Healing sessions- Free Service

I’ll be doing some free healing sessions every week. At most 10 people a week (But it can change) at most and will last for 10-15 min of active work from my part depending on what I’m doinga but the benifit will last longer. . And if you’re wondering then yes the effects will be greater than the fields I release overall. Also it’s quite random if anything. Let’s say if I give you something I won’t give the same thing to another person. I’m not sure if I’ll sell anything like this type of service but even if I do it will be very limited number like a few in a month at most as it requires my active participating. But regardless doesn’t matter whatever I sell or not or the price I’ll keep providing this service here for those that are willing for free (even if I sell anything similar later on). That’s cuz it’s something that I decided to give as a service to others in general. You can either leave a comment here or ask me in pm (I prefer you comment here so it will be easier for people to keep track of the numbers) then I’ll message you personally. But keep in mind that I won’t do while you’re away or offline as it’s important for you to understand what you’re receiving and I’d like to have feedback in between so that I can improve it more. Also testimonials are appreciated but not a requirement. But if you do leave any I’ll give you something extra in our next session if you attend later on as a gift since I enjoy reading feedback. And I’ll do once a week for each person not more.

(Also I prefer you dm me as some people have their profile hidden so it’s not possible to reach them).

Is paused for now till next week. Comment and I’ll contact you later next week (Around 13-15 January).


Also I won’t be doing any specific request for this or that. Rather it’s purely depending on what I’m willing to give you. For example sometimes it can be energy healing, light/love based sessions etc. I’m aware that people might want to request x/y/z for different issues but that’s not the goal for this one. But whatever you get will be benifical for you at that moment.


I’d like to join


I would love to try, although I am somewhat of a stonewaller and don’t really notice changes, maybe on a long enough timeframe, so not sure if I could give you any kind of feedback in a 5-15 min session.
Thanks for the service!


Check pm


Same here, would like to join. (although not energy sensitive)


I finished a session and it helped me a lot to regain energy, clarity and focus. I was very stressed before that.


I like to join! Thank you


Can you send me a message? Your profile is hidden.


It could help me with energy on my way


I had a session aswell.

I am not energy sensitive yet even I felt after a while his energy work.

Got clarity of mind for a while, he helped me ease my headache. Could go back and do physical labor for 3 hours, now I am obviously exhausted :stuck_out_tongue:

Did some repairs on my energy body, but I don’t have a deep connect to it so I don’t know what are the changes.

Overall I do reccomend anyone to try it!


Thank you, I would like to join.


It was to strengthen it and healing along with cleanse and blockage removal… if you do something similar overtime you can become more sensitive without issue.


The session felt renewing. Targeting conscious issues in my case emotional and releasing issues. In addition to energetic cleansing.

Keep providing services like these where you support the human being to a transformation.


Just received a healing season from XEquilibriumX,

first it felt like something going on in lower abdomen area and then felt the vibrations going down to my legs.

After that I felt it the solar plexus it was amazing I was feeling joyful, sort of giggling like sensation.

Very grateful for this XEquilibriumX, thank you for your service and kindness… God bless :pray:t5::sun_with_face:


You’re welcome


Interested to join. Have some intrusive thoughts recently. Thank you.


Is the last one for now. If interested leave a comment or message me. Also I’ll do more than 10 people as it’s past that within today. I’ll reply later tomorrow when free.


Hi, I would also be interested


Would also be interested :))