind is “Deep Bone Massage” but I don’t know what it does. Maybe DNA?
or maybe the Plasma Light field, or other plasma fields, if you have bought them already, to return the bones to their original, harmonious structure pattern
She’s 24 y.o. No other major health issues prior to that injections (she had a recurrent otitis + very painful menstruations after a certain emotional event, no prior issues before this event). She had a major mmr reaction when she was a small kid (this is when I’ve “divorced” allopathic medicine), it took us 3 years to clear everything up.
The injections brought all kinds of reactions: cardio (pain, arrhythmia, tachycardia), POTS, autoimmune (the first tentative diagnosis was a type of Lupus), inflammatory (24/7 pain), menstrual problems, lymphadenopathy & some aberrant blood tests results, huge headaches, vertigo, etc. etc.
I’ve been reading all kind of papers about (possible) mechanisms linked to the “ingredients” of those “injections” (sv40 promoter included, residual DNA, spike protein, etc.). In parallel, I’ve been looking for natural compounds to help her body (bee propolis 75% for lymphadenopathy, ivm, etc.). Slowly, all blood tests came back to normal. So far, last tests show no issues in ANA, her energy increased, her mood stabilized well. The persistence of pain (24/7) made us go for a CT and the lesions came up. Before this CT investigation, her dx from our “baffled doctors” was “fibromyalgia” because “we don’t know what’s wrong with her”.
I would look into anything that would take the pressure off the body to allow it to heal on its own. Given that this all seems to stem from the jabs, I would continue doing what works and go slow with plasma. I would try the orgone accumulator, if you have plasmatron that would be ideal, but either will help with healing and some pain. Grounding is always good, acupressure, also might want to try the stellate ganglion block.
I don’t know if there is one that will take care of the lesions directly, but if you focus on fields that either generally strengthen the body or return it to a better state, and on the other side fields that will take pressure off of the body and allow it to reset, maybe even ego dissolution, hopefully that will give your daughter enough space to heal.
Archangel Raphael would be a good one to listen to often, as well. 24 is way too young to have to go through all of this, I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for both of you.
You’ve received some good suggestions here, I agree with what has already been said above. Since you mentioned purchasing fielded tracks, I would also like to suggest this:
From the description: " What are ojas? well perhaps this video on one of my channels can help.
So as long as we get that idea, lets extend this to understand the implications of possible rejevenation at and even deeper level
if this reached and worked directly on your bone marrow.
along with the ideas of negenthrophy and also a vibration of exactly the earth’s resonance.
Ponder on the implications of this and the potential benefits and long term potentials."
Definitely a quality approach to benefiting the system STARTING with bone marrow.
Beyond that I was also going to suggest Flower of Life Audio, Alice11 mentioned this already.
In addition, I would add:
Mind, Body, Soul Graviton -The micro torus effect around each individual cell is top notch!
Love Graviton: This will help in both direct and indirect ways. Love is the ultimate healer, and this fills you with unconditional love and helps you spread it. There’s so much I could say about this one. Just trust me on including this in your stack.
Angelic intercession: Play this DAILY and ask for help and healing from the angels. If you want a more comprehensive spiritual approach to obtaining assistance, look at what I posted here: Request for healing my mom
Beyond that I’ll make sure to include her in my daily prayers. Blessings to You and her, may the situation be expediently improved and relief and joyful rejuventation her present experience.
I’ve considered ALL your suggestions and I spend my time re-organizing things now. So far, she’s started with plasma fields, DNA and Torsion, and stopped. I still have to find a way to convince her it works . I know the painkillers interfere in the process.
One important improvement: her sleep is much better. She can’t say why … but I know it’s about your healing energy and the fields (these were the only new interventions!!).
Last idea I had: she has some minor acne problems, and I’ve “negotiated” with her to use 2-3 fields for face/skin. I need her to see the effects so she opens up again to try new things. (she’s not spoiled, she’s very tired, confused, and in cognitive dissonance.
Protected Spaces
Pure Lands Blessings
Unconditional Love Environment Saturation
Radiate Positivity
Uplift Yourself, People you meet and the world
These fields will fill the room with bright and positive energy, which, according to my repeated observations, affects even those who have no idea where this change in atmosphere and mood comes from, and when it happens, show your daughter this playlist. This should give her confidence that the fields are not someone’s fantasy, but a living, really working energy that can affect her physical condition no less than her mood.