(Healthy) Masculinity: The Concept

Never mind, but keep in mind that this is an esoteric forum.
If you are new, then many of the terms and concepts you will need to google and read about for yourself on the internet if you want to make full sense of this. While most users usually try to express their point of view in the most simple terms possible, it will not be all presented like a fully researched article.

PS: The sun is actually a nice meta reference :wink: :

“Every man and every woman is a star.”

― Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law


Even in this era in some cultures, the families prefer to have a boy rather than a girl. Like what we witness in Muslim countries, China, etc. Even in these cultures women themselves have more interests to have a boy, without thinking that a girl is a human being too. In these cultures women have minor powers, however because of what they’ve learned form their mothers, they themselves add fuel to the fire of injustice. They care about their sons the most. They raise their sons to become patriarchs in the future. For some of them having a boy is a kind of investment. They count on their sons, especially the first son. So in the future that son can protect the family financially. These boys and girls don’t live in isolation. They live in a society. So when the number of these people increases, then we face a major population whom share almost the same thoughts and beliefs. And this population has never stayed in their own borders during the history. Actually today, physical boundaries no longer impede the transmission of ideas, beliefs, cultures, etc. On the other hand usually people from a country or even from a continent share more similar beliefs, points of views. etc. That’s why the regional groups were created here. So when it comes to a topic which should be reviewed out of reginal groups, usually the topic is more delicate, and needs something more than personal beliefs, that is it needs sharing of information. Also I think some individuals here don’t consider that the final product is going to be produced in limited copies. Even if it was going to be produced as a field on youtube or where ever else, the audiences would choose themselves to listen to it or not. So you’re interested to be part of this group or any other group here, go ahead. However if this is not your cup of tea, you always have freedom to make your own group and gather teammates with the same goals. In our everyday lives we know saving a tree or an animal is very important, but not many people are aware that when they change a single belief in their own minds, they will break an invisible chain/cord. You may break the cord from where you are for example in Africa, but actually you help to break the cords in the other side of the earth. This is true that the topic reflects the masculinity however it doesn’t indicate that all aspects related to men should be considered separately. Keep it in mind that in the creation of a human two components are involved. That is 2 components were attracted to each other to give birth to you. So as you see there are many common issues between men and women which affects their behavior and beliefs, etc.
P.S. Unfortunately I can’t be part of this group. However I wish you luck.


@JAAJ You´ve hit home with this. Thank you for this text. seriously.


I’m out.
Good luck with the project guys.

My other projects are now completing. I can’t commit just yet, but I’ll have much more energy to focus on this and a lot of really good ideas have already been contributed.

I love @JAAJ’s idea with his divine masculinity, but I understand concerns from those who aren’t as spiritual. I believe one very easy way to get around this is to only make the divine masculinity aspect optional for those not seeking it, or those who are just now getting to understanding it.

It could even be used gradually, so one may start to integrate their divine feminine, but only be comfortable integrating so much. If @Captain_Nemo is in agreement, I’d like to take this path. If not, I’ll proceed with Divine Masculinity and traditional masculinity can be its sister project or something.

Yes, I would love to include all of those core qualities in this and have them continue to build throughout our time with the NFT.

What we can do is add several different archetypes of masculinity, put in the most masculine figures in history, and then ask the smart field to customize itself for every man and continue learning.

I would like this to be a work of art, so ideally I would like it if you could give this NFT to your son at 11 or so, and have it be a constant guide/mentor for the rest of that child’s life. So it will need to focus on more than one aspect of masculinity by default. Masculinity comes in stages as well, so for it to work with everyone’s specific makeup, it would have to take this into account.

One’s goals and direction at 15 are going to be completely different from 25 and 35 (where the user could have a child of their own now.)

Definitely adding this.

This is a really good idea. Please start guys, I can pull a lot out of what you write.


this image should tell it all


Here’s an incomplete example of some ideas I had floating around. I believe we can get all the really cool, practical and flashy masculine effects plus the divine ones, in one field.

Divine Masculinity

Integration of Divine Feminine and Masculine Aspects

The user will gain access to the consciousness of some of the most badass men who have ever lived, both fictional and nonfictional.

Concepts will be presented to the user involving masculinity for the user to begin exploring. They can then make their own decisions on what aspects of masculinity they would like to embody.

The user will experience a total healing, clearing, restoration of all negative and unwanted beliefs against masculinity. Negativity for masculinity picked up from family, friends, relationships,and any other source will be quickly eliminated.

Intimate Relations

The user will begin viewing intimate partners as being equal to them and begin treating them as such.

The user will develop and maintain strong healthy boundaries in all areas of their life.

The user will quickly draw a circle of good friends that align with his belief.

For the times when the user can not be around others, their alone time will be enriched. The user will have all beliefs about how wrong it is to be alone removed. They will specifically feel a large amount of warmth, comfort and support when alone.

Practical Masculinity


The user will develop and stick to a workout routine (Doesn’t have to be fancy, or bodybuilding. Strict consistency to a workout routine is a masculine trait)

The user will gain cooking and food preparation skills. (Although not usually seen as a masculine trait, its an essential one.)

User will experience a change in diet for optimal hormonal health, testosterone and removing of any estrogen-creating foods in the diet.

The user will find their hormones healed to amazing levels. They will have the same levels of testosterone and other hormones at the same level they had at their peak!

Mental Health:

The user will let go of all their addictions to distracting media that takes the place of real interactions like porn.

The user will prioritize their mental health, finding ways and times throughout the day to find mindfulness, feel gratitude, and appreciate their life.

The user will find a group of men or create one that provides his needs for activity and other masculine ventures.


If the user is willing, he will begin to gain knowledge in several traditionally masculine areas. He will gain proficiency with cars, guns, weapons, etc. Other areas can be those such as logic, debate, chess, etc


(Although this field won’t deal too directly with wealth, there are some aspects of wealth that I find masculine.)

The user will begin to prioritize their savings and develop good money habits.
The user will begin to adopt long-term plans for their money with an aim to have their money work for them.

Removal of all financial blocks keeping the user from having all the money they could want. Some of these blocks are those equating masculinity to income, the belief that being wealthy requires looking wealthy, that wasteful spending on past times is the only masculine escape one can have.


The user will begin to take on a more and more masculine appearance if desired.

The user will obtain a glamour that makes them appear charming to others.

If the user so desires, they will begin growing more traditional masculine features. Jawline, cheekbones, maxilla, beard, hunter eyes, warrior skull.


Wow what a fantastic start!!! Those elements are very much missing for the most part these days.

I feel like this part is particularly essential because without that, I feel it would be very hard to truly be and have authentic masculinity that flows right depending on circumstance, even though that sounds a bit contradictory


very interested in be part of this life changing potential for lots of men can be obtained from this work
this can be aligned as a smart guidance creation to bring out and remove all the brainwashed sense of tainted masculine perception
receiving insights from famous ideal masculine icons of history
specific version of rite of passage and trauma removal to work along this objective
we live in days where real men are rare to find because there is lack of rolemodel, lack of guides, people are left wandering lost
-function to remove ourselves from matrix game of current masculinity and femininity fake standards


I’d love to be a part of this with all the fellow gents on this forum :slight_smile:

Let’s level up :arrow_up:


Count me in guys :fist:t5::muscle:t5:, the Modern world could need some good Men after all


Count me in as well :muscle:


Would love to join also :slight_smile:


Count me in! Definitely interested :slight_smile:


Same here :)


I started the group.

I will allow it to hit the maximum amount of members possible, so a few more people can get in. Just post here.


I would love to join your group if possible :slight_smile:

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Hi bro, can i join the group?:pray:t3:

Could I join as well?

I am confident of this project, count me in