Hello everyone! Glad to finally be here :)

Hello everyone! I’ve finally decided to officially join the forum, and I mean “officially” because I am a long time lurker. I found Sapien Medicine by chance, I was introduced to subliminals at the age of 14 approx. and three years ago decided to make a playlist to increase my overall attractiveness. Then I found Quadible and used their audios for a long time. I sometimes read about Sapien in their comments, but took me a while until I decided to test one of Dream audios. I don’t remember exactly when, but at one moment I realized I was using only the audios from Dream, whether they were from Sapien Medicine, Dream Seeds or Energetic Alchemy.

I played the Point of No Return stack for around 1-2 months straight, and since that time I think I’ve turned into a more calm, loving and happy person. I definitely catch my ego slipping more than I would like to admit, but I am able to identify the thoughts I don’t want / I consider to be ego based". I’ve also read and reread most of the top (and not so top) threads in the forum, and have a slight idea of which fields do what or serve which purpose.

The one thing that has led to me open an account here in this forum is that today, 02/02/2023 at 22:22 (tried to make it at the 22 seconds mark also), I’ve created my dragon golem servitor because I wanted my dragon to be created at a meaningful time. I thought about it a long time ago, and often I thought about not doing it, because I sometimes lack discipline and I definitely know I should pay respects to my servitor and interact with him/her everyday. However, I’ve decided to create one, and stick to the consequences of having a powerful ally by my side. I wanted my dragon to have an angelic-like kind of force, you know, helping me raise my vibration, protecting me and my loved ones from bad entities with detrimental intentions, aiding me in my search for prosperity… The playlist I listened to before creating my dragon was:

  1. Aura Clearing
  2. Exorcism rite x2
  3. The Mana Circuits x2
  4. SLR x1
  5. Ego Dissolution
  6. Raise Your Vibrational State x3
  7. White Light Waves
  8. Love, Gratitude and Appreciation x3
  9. Love Graviton x3
  10. Gravitational Love Wave x2
  11. Divine Love x4
  12. Angelic Vibrations until 8:10pm
  13. Angelic Intercession x3 (asked angels to imbue both my dragon and the process of creating him/her with angelic qualities)
  14. Angelic Vibrations until 22:00
  15. The Torsion Field x5

On another note, I recently purchased Woven Worlds: Millions. I felt drawn to it because I’ve been getting more and more the desire to expand and experience more, “more” meaning more quantity and more quality experiences. I want to be financially stable, not for the sake of having money and splurging it, but for being able to feel at peace and provide comfort and relief financially-wise for my loved ones. I think of money as a tool, a powerful one one might say, but it’s not my end goal. The end goal is all the feelings and experiences one gets when one is financially secure.
And that’s it! I hope we learn and grow together and I wish everyone a great day/night.

PS: I know there are some clairvoyant people in this forum. If anyone feels like giving me an honest read telling me about my dragon, I’ll send you the image.

(Edited following moderators advice)


Welcome to the forum, CoyoteJr!


Hi, CoyoteJr!
group welcome 7


Thank you both!

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Welcome! the main thing is not to get confused - there are so many interesting things here :sweat_smile:

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Definitely! One of the things I struggle most with is maintaining the same playlist over a long period of time. I believe the cause of it is I don’t really know what is my #1 priority. Of course I have some in mind, like being in shape, being disciplined, getting money… but it is so difficult to arrange them in order. I want to work on them all at the same time jajajaja (spanish laughter btw)


Hi @CoyoteJr welcome to our awesome Forum! :smiley:

Welcome @CoyoteJr! I like your energy already. See you around!

Welcome CoyoteJr!
I like that you were able to commit to 1-2 months of PONR, as well as the angelic-like dragon!

Thanks Jennyfire :)

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Thanks you so much @Gnosticmedic27

That feels like a whole better compliment coming from people in this forum.

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Thank you @benign_polaris! Wasn’t easy, had to set my alarm 1 hour earlier on uni days to have enough time to listen to the whole playlist.

Welcome, @CoyoteJr. :pray: