Height Increase after Puberty (RECRUITING)

Hello everyone, I understand submissions are closed currently, but I wanted to get this out for when they open up again so we can submit immediately.

I’ve found two ways that will increase height even after puberty.

The first one is a replica of the limb-lengthening surgery but using mechanisms that have already been used in Sapien Medicine creation.

"Limb Lengthening Surgery: “Limb lengthening surgery is a medical procedure designed to increase the length of a person’s limbs, most commonly the legs. It involves controlled bone fractures and the use of external fixation devices to gradually separate bone segments. Over time, new bone tissue forms in the gap, allowing for an increase in limb length, and the procedure is typically performed to address limb length discrepancies or specific medical conditions.”

Here’s the description of the audio ‘Just the Knees’ from youtube and patreon:

“Here we try to work on the idea of the micro fractures by producing the same signals that entice the skeletal stem cells to migrate to the cartilage area then to begin the process of turning into cartilage but using BMP 2 as a director of the differentiation and vascular endothelial growth factor to stop differentiation at the cartilage point”

How we could recreate this with morphic but safer:

  1. Bone Lengthening Focus: The primary goal of limb lengthening is to increase the length of bones, typically the femur (thigh bone) or tibia (shin bone). Therefore, you would need to shift the focus from joint health and cartilage regeneration to bone growth.

  2. Targeted Bone Micro-Fractures: In limb lengthening, controlled bone fractures are made surgically to initiate the lengthening process. You might consider a way to introduce controlled micro-fractures in the long bones to stimulate bone growth.

  3. Growth Factors: The use of growth factors like BMP 2 could be beneficial for promoting bone growth. These factors can be applied at the site of the bone fractures to encourage the proliferation of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts).

So basically its like the description of “Just the Knees” but it can be recreated for limb lengthening instead of joint health.

Now what’s cool about this is if it can be done unlike traditional limb lengthening surgery, we can make this proportional.

Legs, Spine, Arms, Fingers, etc…’’

2nd Method:

Co-culturing chondrocytes (cartilage cells) and osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) and implanting them into bone defects, specifically in the area where a growth plate has been damaged or closed. The aim is to recapitulate the function of the normal growth plate, which plays a critical role in longitudinal bone growth during childhood and adolescence.

The proposed process would potentially work as follows:

  1. Cell Culture: Chondrocytes and osteoblasts would be cultured together creating a specialized mixture of cells.

  2. Implantation: This cell mixture would then be implanted into the area where a growth plate has been damaged or has closed.

  3. Regeneration: The implanted cells would ideally replicate the function of the normal growth plate, enabling the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue in that specific area.

  4. Longitudinal Growth: If successful, this regeneration process could lead to an increase in longitudinal (height) growth in the treated individual, even if their natural growth plates have already closed.

  • I’m interested

0 voters

We just need 25 votes!

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Hey guys, just a bump!

10 more votes needed :muscle:t4:

8 more, we’re at the finish line guys!

I’ll bump again next week

Why not just buy Flying To New Heights by Psychic University? It already literally reopens the growth plates, boosts chondrocytes, collagen, and repairs endocrine system, etc etc…

It’s solid. Ive been using it a few weeks and have growing pains everywhere. I’m 36 btw.


Me too, I use the mandala version and just go with the flow.


i didn’t realize he had a mandala version for flying to new heights?


I’m sorry,

As of now, I am only going to be using Sapien Medicine

On a side note, seems like we only need 3 more votes!

I’m in if y’all take me

Interested. I have a project also with a similar amount of votes.

Highly Interested

Hey did u get taller with it?