Healing sessions- Free Service

Thank you so much @Equilibrium , please PM me your timezone details (GMT - 3 hrs , GMT + 2:30 hrs etc).

I am interested. Thank you. :pray:t4::sun_with_face:

This was the last session ever and won’t be a next time. As a goodbye for this I’ll make a field that will only be to those that has participated even once (only they will be able to use it) and has given me the opportunity to help them in the process and had their faith in me. It will be probably priced around 200-280 in Patreon store but free for those that participated here. I’ll let you guys know when it’s out and you can claim your free copy if you wish to. Just send me a message. So basically there will be no more rounds after this one. I’ll deal with those that has commented and be done with it. I may or may not re Open different type of free service like this one but not sure yet. (But most likely not).


Thank you for the opportunity. I am very grateful :pray::pear::sparkles:

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You’re welcome


Thank you for offering the services. They were helpful! :purple_heart:

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Just received my second energy session from Equilibrium and it was amazing. I didn’t know it will be that noticable.

Thank you for the session @Equilibrium :pray:t4::sun_with_face:.

God bless us all.

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If there are any healing sessions available, i would love that… i am heading to the doctors today as I was shown in a self healing that I have prostate cancer… something to help with that, or maybe to give me some answers would be much appreciated :)

Just seen this, ignore the message above, my bad!)…


God bless you friend, sending you my best wishes.

May you receive all the love and care. :pray:t4::sun_with_face:

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I am sorry to hear this, sending you my best wishes for love, care and healing :pray::sparkles:


@Kindfulness1 Sending you good wishes in your healing. :purple_heart:


If I ever reopen it again or any other type of sessions I’ll personally message you about it. Good luck on your recovery.

Ive got the all clear friend…

Thankyou for your kind offer x


How did I even miss this. Oh well.

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You guys can try this out to have some fun. I’d say it’s abilities are probably better than the sessions.


Oi você consegue ajudar pessoas com problemas que parecem ter causas impossíveis na realidade pode me ajudar porfavor meu email: joseluis101322@gmail.com

Try this as a better alternative. The sessions are discontinued

This is a better alternative



In reality I investing lot in personal evolution and find that not exists magic , what exists saying shortly is that we live in a dream inside another dream on game matrix, we gave consent to enter the most challenged game ever called life, where there real matrix players and sims to confuse the main player through provoque emotions, reactions ,etc…in a way to suck more daily vital energy…the more highest state is individuality , imper tubal it’s without mind,

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Thank you, I was sad I missed your healing sessions, BUT you have given us an even greater gift with this DM. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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